Charles Yancey is below recorded as owning land in King William County in 1704. One must note, however, that by 1711 Charles Yancey was found in St Pauls parish in New Kent County, from which Hanover county was formed in 1720. Whether Charles Yancey actually moved from King William County to New Kent (later Hanover) OR whether there were slight boundary changes of the counties which would have changed his residency from King William to New Kent is unclear. It should also be noted that various families which the Yanceys are associated with - are recorded on the 1704 Quit Rent Rolls as living in New Kent County. Also note entry for Lewis Davis (For which Lewis Davis Yancey may have been named for.
[For more information click here]
Abbott Robt | 100 |
Adam James | 400 |
Alcock John | 190 |
Alvey Robert | 400 |
Anderson Wm Capt | 150 |
Andrew Wm | 100 |
Armsby John | 200 |
Arnold Anthony | 100 |
Arnold Benj | 1000 |
Baker John | 250 |
Baker Tho | 100 |
Basset Coll Qr | 1550 |
Beck Wm. N.K. | 1600 |
Bell Edwds | 580 |
Beverley Harry M.S. | 600 |
Bibb Benj | 100 |
Bickley Joseph | 150 |
Bird Wm Maj Qr | 1200 |
Bobo Elizb | 200 |
Bray David J.C.C.. | 1000 |
Bray James Qr | 1400 |
Brightwell Elizb | 300 |
Browne Abraham | 250 |
Browne Joseph | 270 |
Bunch Paul | 150 |
Burch Henry | 580 |
Burges Edwd | 150 |
Burrel Suprian | 350 |
Burrus John | 60 |
Burrus Thomas | 60 |
Burwell Majr | 4700 |
Butler Thomas | 150 |
Buttris Robt | 400 |
Carr Thomas | 500 |
Celar John | 100 |
Chadwick Wm | 150 |
Cathern John | 180 |
Chiles Henry Qr | 700 |
Claibourne John | 50 |
Claibourne Tho Capt | 1000 |
Claibourne Wm Coll | 3000 |
Clark Margarett | 100 |
Clement Benj. G.C. | 600 |
Coakes Robert | 100 |
Coates Wm | 50 |
Cockram Joseph | 600 |
Cockram Wm | 200 |
Cradock Samll | 600 |
Craushaw Thomas | 150 |
Dabney Benj | 200 |
Dabney George | 290 |
Dabney James | 200 |
Davenport Davis | 200 |
Davenport Martin | 100 |
Davis John | 200 |
Davis Lewis | 200 |
Davis Robert | 200 |
Davis Wm | 200 |
Dickason Thomas | 100 |
Dickason Wm | 100 |
Dillon Henry | 150 |
Donnell John Mr. | 150 |
Dorrell Sampson Qr | 5000 |
Douglas Wm | 200 |
Downer John | 300 |
Downes Elias | 300 |
Edward James | 350 |
Egny Elizb | 100 |
Elliot Thomas | 480 |
Elliott James | 1700 |
Elly Richd | 100 |
Finton Francis | 100 |
Fleming Charles Qr | 1700 |
Foord John Junr | 300 |
Foord Wm | 800 |
Fox Henry | 2000 |
Fox John Capt | 600 |
Fullalove Thomas | 100 |
Fuller Anthony | 150 |
Garratt Thomas | 200 |
Geeres Thomas | 100 |
Glover Wm | 100 |
Goodin Majr Qr | 200 |
Gravatt Henry | 150 |
Graves John Qr | 100 |
Green John | 100 |
Hampton John | 50 |
Handcock Thomas | 200 |
Hayden John | 150 |
Hayfield Wm | 100 |
Hayle Joseph | 200 |
Hendrick Hans | 700 |
Herriott George | 200 |
Hickman Tho K.Q. | 550 |
Higgason John | 350 |
Hill Edwd Coll Qr | 3000 |
Hill Francis | 300 |
Hill Gabriell | 250 |
Hill Thomas | 150 |
Hobday Edwd | 150 |
