Will of Philemon Kavanaugh Sr. - Orange County, Virginia

In the name of God, Amen, I Philemon Cavanaugh of [St Marks Parish?] County of Orange, being of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God for the same, and knowing the uncertainty of this life do commit this my last will and testament revoking all other will or wills whatsoever.

Imprimis. I recommend my soul to God, who gave it, trusting in and through the merits of my dear Redeemer [for the?] perfect remission of all my sins, my body to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. And what worldly goods it has pleased God to bestow on me I give and bequeath as follows:

1st - I bequeath unto my loving wife Sarah Cavanaugh, during her natural life, four hundred acres of land and a moiety of eight hundred acres of land for which I have a patent bearing date the thirtieth day of June in the year of our Lord MDCCXXVI, including so much of the plantation whereon I now live with houses and orchards etc. whereon I now live, within the bounds of the patent aforesaid. To the said loving wife, her choice of riding horses, saddle, bridle, bed furniture etc.

2nd - I give and bequeath unto my son Charles Cavanaugh, and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, twelve hundred acres of land viz: eight hundred acres whereof I have bequeathed unto my wife Sarah Cavanaugh during [her] life - four hundred acres a moiety thereof - and four hundred acres adjoining thereto, taking part of the plantation whereon I now live. And that my said son hath full power and authority by virtue hereof to grant unto his children if begotten as aforesaid. a [lease?] or [leases?] for their lives of the aforesaid land if my said son shall think convenient to do, not exceeding [___? leases?] for life.

3rd - I give and bequeath unto my son Charles Cavanaugh, two negro fellows George and Pollupas, also four cows and calves etc, and a pair of pistols, my sword and gun, a horse, feather bed, pewter dishes etc.

4th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Winifred Yancey twenty shillings current money to be paid within two years of my decease.

5th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Conner twenty shillings to be paid within two years.

6th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jael Cavanaugh - one negro girl named Jenney, also twentyy shillings.

7th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ellinor one negro girl named Kate.

8th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth, one negro boy named Simon.

9th - I give and bequeath unto my daughters Ellinor, Elizabeth, Anna and Sarah Cavanaugh to be equally divided amongst them one thousand five hundred and Seventy Seven acres of land, part of which tract I had of Henry Willis Esq., known by the name of Parkers Land, sixteen hundred acres, a part of which is now being held by my son-in-laws Lewis Davis Yancey, John Conner, and Thomas Covington, as by deed of gift which will fully appear, but the one thousand five hundred and seventy seven acres aforesaid to the said Ellinor, Elizabeth, Anna, and Sarah Cavanaugh and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, forever. My said daughters to choose their lots according to birthright.

10th - I give and bequeath unto my daughters: Ellinor, Elizabeth, Anne and Sarah and to my son Philemon, each and every one of them a young mare, three sows and pigs, three cows and calves, one featherbed and furniture, three pewter dishes, six pewter plates, one iron pot - to be paid the day of their marriage or of age of eighteen years of age.

11th - I give and bequeath unto my loving son Philemon Cavanaugh and to the heirs of his body forever, five hundred and thirty acres lying and being upon the branches of Muddy Run above Yancey's Mill. Also one half of another survey lying on said Muddy Run branches above the said five hundred and thirty acres adjoining on the land aforesaid - also one tract or parcel of land containing four hundred acres, be the same more or less, adjoining the land of John Latham, upon the river known as Yarbroughs, to him and his heirs forever as aforesaid to be lawfully begotten.

12th - I give and bequeath unto my loving children viz: Philemon, Anna, Sarah and Mary, one young negro to each of them which shall be born of my [_____?] slaves of those be any [____?] and for rent of such negro children born that these my said children viz: Philemon, Anna, Sarah, and Mary and each of them a young negro to be purchased out of the profits of my estate near the age of my said children when they shall arrive at the age aforesaid.

13th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary, six hundred acres land under entry (survey not yet finished) situated and lying on the branches of Mountain Run, Beaverdam Run on the east side of a tract of land now held by Thomas Covington known by the name of Davis Cabins - between the road and James Pendlton's land which I have agreed he shall have - also three cows, three sows and pigs, one fether bed and furniture, three dishes and three plates.

