Prayer Requests and Praise Reports:

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. (NIV)
Ps 55:22

As you read these requests please take a moment to lift them to the Father. Thank you. There is a prayer and scripture references following each section.

After you have prayed , agreeded and bound Satan,do not give him any place by talking about the problem . Instead talk the answer - God's word!

Prayer that is based on the word is already in line with God's will. I John 5:14 says "1 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." The following prayers have been compiled from the word of God on various subjects. They will aid you in getting your personal prayer life off to a good start. As you speak God's word over situations and circumstances in your life,it will produce a positive effect and will prosper in those areas. ( Isaiah 55: 11, Jeremiah 1:12)

Be sure to speak ONLY what you want to come to pass in those areas. Mark 11 : 23 and 24 says "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (NIV)

To put it into modern day terms, what Jesus is saying is "ANYTHING that you believe in your heart and speak with your mouth will come to pass." That is negative as well as positive! So be sure if you can't say something positive that you keep your mouth shut so you don't curse yourself.

The prayers and scripture references in this section were gleaned from "Prayer Your Foundation of Success " by Kenneth Copeland. You can purchase this book at the Mountain Top Ministries Bookstore

After the requests and prayers is a short article on this with scripture references.

Salvation: Please pray for the salvation of the following people.

"Father , I come before you in prayer and in faith believing. Your word says you desire all men to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth, so I bring (name) before you this day.

I break the power of Satan from his assignments and activities in (name's) life in the name of Jesus. Now while Satan is bound I ask that you send forth the perfect laborers to share the good news of the gospel in such a way that he/ she will understand it. As the truth is ministered I believe ( name ) will come to his/ her senses, and come out of the snare of the devil and will make Jesus the Lord of his/ her life.

Father I ask that you fill ( name) with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. As I intercede in his/ her behalf , I believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is activated, and from this moment on I will praise and thank you for ( name's ) salvation.

I am confident that you are alert and active watching over your word to perform it. It will not return to you void. It will accomplish that which you please and it will prosper in the thing to which you send it. Therefore my confession of faith is. God has begun a good work in ( name's) life and He will perform it and bring it to full completion until the day of Jesus Christ.

In Jesus name I pray.

( 2 Peter 3: 9 , Matt. 18: 18, Matt. 9: 37 - 38, 2Tim. 2:26, Jer. 1: 12, Isaiah 55: 11, Phil. 1: 6

Revival in America

Father God, we come before Your throne to humble ourselves, to pray, to seek your face, and to turn from our wicked ways.

We have sinned against You, O Lord. We have disobeyed Your clear commands, and we have not loved You with all our heart, our soul, and our strength. We have not loved our neighbor as ourselves. Forgive us , we pray, O God, and heal our land.

Father God, send a spirit of repentance and let it sweep across this nation. Let the purging fire of revival begin in my heart and in Your church. Let it spread to every community, every town, and every city in America and around the world.

Let the bad roots that produce the bad fruits be burned out of our lives and establish righteousness, we pray. in Jesus name.

Father , we ask that godly leaders will rise up and be elected to public office at every level, and that ungodly leaders will either improve or be removed. May your righteous rule be established.

May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. These things we persistently pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Finances and Prosperity

Heavenly Father I have chosen Jesus as the Lord of my life, and I seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness believing that the materiel things I need will be supplied.

I chose for my character and moral disposition to be free from the love of money ,greed ,lust and craving for earthly possessions. I am satisfied with my present circumstances and with what I have, being confident because You will not in any way fail me and leave me without support. I am confident in Your faithfulness that You will never leave me, or forsake me, nor leave me helpless. I take comfort and am encouraged; I boldly say "The Lord is my helper, I will not be seized with alarm. I will not fear, or dread, or be terrified."

