Heartland Carnival Webring

The Heartland Carnival Webring is open exclusively to those sites listed with Carnival. If you don't have your site listed you can do it here. Please do not submit your site until it is listed.
To join the ring just follow these steps:

1) Fill out this form:

Submit site to the "Heartland Carnival Webring"
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Category: Where is your site listed at Heartland Carnival?
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

2) Download these images to your hard drive and then upload it to your server

Heartland Carnival Webring Heartland Carnival Next
3) You will receive the HTML coding for the webring via email. Place it on your page (the URL you submitted) and email the ringmaster with your site ID so she can add you to the ring. This coding MUST be added to your site within 7 days or you will have to resubmit your site.

That's it! Your ring will look like this:

Heartland Carnival Next Site This Heartland Carnival site is owned by --name--.

Want to join Heartland Carnival?

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Need to edit your site info? You can do that here!

Site ID No:

HCW Members Email