14th - I give and bequeath unto my loving son Charles Cavanaugh all the land lying on the lower side of John Campbells path on the north side of the road known by the name of Thornton's road beginning at the said path where it comes into the said road thence down the said road to Alex McQueens line thence with his line to Tutts line thence including the plantation known by the name of Gorman's Cabin to him and his heirs forever.

15th - Whereas I have several small children to maintain and to educate out of my estate and some legacies to be paid, I desire my said estate may remain together under the same management of my said wife Sarah Cavanaugh and advice of my executors, hereinafter named during her and the said Sarah's widowhood in order to raise the legacies and to maintain and educate the children aforesaid.

And further, my will and desire is that each and every one of my children herafter mentioned viz: Ellinor, Elizabeth, Anna, Philemon, Sarah and Mary may receive their full and equal share of my estate in money as any of them shall arrive to lawful age or the day of their marriage and if it should happen that my wife should marry - my will and desire is that my said wife may have an equal share of my estate as shall be equivalent to those of my children mentioned - and further - My will and desire is after my children have received their legacies and due shares of my estate, as before directed and also my wife her part in case she marries - then all the rewsidue of my estate I give and bequeath to my loving son Philemon Kavanaugh and his heirs forever. But if my wife should live and remain a widow, after all my said children children be paid as before said - that then my estate remaining continue in her care during her life and then to go to my son Philemon as aforesaid.

Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint my wife, Sarah Cavanaugh, Executrix, and my son Charles Cavanaugh and my son-in-law Thomas Covington, Executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ninth day of April One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fourty Three.


Know all men by these [____?] that I Philemon Cavanaugh do think proper to amend the ninth clause of my will - whereas I have given my loving daughters Ellinor, Elizabeth, Anne, and Sarah 1577 acres of land - now if either of my daughters have more than one son my will is that the said land shall be divided between the two surviving sons of either of my daughters and their heirs forever as witness my hand and seal the day and year first above written

Philemon Kavanaugh

The above will and schedule signed sealed and
ackowledged in presence of:
James Pendleton
Elizabeth Pendleton
Ann Clayton
Philip Clayton

Will of Charles Kavanaugh - Madison County, Kentucky

In the name of God, Amen, the thirteenth day of October in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Five, I Charles Kavanaugh, Sr of Madison County and state of Kentucky, being of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God, for the same, and calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul to God who gave it, as for my body, I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a christian-like manner, at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same by the almighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate as I am possessed with I give and dispose of the same in manner and form following, that is to say:

First: I desire my tract of land lying on the Kentucky River below the mouth of Drowning Creek be divided in quantity and quality, between James Mills Moore and Charles Kavanaugh Moore, and Elizabeth Mills Moore (his two children). That the said James Mills Moore have one half of the said tract of land of the first choice - having regard to quantity and quality as above mentioned, and the said Charles and Elizabeth - his children, the other have of the said tract of land. Provided further, that if said land, or any part of it, should be lost by a prior claim or any other means, the loss shall not fall on the remaining part of the estate. However, if a loss should take place of a part of the land it shall be equally proportioned between said Moore and his two children, according to the quantity first given.

Item - Whereas, I have a law suit depending for a certain tract of land and the rents thereof in Culpeper County and state of Virginia, which if I should gain, I desire my executors William and Charles Kavanaugh and Peter Woods, or whoever goes in to transact the business, after being paid for their trouble out of what is recovered, shall deliver the balance with all the rest of my estate into the hands of my wife Ann Kavanaugh, during her life, then the whole of the estate at her death to be equally divided between my five children, viz: Mary, William, Charles, Jael, and Sarah Ann. I give and bequeath to the heirs of my eldest son, Philemon Kavanaugh, the sum of five shillings sterling and no more, as I have already given the said Philemon such parts of my estate as I intended, and I do hereby utterly revoke and disannul all former testaments, wills and legacies by me in any way made before this time - ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the year and day above written.