I believe Father, that you wish above all things that I prosper and be in good health even as my soul prospers. I will meditate in your word day and night , not letting it depart from my mouth , keeping it in the midst of my heart, observing to do all that is written therein. I believe I will make my way prosperous and have good success. As a doer of the word you have promised that I will be blessed in all my deeds. I am assured that you will withhold no good thing from me as I walk uprightly. The uncompromising are never forsaken.

I make it my ambition to live quietly and peacefully , to mind my own affairs, to work with my hands so I may bear myself becomingly, correctly and honorably and command the respect of the outside world being self supporting , dependent on no one but you and needing nothing.

Knowing through your word Father , that you are the Lord my God who teaches me to profit and leads me in the way I should go. I will put your principles to work in my life regarding my employment. I chose to put myself to good deeds- to honest labor and honorable employment- so that I may be able to meet necessary demands whenever the occasion may require and that I may not live an idle , uncultivated and unfruitful life, in Jesus name. I labor so I may walk honestly toward those who are without. As I give it is given unto me again, good measure , pressed down , shaken together , and running over shall men give unto my bosom. I do not sow sparingly and grudgingly but rather I sow generously , blessing others. Therefore I can expect to reap generously and with blessings. In Jesus name I pray, Amen .

( Heb. 13: 5-6; Matt. 6: 33; 3 John 2 ; Psalms 84:11 ; Joshua 1: 8 ; James 1: 25 ; Psalms 37: 25 ; Luke 6:38 ; 2Cor. 9: 6 ; 1 Thess. 4: 11- 12 ; Isaiah 48: 17; Titus 3: 14 )


Father, In the name of Jesus, I confess your word concerning healing. As I do this I believe and say that your word will not return to you void but will accomplish what You say it will. Therefore I believe I am healed according to 1 Peter 2: 24. ( He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. (NIV)

It is written in your word that Jesus himself took my infirmities, and bore my sicknesses ( Matt. 8 : 17 ) Therefore with great boldness and confidence I say on the authority of that written word that I am redeemed from the curse of sickness and I refuse to tolerate it's symptoms.

Satan I speak to you in the name of Jesus and say that your principalities , powers , your master spirits who rule the present darkness and your spiritual wickedness in heavenly places are bound from operating against me in any way. I am loosed from your assignment. I am the property of almighty God and I give you no place in me. I dwell in the secret place of the most high God. I abide , remain stable and fixed, in the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand!

Now Father because I reverence and worship You, I have the assurance of your word that the angel of the Lord encamps around about me, and delivers me from every evil work. No evil shall befall me, no plague or calamity shall come near my dwelling. I confess the word of God abides in me and delivers to me perfect soundness of mind, and wholeness in body and spirit from the deepest parts of my nature, in my immortal spirit, even to the joints and marrow of my bones. That word is medication and life to my flesh. For the law of the spirit of life , operates in me and makes me free from the law of sin and death. I have on the whole armor of God and the shield of faith protects me from the fiery darts of wickedness. Jesus is the high priest of my confessions and I hold fast to my confession of faith in your word. I stand unmoveable and fixed in full assurance that I have health and healing NOW, in the name of Jesus!!!!!!!

( Isaiah 55:11 ; Gal. 3:13 ; James 4:7 ; Eph. 6:12 ; 2Cor. 10 : 4 ; Psalms 91: 1 ; Ps. 34 : 7 ; Psalms 91: 10 ; Psalms 112: 7 ; Proverbs, 4: 22 ; Romans 8: 2 ; Eph. 6 : 16; Heb 4 : 14 ; 2 Tim 1: 7 ; Heb. 4 : 12 )

Harmonious Marriage

Father in the name of Jesus, it is written in your word that love is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy Spirit that is given to us. Because you are in us we acknowledge that love reigns supreme. We believe that love is displayed in full expression in folding and knitting us together in truth, making us perfect in every good work to do your will, working in us that which is well pleasing in your sight.

