Further Thoughts Concerning Origins of the
Yancey Family
Do the Yanceys really descend from families of Welsh
descent ??
Are they connected to the Nanney family of Wales ??
Is there truth to the story of 4 brothers coming in 1642 with Sir
William Berkeley??
Main report concerning Origin of Family
Other sites include:
Nanney Family
of Arms among the Yancey Family
Yanceys in America
Quit Rent Rolls
Besides the above sites, the following points should
be kept in mind
Notes by Dennis J Yancey: dyancey@miami.edu
- The "story" of the Yanceys being of Welsh
descent, is a story that reaches back nearly 200 years,
if not longer. The first known reference to it is a
"primary source document" - a
letter written by a member of the Shepard Family (of
Yancey descent) in 1805. It is in this same letter that
the first known mention of the connection between the
Yanceys and Nanneys is made. The letter does not mention
WHEN the Yanceys/Nanneys came to America - but it was
probably within 3 to 5 generations of those who wrote
this letter - and thus you would expect it to be of some
credible evidence.
- The similarity between Coat
of Arms among the Yancey Family and those bore by
members of the Nanney family - as reported by the above
letter and other sources has proven out.
- One interesting point is the fact that the story of the
Welsh origin of the family has been carried down (often
apparently totally independant) in most ALL branches of
the family - virtually all published
accounts of the family (from 1880 to the present) of
different branches of the family all recount the Welsh
story. The story has even been passed down in the NANNEY
family as various researchers have discovered.
- I have seen various claims/reports from researchers who
have studied the
origin of names in general - they often seem to be
stumped when they come to the Yancey name - You can find
everything from claims that the name is of Hebrew origin
to French to one claim that the name is connected to the
name of Langlois. None of these claims appear to be based
on anything but a guess.
- I will be the first one to say that the specific story of
the four or five Welsh brothers coming over with Sir
William Berkeley in 1642 seems very hard to believe -
especially in view of the fact that the first documented
Yancey is not found
until 1704 - and if they had been connected with Sir
William Berkeley and come over in 1642 - there SURELY
would have been record of them - and they would have been
land-owners if they were close friends with Berkeley -
and yet by 1704 the only land-owner of the Yancey family
was Charles Yancey with a meager 100 acres. My own
opinion is that they came to America much closer to the
1700's and were probably people of modest means. I would
think that if they came over about 1700 that within 3 or
4 generations by 1805 (when the Shepard letter was
written) that descendants would still have a general idea
of where they came from and family connections etc.
- The Welsh connection was not a story or report generated
within recent decades by a genealogist overly zealous in
making an Old World connection as is some times the case
- or a report from some mail-order company of
questionable repute giving out "genealogies to
order" totally ignoring family stories and
documentary evidence (such as Halberts and others) - It
is a story that has been passed on for nearly 200 years
(if not longer).
- The Yancey-Nanney
and/or Welsh connection - surely lacks concrete evidence.
But of all the records that have been researched over the
years by hundred of researchers it seems to be the story
that holds more water than any other - Does that make it
true? Of course not. But I have serious doubts as to
whether we will ever be able to prove it one way or the
other - records have been lost, first hand accounts have
been lost. All we have to go on is the circumstantial and
partial evidence with which we find ourselves - and
everyone has the ability to interpret that evidence
according to their own point of view and opinion - I just
hope we look at ALL the evidence and make a fair judgment
- and realize that its OK to NOT come to a concrete
conclusion - there just doesn't seem to be enough
evidence for it - but the Welsh/Nanney connection seem to
be the one most held up by Family stories and some
circumstantial evidence.
- A thorough analysis of the 1850
census does not find a single Yancey born outside of
the US (I have copies of virtually every Yancey household
on the 1850 census). Further analysis shows that over 61%
of those found on the 1850 census are known to have
descended from either the two main branches of the Yancey
family. Another 35% trace back to lines that have not
been "linked" back to these two branches of the
family in Virginia but show evidence that they probably
were descended from these two branches. Of the entire
1850 census only 11 Yanceys appeared as if they probably
did not descend from the Yanceys of Virginia (and 10 of
those were Yanceys of African Asmerican descent of
uncertain origin). A similar analysis of the 1880 Soundex
was made with very similar results
- The tens of thousands of pages of the Yancey
Family Genealogical Collection available to all
Yancey family researchers - and representing hundreds of
different researchers as far as I have been able to
determine does not make mention of a single branch of the
family or a single shred of evidence of any documented
old world connection - of any Yancey family that does not
descend form the Yanceys of Virginia - I have never seen
a single pedigree chart of a Yancey family tracing their
lineage out of the US - to Wales, to Ireland, to France
or any other place. The one exception to the above
statement is a family
by name of JANTZI of Switzerland - among whom various
descendant in the mid 1800's changed their name here in
America (after a few generations of being here) to YANCEY
(To keep the anglicized pronunciation in sync with the
original pronunciation of Jantzi) . They do not appear to
have any similar traits to the Yancey family of Virginia
and the fact that a small branch of their family happens
to spell the name the same as ours seems total
- Many genealogists over the years have attempted to
contact members of the Yancey family over-seas. Many
looking in phone directories etc. to locate Yanceys
abroad. The very rare cases where I have known their to
be success - the party found appears to have been people
who themselves had left the US or were descendants of
people who left the US. A search of current Irish phone
books did not result in a single occurrence of person by
surname Yancey/Yancy (although there were
- With the boom of Genealogy - and the boom of the Internet
- If there were any Irish Yanceys or any Yanceys who had
made documented connections to anywhere in the Old World
- it seems strange to me that they have not popped up as
of yet.
