Majlath Family History

You will find here the meaning of the family name and its origin; a brief account of the history and geography of the kingdom of Hungary; six coats of arms of three families: Maylád de Szunyogszeg, Majlát de Zéch and Mailáth de Székhely. To the best of my knowledge I am not related to any families contained herein.

See the Records of the Tötösy de Zepetnek Family / A Zepetneki Tötösy család adattára who are related to the Mailáth de Székhely family
Székhelyi Mailáth István (1865-1940) married Öttömösi Szirányi Aurélia]

Most of the information on the Majláth Families can be found in the references and links. There are a few maps, and lots of graphics which take time to load. Please be patient.

For Hungarian related links go here. There you will find such categories as Maps; Genealogy - Hungarian, German, Slovak, Ukranian; Family Home Pages; Hungarian History; Books and Libraries; Dictionaries (Latin, Hungarian); Images of Hungary; General Genealogy Links; Language Resources; Search Engines; Professional Hungarian Genealogy Service providers; Ancient Hungarian Runic writing; Museums; Churches; Cities; Heraldry; World War I resources.

In Hungarian, family or surnames tend to be listed before first names. The family name is used as an adjective describing which person one is referring to. In old documents the place of origin of a person was also added before the family name! The place name is another adjective to define which family one is referring to. For example, Borsodi Forgács Péter means "Péter of the Forgács family in or from Borsod". To avoid confusion, family or surnames are underlined whenever possible in the following pages.

There is no consistency in the spelling of the Majláth Family name. It depends on the region and sometimes the nationality. The Székhelyi Mailáth (from Székhely) most often spelt their name with an "i" and sometimes it was written with a "j". Most families used the last letter "h" while others left it off.

Meaning, Jelentöség, Bedeutung

Meaning, Jelentöség, Bedeutung

One well-meaning soul advised me that the word "jelentőség" does not exist in the Magyar (Hungarian) lexicon. My references were (a)
Magyar-Angol: Iskolai És Kéziszótár by Dr. Biró Lajos Pál et al. and (b) Angol-Magyar Nagyszótár, Vol. I, II by Országh László both of which list this as an actual word. I suppose I could have used "jelentés' instead of "jelentőség" where the former means "meaning" in English while the latter refers to "significance" which in the context is neither here nor there.

History, Történelem, Geschichte

History, Történelem, Geschichte

Families, Családok, Familien

Baron Maylád de Szunyogszeg Coat of Arms

Majlát de Zéch Coat of Arms

Count Mailáth de Székhely Coat of Arms

Bács-Bodrog County Coat of Arms
Updated 28 Jun. 1999


Heves County
Detk, Ludas,

Sirok (Szék)
Heves County Coat of Arms
Updated 25 Feb. 1999

Click on a coat of arms to access more information on that cell in the table.

The county coat-of-arms are from the site by András Szeitz and Don Mabry.

Copyleft © T. Majláth 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006

The  Gimp

Last updated 11 May 2006

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