Document transcription submitted by K. Paul Boggs -
The original copy of this paper was found among the effects of William Anderson, 3rd. of Sullivan County, Tenn., and was, at one time, in the possession of one Miss Nannie Anderson of Johnson City, Tenn. The current status and owner of the original dsocument is unkown to me [DJY]. Note two different connections with the Yancey Family, below in bold.
"A brief history of the Anderson family given by William Anderson the son of John, the son of William the first: To James W. Anderson the son of W.T., the son of Thomas, the son of William the first.
William Anderson, (the first) was born in Ireland in 1736. His father's name was James: William had one brother and one sister, James and Sussanna. James married Sarah Young, James was born in 1730 and had four children, William, Samuel, Sarah and Jane. William the first was married in Ireland to Jane Bryan, she had brothers and sisters, but none further came to America, her father's name was Andrew. William Anderson and Jane came to America in 1762. James Anderson their oldest child was born in Maryland, John, (the father of this sketch) was born in Cecil County, Maryland. His father, William the first then moved to New Jersey near Monmouth Court House. Sarah and William were born there. They then, 1770 moved near Staunton, Virginia and lived there three years: Sussanna was born there, then in 1773 moved to Holston (now Sullivan County) settled on the place now William Hancher's , Andrew and Mary were born there: then moved to the old place on Island Road in 1775 or 1776 where the other children were born.
William Anderson the first as stated above was born in Ireland in 1736, had good common intellect, a quiet well disposed and sober citizen, was five feet nine inches high, of fair or sandy complexion, his person rather comely with small feet and hands. Jane Bryan his wife was about the same age, they were married in Ireland, were thirteen weeks crossing the Atlantic, she (for the writer well rembers her) had a well defined face for a strong mind, her person was large and bony for a female was surely of a stout family, was a pious woman, pockmarked, smoked a pipe, never forgot a friend or forgave an enemy. She died in Sullivan County, East Tennessee on the night of the 23rd of August 1819.
William and Jane Anderson had twelve children, 6 sons and six daughters.
1st. James Anderson the eldest was born Aug. 18th 1763. He married a Cousin or second Cousin, Hester Anderson, at the head of Holstein Virginia. They had a large family, five were deaf and dumb, though they had good minds and fine personal appearance. James was intemperate, his wife was a good and beautiful woman. They lived in Sullivan County until 1808, and removed to Middle Tennessee and both died in Bedford County, Tenn.
2nd. John Anderson was born 19th of Feby. 1765 in Cecil County, Maryland, was married to Rachel Roberts in Knox County, Tenn. (handwritten in Dec. 28, 1792) had twelve children, eight sons and four daughters, was strictly temperate, neither using whiskey or tobbaco, or even cider. He and wife died in Sullivan County, East. Tenn. where they had lived for many years, and where he had been surveyor of the county.
3rd. Sarah Anderson was born Jany 23rd 1767, was married to John Sharp, had a large family, and both died in Roan(e) County, Tenn.
4th. William Anderson was born April 23rd 1769, married to Elizabeth Yancy [DJY: Thought to be daughter of John Yancey, originally from Culpeper] , had many children, moved to Know County, Kentucky, where they both died.
5th. Sussanna Anderson was born April 12th 1770, was married to Joshua Taylor, and had a large family, both died in Wilson County, Tennessee.
6th. Andrew Anderson, was born Oct. 21st 1773, was married (handwritten in Knox Co. Dec.11, 1797) to Margaret Roberts, they also had a large family, she died in Sullivan Co. Tennessee, he in Meigs county, Tennessee.
7th. Mary Anderson was born Oct. 26th 1775 was married first to Isaac Cole, then to George Deckard. All dead have three children.
8th. Margaret Anderson was born April 15th 1777, married to Samuel Brittian, large family, both died in Smith County, Tennessee.
9th. Thomas Anderson was born April 22nd 1779 was married to Mary Davis, had a large family, lived in Sullivan County, Tenn. until 1811 then removed to Duck River, Bedford County, Tenn. He died in Panola County, Miss. She died in McNairy County, Tenn. Oct. 3rd, 1833
10th. Samuel Anderson was born Sept. 16th 1781 was married to Sussanna Caswell [DJY: CRISWELL - thought to be granddaughter of John Yancey - through daughter with unkown name], they had several children, he has been dead for many years, she is supposed to be yet living at Shelbyville, Tenn.
11th. Jane Anderson was born April 16th 1783 married to John Roberts, they lived first in Knox County, then in Franklin County, both are dead having raised a large family.
12th. Elizabeth Anderson was born Mar. 30 1785, married to William Roberts, they first lived in Knox County, Tenn., then removed to Franklin County, Tenn., lived there a few years and returned to Knox County where they resided for several years, then removed to Texas where he died, she is supposed to be living in Texas (if so) she is the only one left of the family of William and Jane first mentioned and is over seventy five years of age.
And the six daughters of William and Jane were of medium size, and all were one height, of good native intellect, of industrious and ious habits and was what was in their day called, Comely. Of the six males, William was the taller man, being over six feet high: Thomas the stouter, and Samuel the weaker. Though of respectable mental endowments, the writer of this sketch will not pretend to draw a distinction between them: either of them, though qualified to fill important offices, sought very few, and were contented and happy with a mere competence and comfortable living, though William had more property than any of his brothers. They were all peacable if unassailed, but dangerous if attacked.
Of the family of William and Jane only one daughter is left, and about 75 grandchildren; about 3 or 4 hundred great grandchildren and more than four times that many great-great-grandchildren. In that family the youngest must have been near fifty years of age before the dath of either of the brothers or sisters, and the medium age of the family was more than seventy years.
The ancestors of William and Jane for many generations before their day must have lived and died in Ireland, and all of their descendants not now alive must have lived an died in the States and Territories of North America. Very many of their spirits it is hoped have been home to the bright world above, and the scattered dust of their bodies over this wide field, will be the hand of Omnipotence on that great day be brought forth and form a part of that great throng around the white throne, which we all are told will be so numerous that no man can count them:
Sent to Jas. W. Anderson, this 20th of Dec. 1860.
Some further info from K. Paul Boggs:
[Will of William Andeson Jr - who is to have married Elizabeth Yancey] Knox County, KY Will Book A Page 109: William Anderson - 1 Apr 1827, Jan Term 1828. Will of William Anderson . . . To wife Elizabeth . . . until my youngest son comes to age 21 . . . d ivided between JOH, Ambrose, Cynthia, William, Lucinda, Marinda, Eliza, Jane, Bradley, James Anderson . . . when the above mentioned children is married . . . William, Bradley, James, Susanna . . . To have tract of land where she now lives . . . all my above mentioned children. . . Wife Elizabeth & Ambrose to be executors . . . Estate appraised Feb term 1828
[Will of Elizabeth Yancey Anderson - wife
of the above]
May 1844 Court Proceedings . . . Noncupative will of
Elizabeth Anderson. . . . witness states that on Friday night the
3rd of May 1844 they were called to the home of Ambrose Y
Anderson to hear the request of Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson [there is
a note to see Will Book B page 10]