The name Pratt has a history dating as far back as the Anglo- Saxon tribes of Britain. It was a name for a trickster; for a practical joker. Further research reviled that the name is derived from the old English word Prutt, which meant" A Trick" were alternatively and Astute." A broad and miscellaneous class of surnames, nickname surnames referred to a characteristic of the first person who used the name. They can describe the bearer's, favored style of clothing, appearance, habits, or character. Nickname surnames were frequently the result of a spontaneous reaction to a particular occasion or event. It is possible the name was given to the original bearer as a result of a particularly brilliant and widely successful practical joke.

During the Middle Ages, under a feudal system of government, people began to assume a extra name to avoid being mistaken with others of the same name. Nickname surnames such as Pratt where derived from the Eke-name, or added name. They reflected a physical characteristic or a tribute of the first person who used the name.

Until quite recently, the English language as lacked a definite system of spelling rules. Consequently, Anglo-Saxon surnames are characterized by a multitude of spelling variations, changes in Anglo-Saxon names were influenced by the evolution of the English language, as it incorporated elements of French, Latin, and other languages. Although medieval scribes and church officials recorded names as a they sounded, so it is common to find one person referred by several different spellings of his surname, even the most literate people varied the spelling of their own names. Variations of the name Pratt includes Pratts, Pratte, Pratt and Prat.

During the period after the fall of the Roman Empire, known as the dark ages, even emperors like the great Frankish King CharlyMagen could not read or write. Men of the church were the sole guardians of the written word. Monks translated and revised classical text and recorded births, deaths, marriages, and land purchases. They were responsiable for such documents as the assize rolls, the inquisitio, ragman rolls, Domesday book, baptismal records, parish records, cartularies, and tax records. The history of the Pratt family were found in Suffolk, where 1179, there were two bearers of the name. Wifric Prat and Withmer Pret were both recorded in Sulffolk in that year. Idmund Pret was recorded in Berkshire in 1192. Dereman Le Prat was listed in church records in Kent in 1198. Richard Pritte was listed in Essex in 1295. William Le Pritte was recorded in Surrey in 1332.

Some of the family moved to Ireland in the plantation of Ulster. In 1890, a census of British families in Ireland was taken. At that time, it was estimated that there were over 448 people bearing the surname Pratt. About 40% were found in the Province of Ulster.

Although the English nation survived the plagues and famine of the Middle Ages, England was devastated by the religious a political conflict of the modern era. Under the house of Stuart, there were conflicts between the king and parliament, and between Catholics and Protestants. The Stuarts ousted from power fist by Cromwell in the 1649, and later in the same century by the "Glorious Revolution", which resulted in a long series of Jacodite uprising.

Searching for a better life, many English families migrated to British colonies.

Unfortunately, the majority of them traveled under extremely harsh conditions overcrowding on the ships cased the majority of the immigrants to arrive diseased, famished, and destitute from the long journey across the ocean. For those families that arrived safely, modest prosperity was attainable, and many went on to make invaluable contributions to the development of the cultures of the new colonies. Research into their origins of individual families on North America revealed records of the immigration of a number of people bearing the name Pratt or a variant listed above, John Prat who landed in Virginia in 1607, thirteens years before the "Mayflower" Phineas Pratt who landed in Maine in 1622, Abraham and Jane Pratt who landed in Salem in 1630, Richard Pratt who landed in Charlestown, Massachusetts in 1630, William and John Pratt who landed in Cambridge Massasshusettes in 1630, originally of Ryston Hall, Isaac Pratt who landed in the Barbados in 1685.

John Pratt was one of the first immigrants to the United States in the 17th century.

The 1984 edition of the report of distribution of surnames in the Social Security lists the surname Pratt as the 475th most popular surname in the United States.



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