We desire to live and conduct ourselves in our marriage honorably and becomingly. We esteem it as precious, worthy and of great price. We commit ourselves to live in mutual harmony and accord with one another , delighting in each other, being of one mind and united in spirit.

Father we believe and say that we are gentle, compassionate, courteous, tender hearted and humble minded. We seek peace and it keeps our hearts in quietness and assurance. Because we follow after love and dwell in peace, our prayers are not hindered in any way in the name of Jesus. We are heirs together of the grace of God.

We purpose together to live in agreement, to live in harmony, to live in peace, to live in power toward each other and towards all men. We confess that our marriage grows stronger day by day in the bond of unity, because it is founded on your word and rooted and grounded in your love. Father we thank you for the performance of it in Jesus name. Amen

( Romans 5:5 ; Phil. 1:9 ; Col. 3:14 , 1:10 ; Phil. 2:13 , 2:2 , 4:7 ; Eph. 4:32 , 3: 17 - 18; Isaiah 32:2 ; 1 Peter 3:7 ; Jer. 1: 12 )

A Prayer for Our Children

Father your word is true and I believe it, therefore in the name of Jesus, I believe in my heart and say with my mouth that the word of God prevails over my children . Your word says that you will pour out your Spirit on my offspring and your blessing upon my descendants. I believe and say that my children are wise and they take heed to and are the fruit of Godly instruction and correction. I love my children and will diligently discipline them early. Because of that they give me delight and rest.

Father, I take your word that says you will contend with him who contends with me, and you give safety to my children and ease them day by day. I confess that you ,Lord, give your angels special charge over my children to accompany and defend and preserve them. I believe that they find favor and good understanding and high esteem in your sight, Lord, and in the sight of man.

I confess that my children are disciples taught of the Lord and obedient to your will. Great is their peace and undisturbed composure. I believe I receive wisdom and counsel in bringing up my children, in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Your word declares that when they are old they will not depart from it. So I commit them into your keeping, and I know and have confident trust that they are watched over and blessed of the Lord all the days of their lives, in Jesus name.


( Mark 11:23 ; Isaiah 43:3 , 49:25 ,54:13 ; Proverbs 13:1 , 13:24 , 3:4 , 2:6 , 22:6 ; Psalms 91:12 ; Deut. 28:13 , 28:6 ; Eph. 6:4 ; Psalms 127 : 3-5 ; Jer. 1:12 ; Isaiah 55: 11 )

To Walk in the Perfect Peace of God

Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you that your peace is my covenant right in Jesus Christ. I will keep my mind fixed on you Lord and trust in you and you will keep me in perfect peace.

I will not fret or have anxiety about anything , but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving , I will continue to make my wants known to you Father. And your peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over my mind and heart in Christ Jesus. I fix my mind only on that which is worthy of reverance, honorable, just, prue, lovely, kind, and gracious. If there is anything worthy of praise I will think on and weigh and take account only of these things.

I will let the peace of God rule in my heart. As I do I believe that my calm and undisturbed heart and mind are life and health to my physical body. I humble myself under the mighty hand of God , casting all of my concerns and anxieties on Him once and for all, because I know that He cares for me affectionately.

I thank you, Father, that you have not given me a spirit of timidity, cowardice, of craven, and cringing and fawning fear. The Spirit I have of you is of power and of love and of a calm and well balanced mind, of discipline and self control. You ,Lord, are on my side I will NOT fear, what can man do unto me. You ,Lord, are my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear or dread. You are the refruge and stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid. I love your law ,oh Lord, nothing shall offend me or make me stumble, I walk in great peace. In Jesus name, Amen

( Isaiah 26:3 ; Phillipians 4:6-8 ; Colossians 3:15 ; Proverbs 14:30 ; 1 Peter 5:6-7 ; Timothy 1:7 ; Psalms 118:6 , 119:165 )


( Proverbs 16:3, Proverbs 3:5-6, Jer.17:7-8 , Jer.33:3, )

For Our Government and Officials

This letter was sent to Dr. Kroll at Back to the Bible. He asked for it to be forwarded to Christians everywhere.

