I ABSALOM YANCEY of the parish of St. Landry and the state of Louisiana being of sound mind and judgement and convinced of the certain duration of life and the certainty of death do now on this the 12th. Day of November eighteen hundred and thirty five make and ordain this my last will and testament here by annulling and revoking all former wills or will that I may have made.

I nominate ANDREW LUSTRAPES and BENJAMIN R. ROGERS of the Parish and state aforesaid the executers of this my last will and testament and give them full power to enter on my estate both real and personal and take full possession of the whole with full power of attorney and I here by appoint them as such to execute this my last will in as it follows.

I will and bequeath to ELISA ANDRUS my god child and daughter of _________ ________ widow and relic of SOLOMON ANDRUS deceased. The said __________ now a resident of the said parish of St. Laundry one thousand dollars after all my just debts shall have been paid.

I will and bequeath to CHARLES H. _______, a little boy who has lived with me some time in this Parish the sum of two thousand dollars after my debts and the proceeding legacy shall have been paid and I wish that the last legacy of two thousand dollars shall be kept by my aforesaid executors for the said Charles until he become of full age.

I will and bequeath to my aforesaid executors after the proceeding provisions shall have been made as required one hundred dollars each in consideration of their friendship and this trouble they may be at.

The balance of my Estate whatever it is I will and bequeath to my relations thus one half to my nephew MEREDITH YANCEY and the other half to be equally divided among my other relations, except - my brother CHARLES YANCEY to whom I will nothing.

I have caused and requested this my last will and testament to be written by Joseph Thompson ___________ from my dictations and as I have dictated it to him the day and year aforesaid in the Parish aforesaid and in the presence of EDWARD G. PRESTON, GEORGE HILL, ROBERT BENGUEREL, GEORGE BENGUEREL, _____ M. BELL and JOSEPH D. THOMPSON all of the Parish and state aforesaid then residing done written and signed in presence without interruption as turning aside of the said witnesses hereto ________ with me.

A. Yancey

Edward C. Preston
Joseph D. Thompson
George Hill
R. Benguerel
G. Benguerel
Joel M Bell

State of Louisiana
Parish of St. Landry

This day the thirteenth of November in the year one thousand and eight hundred thirty five, before me George King Parish Judge in and for the aforesaid Parish and ex-officio Jude of the court of probates, personally appeared Edward D. Preston, Joel M. Bell, Robert Benguerel, Joseph D. Thompson and George Hill duly subscribing witness to the foregoing last will and testament of the late Absalom Yancey of said parish deceased, who being first duly sworn declare on this oath that they recognize the testament presented to them as being the same that was written in tier presence by Joseph D. Thompson by the said testators direction, and also that they recognize their signatures and that of the testator at the foot of the testament.

Sworn & subscribed to Edward C. Preston
at Opelousas this day R. Benguerel
and year as above written

Before me
Geo King Judge

And ex officio Judge Joel M. Bell

of Probates Joseph D. Thompson

George Hill