I would like to THANK all of the different owners of the websites and homepages that I have borrowed images, graphics, icons, backgrounds and lots more from. I hope you take the time and view all of this listed sites. They have so many great things to look at and games to play and of course the best down to earth stories, with down to earth people.Thanks again for all of Your Works!
"Lori's Country Home on the Web"
Also a BIG "THANK YOU" to my friend KNICKERS If it was not for her I would never have been able to do what I have done so far. She is the best homepage teacher around. She has a great homepage of her own, which you HAVE to check out. There she has easy to understand direction on started up a homepage and also help with Windows 95. Again THANK YOU Knickers for your time and help. You are the greatest.
Just click onto Knickers name and that will take you there. Or Click on Pat's Place button below. Have fun at her homepage.
Be sure to go to these sections!
Get your own Free Home Page