Charles Kavanaugh Sr (L.S.)

Signed, sealed published, pronounced and declared by the said Charles Kavanaugh as his last will and testament in the presence of:

Will Irvine; Is. Hockaday; William Fox

[probated October 1796 in Madison County, Kentucky]

Will of Philemon Kavanaugh Jr. - Culpeper County, Virginia

In the name of God, Amen, I Philemon Kavanaugh, being weak and low, but of sound mind and memory, and calling to mind the mortality of man, that all men must die, therfore, constitute and appoint this my last will and testament, revoking all other will or wills, and as to my worldly goods that it has pleased God to bless me with, my desire is, that they be disposed of in the manner following, to wit:

Imprimis: I render my soul to God, who gave it and I desire my body be decently buried in a christian-like manner, at the discretion of my executors, hereinafter named.

Item - My will and desire is that one moiety of that land, whereon my brother Charles Kavanaugh now lives, be sold by my executors, and that my said brother do make lawful deed to the purchaser, for the same, and the other moiety remaining, I give right thereof to my said brother, to him and his heirs forever.

Item - I lend to my loving wife, Ann Kavanaugh, the land and plantation whereon I now live during her natural life, or widowhood, and at her decease or day of marriage, I do give the said land to my son Benjamin Kavanaugh, to him and his heirs forever.

Item - I lend all the residue of my estate, after paying all my just debts, to my said wife, Ann Kavanaugh, for her during her natural life or widowhood, and at her decease or day of marriage, my will and desire is that my said estate, with the money arising from the sale of the above mentioned land, be equally divided amongst all my children.

I do constitute and appoint my loving wife Ann Kavanaugh and executrix, and my loving friend, William Williams, executor of this my last will and testament, revoking and disannuling all other will or wills, legacies or bequeaths whatsoever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of February in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Four.

Philemon Kavanaugh

Signed sealed and published in the presence of:

Charles Kavanaugh
Charles Yancey
Ann Kavanaugh

[Will was probated March of 1764 in Culpeper County]

Will of Philemon Kavanaugh III - Orange County Virginia

Abstract: The will of Philemon Kavanaugh III mentions his brother-in-law John Taylor. It was probated in Orange County in 1785.

Will of Lewis Davis Yancey - Culpeper County Virginia

In the name of God, Amen, I LEWIS DAVIS YANCEY, of the county of Culpeper, being in perfect sense and memory, blessed be God, yet knowing the uncertainty of this mortal life, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all wills prior made. First, I bequeath my soul unto the hands of its Divine Author, trusting in the forgiveness of my savior to receive pardon and remission of all my sins. My body I commit unto the earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my executors and as to worldly goods, it has pleased God to bless me with, I dispose of the same in the manner following:

Item: I give and bequeath to my following children (viz) CHARLES, RICHARD, LEWIS, JOHN, PHILEMON, ANN NALL, and WINIFRED NALL one shilling Sterling each, they having received their full portion of my slaves and personal estate.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son JAMES, two slaves, Judy and Posh on this provision, that my son JAMES, should live and make application for them within two years after my deceased, but if he should die or fail to apply for them within the time aforesaid then the slaves I give to my son ROBERT, should he survive, but in case he should die without being in legal possession, I then direct the said slaves and their increase to be equally divided between all my children and their representatives.

Item: I lend to my beloved wife WINIFRED all the rest and residue of my slaves and personal estate after my just debts are paid during her natural life and after her decease, I give the same to my beloved son ROBERT and his heirs but in case he should die in the service of his country and not return to enjoy the same, I then direct the whole to be equally divided between all my children and their representatives.

Item: I appoint my beloved sons, LEWIS, RICHARD, and ROBERT executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills, in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand seal this seventeenth day of April 1778.


