I met DeAnna in 1999 by replying to a message she had posted on the ICQ message board. The description she posted about herself sounded just like me so I couldn't resist but to e-mail her. I didn't really think she would reply back but the next day she sent me an e-mail and we chatted briefly over ICQ. Our friendship grew from there and DeAnna has become a special friend to me. I can honestly say that I can not imagine not knowing her. She has brought so much into my life with her caring and thoughtful nature.
She is one of those people that you can easily talk to and quickly become friends with! She has showered me with friendship cards and gifts via e-mail and snail mail that have touched me more than she'll ever know! She is such a sweet and caring friend!
She has not only been a great friend but she's the reason that I wanted to learn html. When I first saw her homepage I was inspired and motivated to build my own homepage. When I first learned basic html and had built a few pages I of course showed her and she was so encouraging and complimentive that I kept with it and I am still continuing to learn lots of stuff. LOL Then later I wanted to start making my own graphics and she helped me get started with that also!! (*thank you-DeAnna)
DeAnna, how can I thank you for your friendship and for all that you've done for me?!
I am so blessed and thankful to have met you on-line and I can't wait until the day comes that we can meet in person! When that day does come I know our friendship will become even greater!
Thank you so much for everything but especially for your friendship!!
A friend is...
Someone you can be yourself with,
and who will overlook your faults.
Someone you can laugh with in good times,
and cry with in sad times.
Someone you can share your most intimate secrets with,
and with whom you can always be honest.
Someone who's always there when you need them,
and who will never let you down.
Someone whose smile can make a world of difference
when you're having a bad day.
Someone who's always ready with a hug
when things aren't going your way.
Someone who always laughs at your jokes,
no matter how bad they are.
Someone who's always willing to listen
when you need someone to talk to.
Someone who always says the right things,
and is always willing to offer advice...
whether you take it or not.
Someone you always feel close to,
no matter how many miles are between you.
A friend is..
Someone like YOU!