9. Jane Frisbie (b. 1634) was Christened on December 17, 1734 in St. James, Clerkenwell, London, England.
You may find more articles of the Frisbies at the Blackstone Library, in Branford, Connecticut.
Other Frisbies we have found and will try to link to our ancestors are:
Cora St. Leon Frisbie (10/31/1856-12/22/1939) married Joseph Pendleton.
Addison Cowles Frisbie (10/20/1829-2/24/1910) married Ann Newell (3/31/1833-1/31/1914).
Harriet E. Frisbie (7/29/1807-7/25/1897) married Nee Oyer.
Frisbies that we found in the Oak Hill Cemetery in Towanda are Lewis Hewitt Frisbie (1882-1953), Mary Putnam Frisbie (1886-1966), and Edna Frisbie Turner (1885-1919).
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