Holderbee Wm | 100 |
Holliday Wm | 100 |
Hollins John | 200 |
House Job N.K. | 2000 |
Huckstep Edwd | 150 |
Hurt John | 500 |
Hurt Wm Junr | 90 |
Hurt Wm Senr | 250 |
Hutchinson Wm | 600 |
Inge Vincent | 100 |
Isabell Wm | 150 |
James Jonathan | 300 |
Jenings Coll Qr | 4000 |
Johns Jane | 240 |
Johns Wm | 100 |
Johnson Coll Qr | 600 |
Johnson Wm | 300 |
Jones Frederick Qr | 2850 |
Kemp Peter G.C. | 600 |
Kettlerise Symon | 200 |
King Robert Qr | 300 |
Lasy Wm | 100 |
Lee John | 20 |
Lewis Zachary K.Q. | 450 |
Littlepage Richd Capt Qr | 2600 |
Lypscomb Ambrose | 600 |
Lypscomb John | 200 |
Lypscomb Wm | 300 |
Maddison Henry | 650 |
Madison John Qr | 300 |
Mallory Roger | 100 |
Mallory Thomas | 150 |
Marr John | 200 |
Maybank Wm | 100 |
Merriweather Nicho Qr | 600 |
Miles Daniell | 350 |
Morris Wm | 440 |
Mullene Matthew | 150 |
Napier Robert | 100 |
Norment Joseph | 800 |
Norment Samll | 100 |
Noyce Wm | 650 |
Oakes John | 350 |
Oliver John | 140 |
Oustin John | 350 |
Owens Hugh | 300 |
Page John Qr | 1000 |
Palmer Marin | 1200 |
Parks Coll Qr | 4500 |
Pee Thomas | 400 |
Peek John | 100 |
Pemberton Geo | 180 |
Pickrell Gabriell | 100 |
Pollard Wm Qr | 500 |
Powers David | 200 |
Purlevant Arthur | 100 |
Pynres Nathaniell | 1400 |
Quarles John | 100 |
Randall John | 100 |
Ray James | 100 |
Reynolds Wm | 100 |
Rhodes Nicholas | 150 |
Robert Maurice | 200 |
Sanders Jushua | 100 |
Sandlan Nicholas | 700 |
Satterwhite Charles | 150 |
See Mathew | 200 |
Sellers Jacob | 350 |
Shilling George | 300 |
Slaughter Geo | 100 |
Slaughter Henry | 100 |
Slaughter John | 90 |
Slaughter Martin | 130 |
Smith Christo Qr | 800 |
Smith Edmd | 150 |
Spencer Thomas | 600 |
Spruse Jeremy | 150 |
Standard Wm M.S. | 1000 |
Stark John | 500 |
Streett Wm | 350 |
Strutton Thomas | 150 |
Terry James | 400 |
Terry Stephen | 330 |
Terry Thomas | 300 |
Thomas Gehee Mr. | 250 |
Tomason Thomas | 150 |
Toms Wm | 150 |
Towler Matthew | 150 |
Traneer John | 100 |
Vickrey Henry | 450 |
Waller John Majr | 800 |
West John Coll | 1800 |
West Nathanll Capt | 2000 |
West Tho Capt | 1000 |
Wheelis Joseph | 130 |
Whitbee Robert | 800 |
White Chilliam G.C. | 300 |
Whitehead John | 100 |
Whitehead Phillip | 3000 |
Whitlock John | 200 |
Whitworth John | 200 |
Willeroy Abraham | 550 |
Williams Griffith | 240 |
Williams John | 150 |
Williams Phillip | 100 |
Williams Samll | 600 |
Willis Wm | 250 |
Winfree Henry | 300 |
Winston William | 170 |
Wood James K.Q. | 500 |
Wood Thomas | 300 |
Woolsey Jacob | 130 |
Wormley Madam Qr | 3000 |
Wright Thomas | 150 |
Yancey Charles | 100 |
Yarborough John | |
Yarborough Richard |
A few names from the New Kent County listing
(from which Hanover County was created)
Crawford David Junr | 400 |
Crawford David Mr. | 300 |
Duke Henry | 170 |
Dumas Jeremiah | 250 |
Harris Benj | 100 |
Jennings Robt | 100 |
Lewis John | 2600 |
Kembro John | 540 |
Kembro Jno Junr | 150 |
Nucholl James | 300 |