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It was the 9th day of November, 1995. I was about to embark on a journey that would become
a most cherished time in my life. Unaware of what would come about on my three hour journey, all I felt was peace in my heart. We had never met, but all of us held a very special bond within our hearts. You see, we are sisters and were meeting for the first time in 44 years. In the picture above, I am the one in white. To my left, is Gerri. To my right, are Judy and Claudia. This was our first picture together

Please excuse any rambling on, as this is still very emotional. I will say, for anyone who is searching for their biological family I only wish you the best, and that your search ends up as heartwarming as mine.

As I was growing up, I never felt that I was adopted. I was told at an early age, so it never made any difference whether I was someone else's child. My mom, dad, and sister, Jean were my only family.

It wasn't until I had gotten older, and because of health issues, did I say anything to my husband. I wanted to know what medical background I had. For what reason, I don't know, but my mother was given my surname, so I was able to send for my birth certificate. She was also told that I had three older sisters. When receiving the birth certificate, along with my sisters, I found I had two older brothers. Unfortunately one had passed on as an infant. I do know now, that I have been watched over all of my life.

The main reason I was put up for adoption is that, at an early age I came down with Polio. My mother and father knew at that time, they couldn't give me want I needed. I was adopted out of the Sister Kinney Polio Hospital in Mi. when I was thirteen months old. It took afew months, but my husband was able to send for my medical records before I was adopted. Apparently I spent my first six months, in and out of the hospital. Also in receiving the records it helpped me to know what I had been through.

My medical records arrived on the third of Nov.You are probably wondering how I can remember these dates. They are etched in my mind. I will alway's remember them. Both Marty and myself sat down to read the records, and to see if there was any information we could use. Much to our surspise my fathers social security number was on the first or second piece of paper. We had gotten closer to finding my family.

Marty was doing most of the search.We both worked on the research, but when it came time to do any call's he did them all. As excited as I was, the greatest fear for me was rejection. Through the Social Security death index we came across three men with my fathers name. It wasn't until we matched his ss numbers, that we learned he had passed away. Marty called the library to see if they had an obituary. Afew minutes later it was faxed to us. There we found my sisters, and brothers name's. With myself sitting at the kitchen table, Marty started making phone call's. I was so excited, but yet so nervous.

I have alway's been a positive thinker, but now all of these "what if's and questions" came to mind. It's only natural I know, but!!!!!!!!. After acouple of calls, I saw Marty with a smile on his face and his thumb up. We hit the jackpot. He had gotten ahold of Gerri. With the questions he was asking her, we both felt as if she was being interigated, but now can laugh at that precious moment. When Gerri was asked if she wanted to talk with me we spent two to three hours on the phone. Neither one of us wanted to hang up. After doing so afew minutes later, I received a call from Claudia. Claudia is the only one who lives out of state. We had talked several times before we were reunited.

When making plans to get together Gerri mention the fact that her daughter Sherry was getting married on the 11th of Nov. "Why don't you come up for the wedding" Gerri said. Claudia will be up, but I don't know about Judy. The day of our reunion, Gerri met me at a gas station. As soon as our eyes met, we knew each other. As I walked into the house two camera's went off, along with a camcorder. I felt so welcomed. Judy couldn't make the wedding, but surprised me the day before. All four of us stayed up until the wee hours of the morning. Exchanging stories, laughing, and crying. It was as though we had never been apart.

I really appreciate my Marty for all the time he spent on this search. I love you sweetie.Thank you for making this possible.

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My Brother
You are Loved