Signed, sealed, published & declared by the said LEWIS DAVIS YANCEY as his last will in the presence of:


A codicil to the above will, made this day and year, underwritten:

It being my will and desire to alter the second clause in my will above, do in manner and form following: making the said clause entire and substituting in its stead, viz, I give and bequeath to my loving son, ROBERT YANCEY, two slaves, viz, Judy and Posh, he paying unto my loving son, JAMES YANCEY, sixty pounds in gold or labor when demanded ( as equivalent for the above two negroes) to him and his heirs forever, in witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of May 1782.

Signed sealed and acknowledged,


In presence of:

At court held for Culpeper County April 22, 1788, this last will and testament of LEWIS DAVIS YANCEY, deceased, was exhibited to the court by ROBERT YANCEY, executor therein named and was proven by the oaths of JAMES PENDLETON and HENRY PENDLETON, two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded, and at court held for Culpeper County June 16 1788, a codicil to the last will and testament of LEWIS DAVIS YANCEY, deceased, was proven by the oath of BIRKETT DAVENPORT, one of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of the said executor, certificate is granted him for obtaining the probate thereof in due form, he having made each thereto and given bond and security according to law, liberty bring reserved for the other executor to qualify when he may think fit.



[Thomas Covington married first - Jael Kavanaugh (daughter of Philemon Sr) and later married her sister Elizabeth Kavanaugh]

In the name of God, Amen, I Thomas Covington, of St Marks Parish, Culpeper County, being very sick and weak, but of sound mind. & memory, thanks be to God for the same, and calling to mind the uncertainty of this life do constitute this, and this only, to be my last will and testament in manner and form following. Viz.:

Imprimis: I recommend my soul to God, who gave it, trusting in and through the merits of Jesus Christ to obtain perfect remission of all my sins in full assurance of a joyful resurrection to Eternal Life. & what worldly goods it has pleased almighty God to bestow on me (after my just debts are paid) I give and bequeath as following:

Item. I lend to my beloved wife, during her natural life, my lot of land in the town of Fairfax on the main street thereof numbered seventeen, whereon I now live together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging. Also, her choice of all my horses, mares & colts, her side saddle, and furniture and one [____?] bed and furniture, with what meat & [_____?] I shall leave.

Item. My will and desire is that my track of land which I had of Col. William Green on the branches of [Mountain?] & Muddy Run including [Stonehouse?] Mountain together with my two lots purchased of Mr. Robert Coleman in the said town numbered seven & thirty-five. in a plan of the said town, be sold by my Executors hereafter mentioned.

Item. My further will and desire is that the residue of my estate be divided between my beloved wife, Elizabeth, and my beloved daughters Ann Faver and Sarah Tutt to them and their heirs forever. The lot of land lent my wife, after her decease to be equally divided between my said daughters and their representatives.

Lastly, I do hereby constituite & appoint my trusty & beloved friends: William Brown, William Williams & John Green, Gentlemen, Executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this fifth day of December 1766.

Thos. Covington (L.S.)

Signed, sealed, published in presence of

[E?] Clayton, Robt Coleman, Jno Gray

[Will was probated 15 January of 1767 in Culpeper County]


[Edward married Eleanor Kavanaugh, daughter of Philemon Kavanaugh Sr]

"Culpeper County, Virginia: Will Book A, 1749 - 1770" page 19  "Will of Edward Stubblefield, 19 October 1750

Edward Stubblefield of St. Mark's Parish and county of Culpeper Virga.

To my loving wife Elener Stubblefield one mullater woman named Cate, also won mulatter boy named Will.

To my daughter Ann Stubblefield one mulatter garl none by the name of Fillis, two cows and calves, one young mare, two sows and pigs.

My giners tools I give and bequeath to my brother Thomas Stubblefield provided he pays my wife Elener Stubblefield six pounds other ways if he thinks not well to pay her the six pounds my desire is that my wife sells them.

What children shall be born of the said mulatto woman Cate after my decease may be equally divided between my wife and child.

All the residue of my estate I give and bequeath to my loving wife Elener Stubblefield for ever.

I doe hereby nominate and appoint my loving wife Elener Stubblefield Exrs and and my brother Thos. Stubblefield and my bro in law Lewis Davis Yancey Extors.

