


From the "Virginia Gazette 4 Dec 1784"

"Yesterday was executed, at the gallows near this city, pursuant to his sentence passed the last session of the General Court, Stephen Yancey, from Louisa County for the murder of his brother"

Information concerning the circumstances of the murder.

DJY: Stephen Yancey left no will. What follows is information abstracted from court records in reference to the settlement of his estate.

The probate records give very little textual information that would document the members of Stephen Yanceys family and his relatives - what follows are names that are mentioned in the estate settlement - very little information is recorded with the name on the original records - a very brief name and description and a monetary amount. The monetary amounts have here been excluded.

The dates associated with these entries span from 1785 through 1793. These entries, however, do not seem to have been recorded in court records until 1793.

Names mentioned in the estate settlement follow: (info in brackets has been added for informational purposes and is not in the original record)

Estate of Stephen Yancey . . .

John Gardner who intermarried [married] with Ann Yancey, legatee [daughter of Stephen]
Wm. Hughs
Augustus Yancey, legatee [son of Stephen]
John Lea
Ro. Yancey [Cousin of Stephen]
Charles Yancey [Cousin of Stephen]
Geo. Thomson
Wm. Cosby
John Carpenter
John Yancey [brother of Stephen?]
John Dickins
Thomas Johnson
James Beadles
Geo Lumsden
Bartholomew Warren
Thomas Almond
Capt. Charles Yancey [cousin of Stephen]
Fleming Thomason
James Byars
Jane Yancey [widow of Stephen]
John Bond
John Carpenter
Elizabeth Byars
Thomas Gooch
Geo Brackenridge
Chs Thompson
John [Timbalake?]
Nathaniel W. Charleston
John Cosby [brother in law?]
William Cole
Thomas Bond [father in law?]
John Gardner [son in law?]
Capt Yancey [cousin]
James Beadles
Matthew Thompson
William Whitlock
William Poindexter
Jno McGehee
James Daniel
Elizabeth Samson
James Beadles
Joseph Fleeman
Bar[nard?] Dickinson
William Price
Jno Edwards
Th Almond
Geo Thomason
Jno Carpenter
Wm McGehee
Enos Tate
Bartholomew Warren
Jane Yancey [wife]
Ann Yancey
Jos Norman
William Cosby
L:indsey Harris
Richard Paulett
Jno Trice
Richard Lane [son in law?]
Nathan Smith
Jno Yancey [brother?]
Bernard Dickinson
Capt Yancey [cousin]
Tho Bond [father in law?]
Frank Walker
Jno Thomson
Richard Lane [son in law?]
Mary Yancey [mother of Stephen?]

Various Guardianship records record the following information:

From "Louisa County Virginia 1743-1814 Where Have All the Children Gone" By Rosalie Davis 1980.

GDN BOND: Charles Yancey Gdn to Augustine & Rebecca Yancey, orphans of Stephan Yancey , decd, L500 cur money, Sec John Poindexter Jr. 14 Mar 1785.

GDN BOND: Thomas Bond Gdn to Caty Yancey & John Yancey orphans of Stephen Yancey decd, L500 curr money , Sec. Samuel Ragland. 14 Mar 1785

GDN BOND: John Yancey Gdn to Elizabeth Yancey, orphan of Stephen Yancey, decd. L200 curr money, Sec Charles Yancey & John Cosby. 9 Jan 1786

GDN BOND: Robert Kimbrough Gdn to Elizabeth Yancey, orphan of Stephen Yancey decd, L200 curr money, sec Charles Yancey. 8 June 1795

ACCT: Miss Rebeckah Yancey Sep 1786-1794 . . . legacy due from the estate of Stephen Yancey . . . By interest on the above sum from March 1788 until May 1794, when she came of age. 14 Nov 1796

ACCT: Catherine Yancey and John Yancey, orphans of Stephen Yancey decd in acct with Thomas Bond, Guardian . . . 14 Nov 1796