- The name YANCEY does appear (rarely) on
US immigration records. An analysis of these records
often appears to show that although the name was spelled
YANCEY on the Index to the original records - the
original record casts much doubt on whether the name was
actually YANCEY or YANCY. Many appear to be the name
TANSEY / TANCEY. I feel it quite unsafe to just assume
that these names are indeed YANCEY (when so often the
handwriting is all but illegible) - and without any
living (or at least known) descendants of these
immigrants with records to really document that the name
was indeed YANCEY. Anyone who has looked at original
Yancey census records knows what I mean - how many
different ways has the YANCEY name been transcribed on
and the list goes on and on - yet we all know that in the
Yancey/Yancy family there are virtually only two
variations of the spelling of the name - all the
variations on the census records appear solely to be
because of the illegibility of the handwriting or the
carelssness of the record-keeper. There seems to be even
more problems with immigration records. There were
multi-millions of immigrants to America - if the Yancey
name did appear in the Old World from 1600-1800 I find it
hard to believe that it was so rarey recorded on the
millions (billions?) of US immigration records (only a
handful). My guess is that those rare cases that do exist
are mis-transcriptions. But I certainly would be
interested in finding someone who descends from one of
these immigrants - to decide this one way or the other.
- Name Variation In my research of the
Yancey family - from earliest times down to the present -
I have been rather intrigued to find that the spelling of
the name is so consistent among all branches of the
family. My research indicates that among White Anglo
Yanceys that there are only two variations
in the spelling of the surname: 1) Y-A-N-C-E-Y and 2)
Y-A-N-C-Y. My research also indicates that the first
spelling (with the E) is by far the dominant spelling.
Over the years I have created a computer
database of all Yanceys/Yancys etc that I could find
record of (from the earliest times down to current
generations). I now have a database of about 10,000
persons by name of Yancey/Yancy. Of these 10,000 entries
about 9,000 it would appear used the spelling YANCEY as
the accepted spelling while only about 1000 have I been
able to document who actually used the YANCY spelling as
the accepted spelling and passed such spelling on from
one generation to the next. I will be the first to admit
- that on census records, deeds, even wills and other
records - there ARE various versions of the name (ex:
YANCIE, YAUNCEY, YANCE, YANSIE etc) but it would seem
that most all of these variations were either caused by
carelessness of the person recording the document, or
just because someone spelled it as they thought correct -
without really verifying it - as well as people getting
the name wrong because when they transcribed it from the
"hardly legible" original document errors were
made. I have even found genealogists who had spelled the
name YANCY throughout their computer database records -
even though the name was (in such particular branch of
the family) obviously correct as YANCEY. And even the
lines that use the spelling YANCY as the accepted
spelling you can usually trace their line back far enough
where it connects with families where the accepted
spelling was YANCEY - indicating that from one generation
to the next - for whatever reason, intentional or not,
the name in a few branches of the family was changed from
YANCEY to YANCY (This usually happened in the mid 1800's)
Name changes in the 1900's are quite rare.
I have also checked address statistics using various
address search engines on the Internet. It would seem
that there are somewhere over 7,000+ Yancey/Yancy
households across the country. For every YANCY household
their seems to be about 5 YANCEY households. My research
indicates that the use of the spelling YANCY (vs YANCEY)
is much more common among African Americans who use the
name) - And this may explain why in my genealogical
computer database the ratio of YANCY to YANCEY is lower
than this 1 to 5 ratio (because even though I have always
tried to include African American Yanceys in my database
- genealogical records for them are more scarce and fewer
would have made it into my database) Most of the 500
YANCYS in my genealogical database ARE WHITE Yancys. But
however you look at it, the dominant spelling is YANCEY
and about the only other variation among Anglos is YANCY
(among Blacks in rare cases I have seen the spelling
I would compare these statistics to other names among
which variations in spelling etc. are MUCH more common.
Pick for example the
KAVANAUGH name - there are 10's of different
variations on the spelling of the name and different
branches of the family which appear to have no close (if
any) connection. The name has existed in Europe and
America across various centuries and their have been many
people and many times and many places immigrating to
America. The consistency on the spelling and the history
and origin of the family in all means very diverse - even
though most all came from an Irish Ancestry. There are
hundreds of different branches of the family who can
trace their line back to totally different immigrant
ancestors, different spellings of the name, different
family traditions etc.
NOW compare the KAVANUGH family to the YANC(E)Y Family -
all Yanceys who can trace their line back far enough seem
to be able to connect into ONE group of families found
living in the Hanover/Culpeper area of Virginia. I have
NEVER been able to contact even one person who has been
able to trace his line - out of the country to the Old
World or prove that he was NOT a descendant of these
Hanover/Culpeper Yancey families - EVEN though many have
not been able to make the connection. I have NEVER been
able to contact people living in Europe who currently use
the name YANC(E)Y - nor have I EVER been able to prove
the existence of a YANCEY family who passed the name as
such from one generation to the next (IN EUROPE - or
anywhere outside of America). YES, on rare occasions I
have seen the YANCEY name pop up on various very large
European indexes etc. - but the names seemed to be
extremely uncommon - and nothing to PROVE that the name
was (without doubt) YANCEY - but could well have been a
mis-transcriptions of names such as JANCEY/JAUNCEY -
mis-written by either the original data taker (such as
the original census taker) - or mis-transcribed by a
current indexer or transcriber due to the unclear nature
of the spelling or writing.