Descendants of Philip
Henry Yancey (1825-1905)
and Sophronia Carden (1824-1912)
information submitted by
Darlene Hough -
Family Reflections By Marion Yancey Heilner
This will be a brief summary of our lives and family as I plan on taping my personal history for everyone as did my brother, Elvie. The story of how we ended up in Canada is an interesting one and connected to Mormonism of course. It all began in Mississippi with my great grandfather Phillip Henry and Sophronia Carden Yancey.They came from Alabama some time after the civil war to begin a new life in those troubling times.They had lost so much in Pickens County. My grandfather, Jasper, had already come to Mississippi and encouraged them to come. Phillip Henry was born in Giles Co. Tennessee. His father was Alfred M and his mother was Lucy Ann. Don't know how he came to meet Sophronia as she was from Pickens Co. Alabama. There is supposed to be a family connection between the Larkin Carden family in Giles County and the Cardens in Pickens County. Anyway, Phillip married in 1842 in Pickens. He was named for two of his uncles, Phillip and Henry. His brother T.B. was named after two more uncles, Thomas and Bartlett and was referred to as "Bart" or T B . Phillip's son, William L also named a son Thomas Bartlett known as Bart and T.B. He moved to Arkansas. His granddaughter Dixie Sanders has written to me and I sent her copies of the Yancey family letters. My father told me that Phillip and Jasper joined the [Mormon] church while in Mississippi and that Phillip was ordained a priest about 1884. Phillip Henry served in the Civil War while living in Pickens County. They were living in Monroe County ,Mississippi when they were introduced into the Mormon religion. It was dangerous to be a Mormon in those days. The missionaries were often targets of mobbings. George Albert Smith [later prophet and president of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Mormons] was in charge of the Branch and knew the family. One night a mob threatened to tar and feather President Smith and he was given refuge and protection at the home of Jasper. Jasper resisted the mobs and sat on his porch all night with a shot gun in his lap so Pres. Smith could get some sleep. He never forgot that kindness and risk that Jasper took. It was at the suggestion of Elder Brown and Pres. Smith that my father (William Elvie) came to Utah in 1891 to look "things over" with the thoughts of moving to Utah. My father had not been baptized yet-he was not "sure". After finding work and new friends he coaxed his father to sell out and come west. They followed a few years later only to find disappointment and hurt feelings. They arrived on a cold winter night only to get off at the wrong station with no one to meet them. Father and others were waiting for them at Provo. Jasper and family were taken care of that night by Mr. Anderson and were able to locate father the next day. Jasper wanted to return home at once. This move was not the ideal move the family had hoped for. They lived for a time in Linden and then on to Pleasant Grove. It was while living here Jasper became disenchanted with the Mormon church. He had problems with neighbors stealing his irrigation water and one was his Bishop. Upset and disappointed he never went back to church and desired to return to Mississippi. Father felt that since he was responsible for the family moving to Utah he would work and save the money for their return. Elder Brown was taking a group of settlers and supplies to Cardston, Alberta, Canada which was a Mormon settlement, and asked father to hire on and go along. After discussing it with the family it was decided he should go. Shortly after his arrival in Cardston he met mother and knew in his heart she was to be his wife. Mother felt the same way about him. Mother was 17 and he almost 10 years older and not a Mormon met with strong family disapproval. But soon Father, with his gentlemanlike southern manner and charm soon won them over. He started to really study the gospel to "prove " to mother it was wrong since he knew the Bible almost by heart it was said. By trying to prove the Book of Mormon was wrong he became convinced of its truth and was baptized in 1898 in Lee's Creek as were all of us children. Father worked in a coal mine while courting mother and wrote wonderful letters to her. She saved those letters and all of the family now have copies of them. They are a testimony of his wonderful southern manner and his caring ways. He really did care about others. Mother and father were married March 29,1900 in Cardston and sealed in 1908. The children were, Elvie, Oliver, Hugh, Rose Marie, myself (Marion), Ruth and Don Merlin. Oliver died at age 16 in 1918 which was a sorrow we never got over.
Mother was a wonderful seamstress and helped support the family. The clothing worn in the photograph of Mother and Father with three of the boys are examples of her fine skill. She was to encourage all of her daughters to sew and in turn,all of their daughters. Rose Marie became a world famous bathing suit designer. She also designed for Cortina knits clothing line and established the Reid-Meredith wig company. She also designed the two-piece LDS garments. Her ggg grandmother, Elizabeth Warren Allred designed and sewed the first ones with Joseph Smith. Rose testified she felt her presence and inspiration while working on such a holy assignment. E1vie, Hugh, Ruth and Don were wonderful artists. All remained active in the church. In 1916 the family moved to Weiser, Idaho where father became a bishop and faithful church leader. From Weiser we moved to Baker ,Or and lived on Campbell street. Baker was where the three of us girls opened up our beauty shop on Court street across from where our home is now. These were happy years in Baker and soon all of married and started out on our own. Father died August 30,1938 of cancer of the kidney. Mother was devastated of course as we all were. Mother lived until 1965 never marrying again.
Marion Yancey Heilner - daughter of William Elvie and Marie Hyde Yancey.
(The foregoing was recorded by Marion's niece Darlene Hough on Oct 7,1990 while visiting in Cardston.
Additional notes by Darlene Yancey Hough:
In Oct 1990 Aunt Marion and I drove to Cardston to visit with
family members and take a walk "down memory lane ". My
mother,Ruth ,often told me about the days in Canada and has
written a history of her life for me. When we stood on the ground
where the family home once stood overlooking the Cardston of
today we could not keep the tears from our eyes. As Aunt Marion
viewed all of the beauty and the Cardston Temple her comment was
simply,"Life was hard here but so worth every moment."
I am grateful for my heritage from such wonderful grandparents. They had a love for each other unequaled. I once asked grandmother why she never remarried and I will never forget the answer she gave to me and I quote" Because I never wanted to! Daddy is going to get me exactly the way he left me"...and he did.
Photos of Sons of Philip Henry & Sophronia Yancey
submitted by Sam Yancy -
Alfred Jordan Yancey & wife
Thomas Bartlett Yancey and William L. Yancy
Newton Yancy
Jasper Yancey
William and Albert Yancy
William L. Yancy