Edward (X) Stubblefield"


[Thomas married Eleanor Kavanaugh Stubblefield, daughter of Philemon Kavanaugh Sr and widow of Edward Stubblefield]

Abstract: Will of Thomas Brown was probated 21 December 1758. He had one daughter Eleanor. He also speaks of his brother Daniel, Coleman, and William and neice Elizabeth Fergeson.


[ This William was the son of William Covington II and his wife Rosamond. They had a daughter Anne who married a Kavanaugh - it is thought by many that this is the wife of Charles Kavanaugh - the son of Philemon & Sarah Williamss Kavanaugh]

In the name of God, Amen, I William Covington of Essex County and of the parish of South Franham, considering the frailty of my body do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following: Viz.

First, I give my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body to be Christian-like buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named.

2nd, I give unto my son, Luke Covington, all my lands, houses and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him and his heirs forever. Also I give him three negroes: Minge, George, and Jue to him and his heirs forever. Also I give him one young gray mare, one feather bed, and furniture, which is commonly called his own, and one black walnut desk and my least oval table and four best shears, seven head of cattle of the middling sort, half my hogs and half my sheep.

3rd I give unto my daughter Grisel Smith the two negroes James and Rak to her and her heirs forever. Also one feather bed and furniture with equal value to that I gave my son Luke. Also one chest of drawers with the looking glass that stands thereon, four head of cattle of equal value to them I gave my son Luke. Likewise one young black mare.

4th I give unto my son William Covington one negro man named Elsea.

5th I give unto my son Richard Covington one negro named Ben.

6th I give unto my son Robert Covington one negro named Ceaser.

7th I give my negro woman Dinah and her child called Esther and all the rest of my beds and furniture not yet given to be equally divided amongst all my children: Thomas, William, Richard, Robert & Luke Covington, Anne Kavanaugh, Mary Brown, and Grisel Smith.

8th I give all the rest of my horses, cattle, hogs and sheep, not yet given to be equally divided between my son Thomas Covington, Anne Kavanaugh, and Mary Brown. Carried up brought forward my will and desire is that after my debts are paid, all the remaining part of my estate that is not heretofore given be equally divided amongst all my children: Thomas, William, Richard, Robert, and Luke Covington, Anne

Kavanaugh, Mary Brown, Grisel Smith and I do constitute and appoint my two sons: Thomas Covington and Luke Covington executors to this my last will and testament in witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 22 day of April, 1762.

Wm. Covington

Signed sealed and delivered

in the presence of:

James Newbill
Thomas Crutcher
James Webb

[will probated 20 December 1762 in Essex Co., Virginia]


[This William was the son of William Covington III and Ann Coleman. Many researchers record his wife as one Frances Kavanaugh - though documentation for this seems lacking, various family records record her name as such. Her parentage is undocumented - although many record her as a daughter of Philemon Kavanaugh Sr. or Jr. - Frances Kavanaugh Covington seems to have died before this will was written]

In the name of God, Amen, I William Covington of Culpeper County, being in a weak and low state of health, but through the mercy of God is restored my proper senses, doth make this my last will and testament and revoking all other wills heretofore made by me.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Ellinor Hensley a certain tract or parcel of land adjoining John Strother and the North side of the South Fork of the Rush River being part of one hundred acres I bought of the said John Strother, beginning at a white oak standing on the river bank near a large rock that runs into the river thru a northerly course to a long line of marked trees to John Strothers line to the river and up the river to the beginning supposed to be about fifty acres which said land I give to my daughter Ellinor and her heirs forever be the same more or less.

Item - my will is that all my land lying above the mouth of a small branch that comes round my upper meadow empties into the river near opposite to the upper end of Francis Covingtons meadow setting of from a small hickory thence running northerly to a line of marked trees beginning at two red oaks and a white oak, thence running near the course of the old field westerly to a white oak and hickory sapling, thence a north course to John Strother's line on my back line, thence along the said line to my corner and my brother Richard Covington, thence down a branch that is a line or boundary between myself and Richard Covington to the River, thence down the river to the beginning, supposed to be about one hundred and fifty acres, be the same more or less, which said land I leave to be equally divided between my three youngest daughters: Grizzel Cooper, Elizabeth Covington, and Lucy Covington, to them and their heirs forever.

