DATED: 1859
In the name of God, Amen, I Minus Yancey, farmer of the County of Jefferson and state of Alabama, being of sound mind but ill helath and knowing the certainty of death do make, ordain and publish this my last will and testament. And I do hereby revoke all other wills and bequeaths heretofore made at any time.
Item 1st - I will and bequeath my body to its mother dust from whence it was taken to be by my freinds decently buried. And I do further will my spirit unto the hands of God who gave it. And as to my worldy goods whereof it has been please God to bless me with, after my burying expenses are paid and what few small debts I owe, I will and dispose of them in the following manner, to wit:
Item 2nd - I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Jane Yancey all my real and personal propertyof which I [die?] siezed and possessed to be at her own displosal and for her own use and benefir during her natural life time. And at her death whatever of my effects may remain then to be sold at public [outcry?] to the highest bidder. And an equal distribution of the proceeds of the sale made amongst all my legitamate heirs. And that this my last will and testament be carried out according to my wish and desire.
I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my friend [left blank], of the county of Jefferson and State of Alabama, my Executor, signed sealed and published , this 2nd day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Nine, in presence of the folowing witnesses.
Minus Yancey
X (his mark)
William Taylor
John A. Ware
Elijah Self