
Hello, I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit this page in honor of all the missing and exploited children across America.  As I thank God every morning and every night that I have all my children at home and safe with me I feel that it is important to display the banner below in hopes that you or someone has seen one of these children and will contact the proper authorities.  I would like to express my sympathy to all of the families out there who have a loved one missing.  I pray that he/she is safe and will be returned to you soon!

Now please take a minute to take a good look at All of the pictures below.  If you think you have seen one of these children please call toll free 800-the lost

Also please visit the offical Polly Klaas Missing Children's website.

Elizabeth is home safe!!

Click the ribbon below.

This is a great website that provides resources to prevent child abduction
and to offer resources to help in the return of Abductees.

Click here to visit our website. Help us find our sweet Natalee. www.natalee-holloway.com

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This page built and maintained by:Nicky