Item - I give all the rest of my land except the acres I reserve for a burial ground to my son Robert Covington, to him and his heirs forever.

Item - I give my negro man, Simon, to my son Robert Covington, to him and his heirs forever.

Item - My will is that at my death, all my personal estate shall be equally divided between my daughter Elizabeth Covington and Lucy Covington.

Item - I appoint my son Robert Covington, Robert Hensley, and William Covington to be my executors to this my last will and testament, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eleventh day of February, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Three.

W. Covington (L.S.)

Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the said William Covington as his last will and testament in the presence of us:

Francis Covington
Ezekiel Wright
John Wright
Aggness Hensley


In the name of God, Amen. The 26th day of June and in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Two, I Benjamin Cave, of the County of Orange, being of good and perfect memory, thanks be to God, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form folowing. That is to say, first I bequeath my soul and spirit into the hands of Almighty God, my Heavanly Father, by whom of his mercy and only grace, I trust to be saved and received into eternal rest through the death of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, in whose precious blood, I set the whole and only hope of my salvation, my wrteched body, in hope of a joyful ressurection, I commit to the earth to be buried and touching the dustribution of my mortal goods, I dispose of the same as followeth:

First, I lend all my houses and plantation whereon I now live, to my dear and loving wife, Hannah Cave, during her life and after her decease, to my son William Cave and his heirs.

Item - I giv eunto my son, John Cave, in Culpeper County, 125 acres of land, in the said county to be laid of f from the river to the back of an equal width to him and his.

Item - I give also unto my son, Benjamin Cave, 200 acres of land, of the said tract, in Culpeper County, to be laid off at the upper end to him and heirs.

Item - I give also unto my son, David Cave, the remaining part of my land, in the said county, 128 acres of land, more or less, to him and his heirs.

Item - I give untomy son, William Cave, my right of a lease in this county, during ______?] term. I lend unto my wife, Hannah Cave, five negroes vix. Jack, Moll, Cate, Dinah & Preston, during her life and after her decease, to be equally divided among my four sons, Benjamin, William, David & Richard Cave, and my four daughters, Elizbaeth Johnson, Ann Cavender [Kavanaugh] , Sarah & Hannah Cave, and their heirs & assignees.

Item. I give unto my son, Benjamin Cave, one negro fellow named Parker, to him & his heirs & assignees. I give unto my son William Cave, two negroes named Joby & Sam, to him & his heirs and assignees. I give unto my son David Cave, two negroes named Tom & Milley, a wench, to him his heirs & assignees. I give unto my son Richard Cave, three negroes named Phillis, a wench, one boy named Harry & boy named Bob, to him & his heirs & assignees. I give unto my daughter Sarah Cave, three negroes, a wench named Lucy, a boy named Sam, and a girl named Jenny, to her & her heirs & assignees. I give unto my daughter Hannah Cave, four negroes named Juda, Pompy, James & George to her and her heirs & assignees. I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Johnson, two negroes a wench named Juda and a boy named Jack,. to her & her heirs & assignees. Lastly, I give unto my daughter, Ann Cavender, one negro wench named Violet, to her and her heirs & assignees. As to my other estate, I give unto my son David Cave, one feather bed & furniture & I give to my daughter, Sarah Cave, one bed & furniture. I give also unto my son David Cave, one young horse named Prince. I give unto my son John Cave, one large square table. I give unto my daughter, Hannah Cave, one feather bed & furniture. And as to the other part of my estate, I lend it to my loving wife to dispose of as she shall think proper & necessary, during her widowhood and I do hereby appoint my loving wife, Hannah Cave & my two sons, John Cave & Benjamin Cave, Executor & Executors of this my last will and testament. In witness wherof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year above mentioned.

Benjamin Cave (Seal)

John Crittendon Webb
John Bledsoe
Anthony Colson

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