cjd_floral_mosaic_fr.jpg (43379 bytes)
cjd_floral_mosaic_hdr.jpg (38163 bytes)

Cape Jasmine Designs
(Some Sets)

If you use any of my backgrounds, please don't link to these backgrounds. Save them to your hard drive. Please provide a link on your page back to mine. I'd also appreciate an e-mail message to let me know so I can see how it looks. To save background, click on the background to see it full size, click the right button on your mouse, and save to your hard drive.

Cutglass Framed Flowers
Added 1/30/2005

glassframe3.jpg (128839 bytes)
Set Added 8/28/99

floral22.jpg (41669 bytes)
Added 9/11/99

bouquet04.jpg (8609 bytes)
Added 8/31/99

bouquet4.jpg (9190 bytes)
Added 8/31/99

bouquet03.jpg (18001 bytes)
Added 8/31/99

bouquet02.jpg (92431 bytes)
Set Added 8/29/99

bouquet01.jpg (158386 bytes)
Added 8/29/99

peace_lilly.jpg (25798 bytes)
Added 8/22/99

plilly2.jpg (14590 bytes)
Added 8/22/99

antrose1.jpg (48544 bytes)
Added 7/26/99

antrose2.jpg (26358 bytes)
Added 7/26/99

glassframe1.jpg (19671 bytes)
Added 7/6/99

glassframe2.jpg (31850 bytes)
Added 7/6/99

bpflow1.jpg (47686 bytes)
Added 7/23/99

cape_jas.jpg (17567 bytes)
Added 7/26/99

morning_glory1.jpg (22865 bytes)





©1997-2004 Cape Jasmine Designs