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I apologize for the delay in processing online submittals, however family illness has taken priority. Please pray for my much beloved 76yo father, Wallace Varner, as he faces prostate cancer, hydrocephalus, and stroke. Should anyone need to contact me concerning a registrant, you may call me personally at this number: (423) 451-0462. Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and hope to return as soon as my father's illnesses have subsided. Thanks for your understanding, concern and prayers.

Winslow Homer's "Upland Cotton"

This site is for Anyone Connected with MISSISSIPPI Adoptions!


"This registry is a free mutual consent registry, which means both parties must agree to have information exchanged in order for the Registry Owner to supply any identifying information to either party. Once this registry form is submitted, it is promised by Registry Owner to keep all identifying information confidential, and agreed that Owner will NOT under any circumstances profit in any manner from the database contained within. You shall agree to the right of the Registry Owner to cross post non-identifying information to mailing lists in hope of a successful match. Information submitted to the Registry Owner will be kept on hard file, and only released by the permission of that person to whom the information belongs. However, YOU the Registrant will not hold Registry Owner responsible for any financial, emotional or other damage induced from an agreed reunion. BE forewarned, that by the certfication of SOAR, if Registry Owner is no longer able to upkeep registry, the contents thereof will be submitted to a responsible party, and the Registrants notified via last email, postal address, or telephone. Registrants have the RIGHT to withdraw their submittal at any time, without cause by writing to the Registry Owner at forementioned email address. The contents of online registry and hardcopy then will be destroyed."

This SOAR - Safe Online Adoption Registries site is owned by
Donna V. Akehurst.

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Southern Finds!!!

New Mailing List for those Searching in MS:

Searching in Mississippi

Search Angels Willing to Assist or Give Advice in Mississippi Searching

Susan Harris

Beth in Jackson MS

Harville, MS Children's Home, 1938-1954


"You will in NO shape, form, or fashion, crosspost the information contained within without prior permission from the Registry Owner. Doing so will subject you to possible civil prosecution. You will in NO manner attempt to use any information found in this registry for financial gain."
BE THAT SAID, You May Enter the Online Registry:


ATTN: Searchers Make Sure That You Submit Your Search, Even If You Don't Find A Matching Entry On The Search Pages, Or Think You Have Enough Information, Please!!! It's To Your Benefit. :)


There are indications that changing the DOB on Adoptees Amended Birth Certificate up to ONE YEAR is common practice. The DOB on Amended BC's can be found to be the finalization date instead of the original DOB. If as an Adoptee you find this message on your ABC: "actual birthdate may vary within 1 year", please notify the registry so that others may consider that when viewing your submittal. Also, be forewarned that recordkeeping on the local level was VERY inadequate, and often was not reported to the state level. Please do request your non-id from the state to find if such an adoption record exists.

Also, if your adoption occurred via Salvation Army in any way, write to their nearest facility. You may find addresses and telephone numbers at this page:

Salvation Army:

Alabama, Lousianna, and Mississippi Region

Databases & Webrings

Keri's Registry Webring
Registry WebRing
This site owned by Pinkpetals .
Want to join the Registry WebRing?
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SEE THIS NUMBER??? It's the TRUE amount of folks visiting this site. And it tells me lots are looking but not submitting. Please do yourself and all of the Triad community a favor and post, even if you don't think you have enough information. Thanks.