The Fairy
The fairy alights on the flower
As she navigates her way
If she misses you in her wild flight
The Atlantis Pledge
am a proud citizen of Atlantis.
I promice to defend Atlantis
With all my heart.
Show the Spirit of Atlantis,
Spread it through out all the Realms.
I'll pass the Spirit Stick,
And remember that friendship is the key!
I'm a Atlantis citizen,
And I'll love my team!
Atlantis has Spirit,
Spreading Spirit to all the teams,
Hugs and friendship we do love,
I'm a member of the Atlantis family.
Pledge and Poem written by:
And opens the petals
To find the nectar hidden inside
Cupping her hands, she holds what she can
And spread her wings
To let the winds take her for a ride.
Through field and forest
Changing the nectar to dust and spreading it
On the heads she soars over
Leaving their eyes sparkling
And brightly lit.
Do not fret, she will return tomorrow night
I, Day Dreamer Fairy
Shining bright.
We sure do love our team.
We'll defend Atlantis
with all our might,
Even though we're in a dream!
That's the Atlantis way.
I'll try to make my Spirit Gleam,
And kind words I will say.
And of course, Spirit too.
Pass the Spirit Stick,
please don't shove,
these are the things we love to do.
Most of all, I'll have FUN!
Remember that, and Spirit you'll see,
And the fun is never done.
WeeLady Petula