I apologize for the delay in processing online submittals, however family illness has taken priority. Please pray for my much beloved 76yo father, Wallace Varner, as he faces prostate cancer, hydrocephalus, and stroke. Should anyone need to contact me concerning a registrant, you may call me personally at this number: (423) 451-0462. Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and hope to return as soon as my father's illnesses have subsided. Thanks for your understanding, concern and prayers.

Tennessee Reunion Registry & Info Page

Know Your Current Rights In Obtaining Adoption Record Information

TN Vital Records, Support Group & Info Page

Georgia Tann Adoptions

IF adoption arranged in any part though MS. GEORGIA TANN, MS Elrod, or TN Children's Home, please check this information board


Arkansas Reunion Registry

N. GA Reunion Registry

Ole KY Home Registry

Mississippi Reunion Registry

Southern Lost and Found List!!!



"This registry is a free mutual consent registry, which means both parties must agree to have information exchanged in order for the Registry Owner to supply any identifying information to either party. Once this registry form is submitted, it is promised by Registry Owner to keep all identifying information confidential, and agreed that Owner will NOT under any circumstances profit in any manner from the database contained within. You shall agree to the right of the Registry Owner to cross post non-identifying information to mailing lists in hope of a successful match. Information submitted to the Registry Owner will be kept on hard file, and only released by the permission of that person to whom the information belongs. However, YOU the Registrant will not hold Registry Owner responsible for any financial, emotional or other damage induced from an agreed reunion. BE forewarned, that by the certfication of SOAR, if Registry Owner is no longer able to upkeep registry, the contents thereof will be submitted to a responsible party, and the Registrants notified via last email, postal address, or telephone. Registrants have the RIGHT to withdraw their submittal at any time, without cause by writing to the Registry Owner at forementioned email address. The contents of online registry and hardcopy then will be destroyed."

Need a Lawyer Who Assist you in your search? Contact This Lady at Your Own Discretion:
Sandy Baumwald

IMPORTANT INFORMATION directed to Adoptees and Birthfamilies on obtaining records will be given once registered. Look for special notes in your confirmation letter concerning what PAU and state law considers NON-ID that will help you tremendously in your search.Email: Dlwilkey@aol.com


"You will in NO shape, form, or fashion, crosspost the information contained within without prior permission from the Registry Owner. Doing so will subject you to possible civil prosecution. You will in NO manner attempt to use any information found in this registry for financial gain."
BE THAT SAID, You May Enter the Online Registry:



The International Soundex Reunion Registry is the world's largest and most successful mutual consent reunion registry and is a free service. Get your free registration form by sending a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to:

P.O. Box 2312
Carson City, Nevada

You can reach them by phone at (702) 882-7755

Bastard Nation's T.I.E.S. (Terminal Illness Emergency Search) Program provides free birthfamily searches for terminally ill adoptees.

BN has assembled a team of professional and volunteer searchers who donate their time and expertise to searching for birth family members of those with a terminal illness. In addition, TIES has compiled a roster of qualified counselors willing to donate their time to provide emotional support for its clients who need it. The program is administered by a dedicated volunteer staff which undertakes the day-to-day management of the program. Since December of 1996 TIES has reunited 11 ailing clients, and cases are continually pending.

T.I.E.S. was founded in response to the right of all adoptees (ill and otherwise) to have obtain their original birth certificates. Until the archaic laws which seal an adoptee's birth records are changed, T.I.E.S. is helping terminally ill adult adoptees who need vital medical history information before it is too late. In the fall of 1997, operations were centralized in Seattle, WA with a full staff and a national toll-free number. Since that time the program has doubled intake and the number of reunions.

This program is free of charge to those who qualify. If you or anyone you know is terminally ill and searching for their birth family, or if you are interested in applying to be part of our network of volunteers, please contact TIES by calling the toll free number 1-888-586-8739, or email TIES at TIES@absnw.com If you would like more information about T.I.E.S., please visit its website at: http://www.ibar.com/TIES/

P.O. Box 99613
Seattle, WA 98199-9613
1(888) 586-8739
Program Director: Mary Hunt-Scoville
Intake Director: Julie Dennis
Regional Search Coordinator: Terri Leber

Personal Info on Registry Administrator:

Female born 4/9/66; Birthmother Gertie Mae Harrell Wilkey (Arledge) DOB: 3/2/32 DOD: 8/2/93. Birthmother of deprived beginnings; never sent to school; Auburn curly hair, fair skin/freckles, 5'5", 130lbs, ; Dutch/Welsh, white. Bmother had 2 children, one girl 10yrs older than adoptee, one boy 9yrs older than adoptee, one girl 2 yrs older than adoptee and one girl 1 yr older than adoptee. Birthmother very outdoorsey, occupation: picking crops. I found bmother, but died 9mos later; found 2 sibs living in MI and have regular contact. Found birthfather Jewell Arledge but had died in '86; reunited with Arledge family recently.

Searching for:

Biracial birthsister with birthname of Linda Sue Arledge;probably born in late 1963 or early 1964; birth complications as sibling was sideways. My own birthfather assisted in delivery and turned sibling so that she could be born; relinquished originally but not legally to Sue Kilgore of Whitwell Mtn TN, then taken care of by Birthaunt Amanda (Mandy) Harrell Elsea until aunt befell throat cancer; reportedly adopted at age of 5yrs old by area Chattanooga family. Alleged birthfather worked in barber shop at end of Bell Avenue in N. Chattanooga.

Searching for:

Birthsister 1 yr older than adoptee; reportedly unexpectedly born under Market Street Bridge in N. Chattanooga; taken to Erlanger; sibling possibly born in late 1964 or early 1965.

View Harrell Photos

View Arledge Photos

Anything look familiar? Contact registry owner at: Dlwilkey@aol.com

"ANNOUNCEMENT": 'Hicks Adoptees' Registry.

DNA testing for 'Hicks Registry' is FREE. The DNA Diagnostics Center located in Cincinnati, Ohio performs DNA testing as records for Hicks adoptees are nonexistant and this is the only manner in which birthfamilies can assuredly be reunited.

Ms. Tressie Long at 1-800-362-2368 can explain any questions for anyone who believes they are a Hicks baby and wants to submit a sample for running against all who join this registry. Our Coordinator is The Reverend Peggy Blanchard of St. Marks Episcopal Church in Copperhill, Tn. Her number is (423) 496-3487 or 496-4681. There is no fee or dues in this registry. We are not incorporated as a non-profit organization. The DNA results go directly to the adoptee and their match.

Website for 'Hicks Registry'.

Information compliments of ptpayne@tva.gov

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