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       I have also a great interest
 in adoption laws and reunions .My sister
 was adopted to [thank you God ] 
the most wonderful family and we 
found her after searching for 20 years.
WE thank her family for their support in 
meeting us and the love that made her grow 
up to a wonderful person.Thank you 
Belinda Jean. for meeting us.
 We all know it was not an easy choice
 to make.Hope you never regret it.
She brought a whole new
 meaning for the word family happiness.
My sister has adopted the most 2
 wonderful children [next to my own] 
I have very meet.
She has been blessed with the ablity 
to raise her children with the knowlege 
of their birthmother and even send 
mother day cards to them.
She even keeps picture of them for her to
 know all their child hood.I never met 
someone like her.I would of never 
found my sister if it can not been for 
the web ring .The adoption agency never 
let us meet even knowing 
that she wanted to meet us for 12 years.
We had our inmformation there and 
they did nothing.It took my mom being 
very sick and not expected to live much
 longer to get them to let us meet.
On good Firday they met.1998.My mom and 
sister missed out on 12 years that they 
could of known each other.
 Now my sister knows her medical history and 
can proudly go to the doctors with it.
Thank you ring for your contection.


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