Dear Family and Friends:

I have a friend who is going through hell right now. My friend is also my brother in Christ. I believe that my friend and brother is in trouble with the world because he desires to represent Christ well in the task to which he has been called. My friend is Judge Kenneth Starr, the special prosecutor in the Whitewater and Monica S. Lewinsky matters, both involving the President of the United States and his advisors, and both involving the issue of lying and obstruction of justice.

I met Ken Starr almost six years ago when he and I both had the privilege of being asked at the same time by a mutual friend, Dean Ron Phillips, to serve as members of the Pepperdine Law School Board of Visitors-professional friends of the Law School. Ken wasn't the special prosecutor at that time. I came to know Ken as a true professional and a true believer in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ken is also truly committed-committed among other things to living out righteousness in the profession to which he was called. His father was a minister of the gospel and served as a pastor. Ken is a minister of the gospel and has served as a lawyer, Federal Judge and part-time law professor. Then came the call to serve as a special prosecutor. Ken took his commitment to Christ and His righteousness into the task to which he was called as well as his professional skills and responsibilities. He took his job very seriously and responsibly. And, now it seems that all hell has really broken loose in his life.

A few weeks ago, I was in Washington DC spending some time with two congressmen who are also brothers in Christ. I was visiting with them because they believe that the Lord might want them to write and publish a book about their walk with Christ and with each other as brothers while in office in our nation's capitol for the past 20 years or so.

When I told Congressman Frank Wolf of Virginia that I have a son who is a law student at Pepperdine Law School, Ken Starr's name naturally came up in our conversation because Ken had then only recently announced that, because of his ongoing responsibilities (seemingly never-ending) as special prosecutor, he had to withdraw his name as Dean-designate of the Pepperdine Law School and the Pepperdine School of Public Policy.

Congressman Wolf told me that Judge Starr and his family live in his congressional district in Virginia and that he and Judge Starr have become friends. He told me also that Ken and his family have been going through incredibly difficult times as he has worked to do his job as special prosecutor.

Congressman Wolf and I then talked about what I could do to help our brother as he serves our country and our Lord by his faithfulness to the task to which he has been called. I told the Congressman that I would love to be of support, but I was not sure how I could do so.

As we talked, the thought came to me of how grateful Susan and I were for the faithfulness of our family and friends last year (and still) in their prayer support and encouragement when our son, Curtis, and his friend, Patrick Steele, encountered extremely difficult times after the accident at Westmont College left Patrick Paralyzed. I remembered the effectiveness of e-mail over the Internet and the effectiveness of prayer of so many for two brothers in Christ and their families. At that point I told Cong ressman Wolf one thing I knew I wanted to do to help my friend, Ken Starr. I would pray for him and I would ask you to pray for him as well by informing you of his need over the Internet. I know that Ken Starr needs, and would very much appreciate, our prayers as he stands up for righteousness in a world who has forgotten what that word means.

An article in the Los Angeles Times this morning points out that Ken is in trouble with the "politically correct" world of Washington because "in a cynical city of deals and double-deals, Kenneth W. Starr might just be the last befuddled innocent." The article then goes on to say, "The independent counsel says that he prays before every courtroom appearance, sings hymns on morning jogs near the Potomac and thinks about Atticus Finch, the heroic defense attorney of `To Kill A Mockingbird.'"

The LA Times article also reported that when Judge Starr was asked why he continued to investigate the possibility of perjury or other crimes in the Lewinsky matter, despite the dismissal of Paula Jones' sexual misconduct suit against the President, Ken was quoted as saying, "It is very important that the law and the legal process have complete integrity and that people be honest. There's no room for white lies. There's no room for shading. There's only room for truth. . . . You cannot defile the temple of justice. You cannot, through-and I hope that it was not done-subordination of perjury, intimidation of witnesses and obstruction of justice. Rather, you must play by the rules. We must all play by the rules. . . . For the sake of the nation, we hope for the best. But our job is to determine whether crimes were committed."

