John and Elizabeth Lighfoot Moore Yancey
John Yancey, the son of Bartlett Yancey Sr and his wife Ann(Nancy) Graves was born about 1764, probably in Orange County, North Carolina. He married Elizabeth Lightfoot Moore 24 Feb 1789 in Caswell Co., NC. Soon thereafter he moved to Tennessee. He died in Giles County, Tennessee in November of 1818. Documentation for his children, has traditionally been much lacking in Yancey family genealogical reports and charts. Here included are various court records which may help in documenting the family:
Pulaski, Giles County, Tennessee
County Court - August Term 1827
. . . Elizabeth L.Yancey petitions for dower in lands of late husband, John Yancey. Nancy, John, James, Henry, Bartlett, Thomas, Sally, Catharine, Lucy, Phillip, Peggy Yancey - now Gooch, Polly Yancey - now Polly Flannagan - heirs and legatees of John Yancey, deceased.
. . . Ordered that Benjamin Williams be appointed guardian of Sarah Yancey and Catherine Yancey, infant orphans of John Yancey, decd. Whereupon he executed bond and surety as the law directs.
Giles County Deed Book H page 220
John Yancey & others to John Flanagan - 250 acres of land on Richland Creek
. . . Know all men by these present that we Alfred Yancey, Bartlett Yancey, Thomas Yancey, and Nancy Yancey - all of the county and state aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of 378 dollars to us in hand . . . granted to John Flanagan . . . heirs . . .and we the said . . . John, James, Henry, Alfred, Bartlett, Thomas and Nancy Yancey and each . . . heirs . . . in witness set our hands and affix our seals this 18th day of February in the year of our Lord 1829.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
Charles C. [Yancey??]
John S. Crenshaw
H. Yancey
James M. Yancey
Bartlett Yancey
Thomas A. Yancey
A. M. Yancey
Nancy Yancey
Nov Term 1829
Then was the within deed conveyance from John Yancey, James M. Yancey, Bartlett Yancey, Thomas A. Yancey, Alfred M. Yancey and Nancy Yancey to John Flanagan produced in court . . . .
Pulaski 7th Dec 1829
Deed Book D pages 383-385
Registered 16 Mar 1821
Deed of trust
Entered this 19th day of Nov 1819 between Elizabeth L. Yancey, John Yancey and James Yancey of the first part and Homer Rainey, the second part, and E. D. Jones the third part . . . for the sum of eight hundred and ninety six dollars and forty three cents . . . those present witnesses said Elizabeth L. Yancey and James M. Yancey . . . certain tract and parcel of land, situated lying and being on both sides of Richland Creek in county of Giles, state of Tennessee . . . belonging to Captain John Yancey . . . .
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of H. M. Newland, Alfred M. Yancey and Nancy J. Yancey, Joseph Anthony . . . seal
Other signatures:
Elizabeth L. Yancey, John Yancey, James M. Yancey, Homer Rainey, Edward D. Jones.
From these above cited sources and many other records the family of John & Elizabeth Lightfoor Moore appears to have consisted of (not neccesarily in order)
1 - Mary - (Polly) - married John Flanagan
2 - Alfred Moore - married Lucy Ann Yancey
3 - Nancy J. - went to Alabama
4 - John - married and went to NC ???
5 - James Monroe married Sarah Newton and went to Tishomingo Co.,
6 - Henry - married Sarah Prather and Died in TN in 1846
7 - Margarette - married David Gooch and died in TN in 1841
8 - Bartlett married Florilla [_______] and moved to Franklin
Co., AR
9 - Thomas A. married Sarah [______]
10 - Sarah
11 - Catherine
12 - Lucy
13 - Philip
For more info on John's son Alfred M. Yancey see the following cites: