Recently transcribed records concerning one Richard H Yancey
 – son of Richard & Judith Yancey of Culpeper County, Virginia.
Documents shedding new light on relationships
 of certain Yanceys of Culpeper County, Virginia. 



Transcriptions of image files of a bounty land grant application on file at the library of Virginia:



In about the year 1822 – Richard H Yancey – son of Richard & Judith Yancey, applied for bounty land from the government – acting as heir of his deceased brother Lewis Yancey who had served as a lieutenant  in the army during the Revolutionary War and would have qualified for bounty land. It seems that in 1823 he reapplied with additional documentation.


In an attempt to prove his claims – Richard H Yancey gathered affidavits from various persons including: 

 - His Uncle Robert Yancey who had served as a Captain during the war;

- One Armistead Long who knew members of the family and had served with members of the Yancey family;

- one Moses Green who knew Richard Yancey;

- one John Lightfoot who knew Richard Yancey.

- one John Henderson who served with Lewis Yancey

- one Gabriel Tutt who knew Lewis Yancey



These documents help provide genealogical documentation for the following:






For more information about Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants see:



[Sep 30 Rejected ]


To The Governor of Virginia


Richmond  26 Sep 1823


In the early part of last year, I applied to the executive and obtained a land bounty due me as heir of my brother Lewis Yancey who served and died in Virginia continental line in the revolution.  The bounty allowed was that of a commissioned officer. I believed at the time, for I had often heard it said, that my brother was a commissioned officer before his death, but I could not then prove it and being told that my [drawing?] for his services as a non commissioned officer would not prejudice the claim as a commissioned officer – I drew the 200 acres – more than the whole value of which I have expended in traveling to Kentucky & elsewhere to procure the testimony now offered, knowing that my brother died a commissioned officer.


My claim rests principally upon the affidavits of John Anderson and Robert Yancey.  The [first?] swears that Lewis Yancey was appointed adjutant to Col. Muhlenburg’s Regiment which in July 1776 marched to Charleston S. Carolina and that the said Yancey continued the adjutant of the regiment as long as the affiant remained with it.   Rob Yancey who was a Capt. in the Virginia Line swears that he was well acquainted Lewis Yancey his nephew – that he (Robt) was in S. Carolina (at Camden) in 1779 and met with a gentleman of distinction & of unquestionable veracity who informed the affiant that he was well acquainted with Lewis Yancey the affiants nephew while in service in S. Carolina and that he died a commissioned officer.  And that his sword at his request was after his death, sent to his father in Virginia. From the integrity of this gentleman, the affiant has always considered the heir of Lewis Yancey entitled to land bounty for his services as a commissioned officer.


The sword alluded to in Capt Yanceys affidavit was sent to & received by my father.   The very sword is now in Culpeper, the property & in the possession of Thomas Yancey who has often told me, he received it from my father as the sword which my brother Lewis Yancey wore at the time of his death.


Majr. James Tutt in his affidavit filed among the papers [______?] my claim to bounty land for Lewis Yancey services as a non commissioned officer states that he had been informed by an officer returning from the South – that Lewis Yancey was a commissioned officer at the time of his death. 


The Papers now filed in the council [  ______  ] speak of my brother as a soldier & a private – at the time I obtained them I mentioned to the witnesses  that I  expected to prove he was an officer and in their statements they did not intend to preclude the idea of Lewis Yancey’s promotion after they knew him as appears by the affidavit of Gabriel Tutt now offered.


This certificate of Gen Green  [shows?] I also believed my brother an officer.


In August 1822 my claim to the additional bounty was rejected – but it then rested alone on the state[ment] of John Anderson, to which is now added the important affidavit of Capt. Robt Yancey of Kentucky and the assurance that the sword is now in Culpeper – of which I  could get the affidavit of Thomas Yancey if deemed necessary.


I trust the proof. now offered will be thought sufficient for I have been so confident myself in the justice of the claim that I have spared neither time, trouble, nor expenses  in prosecuting it and should believe the positive statement of Henderson, corroborated  by the still stronger circumstantial evidence respecting the sword, conclusive of the fact desired to be established.   I am now in Richmond & expenses, which I can illy afford, and hope my care will be determined as soon as your excellency can with convenience have it done.


I am your obdt. Servnt


R. H. Yancey




I do hereby certify that I was well acquainted with my nephew Lewis Yancey, son of my brother Richard and only brother of Richard H Yancey and also with Lewis Yancey the son of my brother Philemon.  That they was born & raised in the same neighborhood with myself in the County of Culpeper & State of Virginia.   That the former entered in the army of the Revolution under Capt. George Slaughter in the county & state aforesaid about the beginning of the year Seventeen hundred and Seventy Six and served in the regiment on continental establish commanded by Col. Mughlenburg in the South.   That the other Lewis Yancey, a distinct and different person, I enlisted as a private soldier in Capt. John Watts company of cavalry some time in the year Seventeen Hundred and Seventy Eight.  That he served to the end of the war and is still living as I believe that some time in the year following I was with the army in South Carolina (at Camden).  I met with a gentleman of distinction and of unquestionable veracity who informed me that he was well acquainted with my nephew Lewis Yancey in Mughlenburgs Regiment while in services in that state, and of his death, and that he was an officer.  Subattern in commission or rank and that he was an officer.    Subation in commission or rank and that his sword at his request was sent to his Father and from my knowledge of my nephews qualifications and my confidence in this gentleman’s integrity I have ever considered his information correct and true and that his heir at law has always been entitled to his pay in money and bounty in land as a subalt officer.  That I commanded a company in the same Regiment with Capt John Watts.  Given under my hand and seal this day of November Anno Dom. 1822.


Robert Yancey

Capt. Regiment of  [L. D.?]

now 72 years of age



Jefferson County, to wit.

This day personally appeared, before me, a justice of the peace for the county aforesaid, Robert Yancey of the county of Woodford, state of Kentucky and made oath on the holy evangelist that the matters & things set forth in his certificate within are true to his best knowledge and belief , given under his hand and seal this [thirteenth?] day of November Anno Dom. 1822.                                       William Field





_________  County Court

20 May 1822

[____  ___________]    of Richard Henry Yancey  [______]  certify that the said Richard Henry Yancey of the county of Culpeper is the sole heir at law of Lewis Yancey [also?] formerly of the said  county and who departed this life during the Revolutionary War while in the service of the United States Regiment commanded by Col. Muhlenburg and that the said Lewis Yancey departed this life in South Carolina  all of which being satsfactoraly proved in the court.


John Lightfoot




I do hereby certify   ____

Richard H Yancey about his brother Lewis Yancey decd while one of Col Mughlenburgs regiment during the Revolutionary War . . . 


[most of the affidavit is very difficult to decipher and virtually illegible]


 . . . my hand this 10th day of September 1822

                                                                                    Gabriel Tutt


Culpeper County to wit,

This day personally appeared before me the subscribee, a justice of the peace for the county aforesaid, Gabriel Tutt [___?] and made oath that  [__?] certificate above contains nothing but the truth to the best of his knowledge and belief.  Given under my hand and seal this 10th day of September 1822.

                                                                                    Richard E. Tutt




Madison County, to wit

This day, personally appeared before the subscribee, a justice of the peace for the county aforesaid, John Henderson of the said county, aged seventy years, made oath on the holy evangelist, that he enlisted in the service of the United States, in the company commanded by Capt. George Slaughter in the County of Culpeper.  Henry Field and James [Kirtly?] were the Lieutenants and John Graves Ensign, & Lewis Yancey  was a non commissioned officer in the same company.  In the month of February or March of 1776, the said company consisting of about seventy five men marched from Culpeper to Suffolk, where they were attached to Col Mughlenburg’s Regiments & the aforesaid Lewis Yancey was there & there appointed by Col. Mughlenburg the Adjutant of his Regiment & that he acted in that capacity, while he the said Henderson was with the regiment & that he the said Henderson never heard anything to the contrary but that he continue to so to act [until herewith?] & that he, the said Lewis Yancey being well [______?]  & faithful in the discharge of his duty gave satisfaction to the whole [regiment?] & likewise that the said regiment marched to the south and were in Charleston in the month of July 1776.   That Lieutenant Henry Field at that time being very sick obtained permission & returned to Culpeper where, as he the said Henderson subscribed, he afterwards died.  That in October following on account of ill health, he the said Henderson obtained leave & returned home, and that afterwards he rejoined the said regiment in  Frederickburg on their march to the North.  Given under my hand and seal this 5th of July 1822.    William Fink




This is to certify that in the beginning of the year 1822 I met the   Richd H Yancey on my way to Richmond.  He requested of me to be the [ ______ ?of [_______?]  his land  before the Executive proving that he was  the heir at law to his brother Lewis Yancey, who enlisted in the continental service in the Revolutionary War   He then stated to me that  he believed his brother was promoted after joining the army, but at that time could not make it appear. He also stated that he would make a further inquiry and if it should turn out that his brother was promoted, that his [then?] drawing compensation for a non commissioned officer would not be any impediment to his drawing at a future day the remainder of the compensation allowed all officers of his grade in the event of being proven the he was one, and that was my own opinion at that time, that my statement to the Executive was made agreeable to his direction, to all which I am willing to testify  whenever requested – given under my hand this 30th day of July 1823.  

                                                                                    Moses Green



I Armstead Long of the county of Culpeper and State of Virginia do hereby certify that I knew Lewis Yancey, son of Richard Yancy, of the county & state aforesaid, that the said Lewis was considered a young man of great promise.  I have no knowledge of his being in the Revolutionary service but have understood he was.


I further state that Lewis Yancey, son of Philip Yancey, of said  county & state, did with myself & others, join  the third regiment of Cavalry in January Seventeen Hundred and Seventy Nine and served three years, given under my hand this twenty eighth day of August 1823.


Armistead Long.


Commonwealth of Virginia, Culpeper County  to wit,

This day personally came Armistead Long before me, a Justice of the Peace, for the county aforesaid, and made oath  in the above certifies  is true, given under my hand & seal 

this 26th day of August 1823   -  Jeremiah Strother.