What a novel idea in this age of irresponsibility, compromise and relativity! A fellow believer is standing up for what is right and carrying out his duties. In fact, Steven Brill, the editor of a new magazine called Brill's Content, who caused the latest flap over Judge Starr's claimed lack of political correctness, in his article called Ken Starr "old-world straight arrow, . . . the opposite of slick." Maybe more of us, especially us lawyers, need to have people saying that about us.

Most of the media in our country are very critical of Ken Starr because he does not play the game politically. Instead, Ken Starr is concerned about integrity, his own as well as those whom he has been charged with the responsibility to investigate. He is condemned and ridiculed for his honesty and for doing his job with character. We really must remember to stand with him in prayer and in conversation with those with whom we come in contact.

Earlier this week, I wrote Judge Starr and told him of my desire to stand with him publicly and to uphold him in prayer on a consistent basis as he continues to represent truth, justice and integrity in the fulfillment of his sworn duties of responsibility. I also told him that I was going to ask my many friends and family to do the same. I asked him to share with me any burdens that he and his family are facing as a result of his job performance and the public and private stress. Of course, I did tell him that we would all understand if he was not able to communicate with me often or at all.

Would you please stand with me as I stand with this brother who I believe to be a national hero and a warrior for Christ and his kingdom here on earth and in heaven. If you do not mind, I would appreciate hearing back from you if you wish to be kept informed and to pray for Ken. Thank you for your time in reading this and in your anticipated interest in joining with me in prayer.

In the name of Jesus, Sealy, Larry Crabb's Administrative Assistant

A Prayer for our Government

Father in the name of Jesus, I give thanks for our country and it's government. I hold up in prayer before you the men and women in positions of authority. I pray for all the people in authority over us in any way, I pray that the Spirit of the Lord rests upon them.

" I believe that skillful and Godly wisdom has entered into the hearts of our leaders and knowledge is pleasant to them. Discretion watches over them ; understanding keeps them and delivers them from the way of evil and from evil men."

" Your word declares that ' blessed is the nation who's God is the Lord ' I receive your blessing and declare with my mouth that your people dwell safely in this land and that they prosper abundantly." " It is written in your word that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and you turn it which ever way you desire. I believe that the heart of our leader is in your hand and that his decisions are divinely directed of the Lord. "

" I give thanks to you that the good news of the gospel is published in our land. The word of the Lord prevails and grows mightily in the hearts and lives of the people. I give thanks for this land and the leaders you have given to us in Jesus name."

" I proclaim that Jesus is Lord over my country. "

( 1 Tim. 2 : 1-2 ; Proverbs 2 :11- 12 , 21 : 1 ; Psalm 33:12 ; Jer. 1 : 12)

If you have a prayer request send it to me and I will post it on this page. If you are standing on a specific scripture ,please include that so others can agree and stand with you. Aislinn


Update on Amanda: Amanda went in for surgery to have the tumor removed; they have gotten most of it, and it was apparently very large, so much so one section was the size of a grapefruit and the other the size of a cantaloupe. It was wrapped around her heart as well as her ribs and vertabrae; they managed to get all but some of it that was wrapped around her spine.

While Amanda's parents were told that in 98% of the cases this type of tumor is malignant, guess what... they have found NO cancer at all! The little girl is in fact doing so well that she was able to go home from her surgery three days after it was performed. They will still be doing tests on the tumor to determine that there is no cancer, and they will still need to do more work on the remainder within her body, so she will still need everyone's prayers for a full and complete healing.

But perhaps the best point is this - prayer WORKS. Two weeks ago the little girl's parents were told that Amanda's tumor was fatal, that she would only be given a short time to live. Because of the strong faith of those who knew of her situation and asked God to help her, this has been proven wrong. Thanks to all who added to those prayers, Amanda's family is happy and grateful.

