Search By Year of Birth
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ATTENTION: AOL USERS & OTHERS: If your browser doesn't support forms you may email your information to me for inclusion in the registry.
ATTN: Searchers Make Sure That You Submit Your Search, Even If You Don't Find A Matching Entry On The Search Pages, Or Think You Have Enough Information, Please!!! It's To Your Benefit. :)
NOTE: "Refresh or Reload Your Browser When Visiting As New Submittals Are added Daily"
"Once registered, you will receive an acknowledgement from the Registry Owner, via the email address mentioned in your identifying information. The submitted form will be reproduced in the online SEARCH page, minus any identifying information such as your email address, last names, telephone number, and postal address. If at ANY time you wish to change any registrant information, submit your new additions and present yourself by prior identifying information. This protects you from unknown changes by any other person. If at ANY time you wish your withdraw your registration, you may do so by emailing Registry Owner personally, and all online information will be withdrawn and hardcopies destroyed. Online information will be ready within 7days for viewing."
NOTE:You Must at LEAST Register Your own DOB, Adoptees DOB, Reliable Return Email Address, Adoptee's City of Birth, For this Registry to WORK... Anything Less, Your Submital Is Almost Futile. Thanks,
Registry Owner.
BEFORE YOU LEAVE: Please take a few moments to submit this anonimous survey, so that we registry owners will know how to better serve you in the future. Don't worry; This will open up another browser. |