"It is finished". The battle
is over and the Victory's been won. Jesus died on the cross so
that we would be free from our sins. Put your trust in Jesus, call on His blessed name and be born again into a new life. Life
eternal! I became a child of the King on May 8, 1958.
The Lord has been so good to me in my
life. He has blessed me with a wonderful family. My daughter, Kay
Marie, three grandaughters, Katrina Leigh, Shayla Marie and
Lindsay Alexandra and my son-in-law Cliff. Thank you Jesus!
As long as I can remember I have been
a fan of Southern Gospel music. There are so many singers that I
have enjoyed over the years. My all-time favorite group is The
Statesmen Quartet and my new favorite group is Jubilation Quartet. I
also have several of the Gaither videos and have been very
blessed by them. The homecoming friends are the "Cream of
the Crop" in Southern Gospel music. My all-time favorite
song is "The Lighthouse" by Ronnie Hinson.