Remember that prayer is your lifeline to the Father. We are told to "Pray without ceasing." The Father is standing ready to meet with us to spend time with us, and as with any relationship, how can you get to know Him if you don't spend time with Him.

God bless you and keep you, Aislinn

Watch Your Language
by Kenneth Copeland

"In a multitude of words transgression is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is prudent." (Proverbs 10:19, The Amplified Bible)

We believers need to start watching our language! We need to quit throwing words around like they weren't important and start using them like our lives depended on it--because, according to the Word of God, they do! (Prov. 18:21).

Too many of us have what Proverbs 19:1 calls a perverted mouth. Having a perverted mouth means more than lying and using profanity. It means having a disobedient mouth. It means saying things that are out of line with the Word of God.

All of us have done that at one time or another. We'll say, for instance, that we're believing God for our healing and then we'll turn right around to some- one and make a statement like, "This pain is about to kill me!"

That's perverted! It's backwards from what God's Word says.

"Oh well, Brother Copeland, I know I said that, but it's not really what I meant."

Listen, the world of the spirit doesn't operate on what you mean. It operates on what you say. Mark 11:23 tells us that "whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

Take note. That verse didn't say you shall have whatsoever you mean. It says you'll have what you say. It's what you say that counts.

Now, I'm not suggesting you should be tied up in knots all the time worry- ing about what your next phrase might be. Just use the wisdom God has given you. Train your mouth to be obedient to His Word. Then, when you need it most, you'll find that Word dwelling richly in you.

SCRIPTURE READING: Proverbs 10:11-21

Let Us Pray by Steven Curtis Chapman

I hear you say your heart is aching You’ve got trouble in the making And you ask if I’ll be praying for you please And in keeping with convention I’ll say yes with good intentions To pray later making mention of your needs. But since we have this moment here at heaven’s door We should start knocking now, what are we waiting for?

Let us pray, let us pray ,everywhere in every way Every moment of the day it is the right time. For the Father above He is listening in love and He wants to answer us, so let us pray.

So when we feel the Spirit moving Prompting, prodding, and behooving There is no time to be losing, let us pray Let the Father hear us saying, What we need to be conveying, Even while this song is playing, let us pray. And just because we say the word "Amen" It doesn’t mean this conversation needs to end.

Let us pray, let us pray ,everywhere in every way Every moment of the day it is the right time. Let us pray without end and when we finish start again. Like breathing out and breathing in , let us pray.

Let us approach the throne of Grace with confidence As our prayers draw us near. To the one who knows our needs before we even call His name.

Let us pray, let us pray ,everywhere in every way Every moment of the day it is the right time. For the Father above He is listening in love and He wants to answer us, so let us pray. Let us pray, everywhere in every way Every moment of the day it is the right time. Let us pray without end and when we finish start again. Like breathing out and breathing in , let us pray.

Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done, On Earth as it is in Heaven.Let us pray.

Your First and Highest Calling by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland

"God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord." (1 Corinthians 1:9)

Do you know what God wants you to do more than anything else today? He wants you to fellowship with Him.

He wants you to walk with Him and talk with Him. To discuss the things of life with Him. He wants you to draw near to Him and partake of His very nature.

So many of us get so caught up in striving to please God in the things we do that we forget our first and highest calling is just to be in fellowship with Him.

That's right. God longs for us just to want to be with Him.

Have you ever considered how much it would mean for you to just come to God and say, "Father, I didn't really come today to get anything. I've prayed about my needs already and Your Word says they're met according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. So I just came to be with You. If You have anything You'd like to tell me, I'm ready to listen...and I want you to know that whatever I see in Your Word, I'll do it. I'll put it into effect in my life."

Why don't you tell that to God today? He's waiting to have fellowship with you.