Information Concerning
Daniel J Huffman and Frances Yancey
submitted by William
Huffman -
Extracts from a letter written by a member of the Huffman family
Daniel Huffman, my father, was the first of our family in Alabama. My uncle Alexander Huffman, came after him in 1832 and lived in the lower end of Tuscaloosa Co., adjoining Pickens. These are the only two of our family who ever lived in Alabama and left descendants in this state. My grandfather, Daniel Huffman, of German descent, and my grandmother, his wife, Elizabeth Patton, of Irish descent, both of whom lived and died in Fairfield Dist, SC about 12 miles from Winsboro. He was a farmer. I don't know when the ancestors of either came to America, nor any of the circumstances. It is recollected in our family that my grandfather was one of 9 brothers who scattered all over the states and who have left descendants of the same. My impression is that their parents never came to America or died soon afterwards.
My great grandfather had children as follows:
Daniel Huffman (my father)
Alexander Huffman
David Huffman Chocktaw Co., Miss . . .
John Rogers Choctaw . . .
Elizabeth Huffman married Joiner Cork in Fairfield Dist, SC
[information excluded here]
[Daniel Jacob Huffman - that follows - grandson of Daniel & Elizabeth Patton Huffman, cited above, and son of Daniel Huffman and Jane Dickey]
. . .Daniel Jacob Huffman . . . married Martha . . . at OakGrove, 10 miles above . . . Rev. Mr. Bryan , a Baptist preacher, a daughter of SC family . . . and was dead when married her. We had one child who died young, and she later dies in a short time. My second wife was Miss Frances Yancey of Tenn. We married at the widow Prudes (old Tom Williams place) by Samuel A. Tarrant.
Her Father was Cyrus Yancey of Tenn. And distantly related to William L Yancey. Her brother was Hiram Yancey, who visited us once. I never saw any of her other relatives. I heard of some of them in Indiana, who wrote to us. I have always farmed and lived in the lower end of Jefferson Co., until 1871 when I moved to Bangor, Blount Co. My children are by Miss Yancey
Margaret Alice, wife of Wesley Parsons, now in
Martha Jane, wife of Andrew Stevens, now living near me in Blount
Sarah Frances, wife of R. I. Baker, now in Bessemer
Thomas Yancey Huffman, now near Bessemer
[DJY - the family is found on the 1850 census of Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama - Daniel & Frances are both recorded as age 33]