Angels In My Life

There have been angels in my life,
While they don't arrive
with a blast of trumpets
or a rustle of wings,
I've known them just the same.
They performed their acts
in humble guise,sometimes posing
as well meaning strangers.
You have know them, too,
when just the right word was needed,
when a tiny act of kindness made a great
difference,or perhaps you heard a
voice whispering in the night of sorrow,
the words not quite clear,but the meaning
"There is Hope..There is Hope"

My Mother's Day Gift to my Mom, Sis, Niece
and her daughters,Haley and Hannah, who didn't make
her debut, till April 15, 2000!

A Mother is.....

the DENTIST who uses a string.
the SUNSHINE on a cloudy day.
the STORY TELLER when you can't get to sleep.
the HAIR STYLIST on the night of the prom.
the DOCTOR who cures poison ivy.
the TEACHER who teaches about life.
the SEAMSTRESS who patches torn jeans
the COMEDIAN who makes you laugh when you're down.
the CHEERLEADER at all sports activities.
the NURSE who bandages a scraped knee.
the ARTIST who teaches finger painting.
the LAUNDRY LADY who keeps you dressed so nice.
the BAKER who makes chocolate chip cookies.
the TUTOR who helps with homework.
the COUNSELOR who gives guidance.
the CLEANING LADY who finds the bedroom floor.
the TOOTH FAIRY who rewards you for your pain.
the HEALER of your first broken heart.
the CHAUFFEUR for all social events.
the DISHWASHER who never complains.
the SELF-ESTEEM BUILDER for everyone.
the COOK who keeps the meals balanced.
the DREAM CATCHER who helps find dreams.
the KLEENEX that dries the tears.
the KEY that unlocks the door to the future.
the JUDGE who makes decisions with wisdom.
the PARTY PLANNER who makes you popular.
the SINGER who taught childhood songs.
the LIGHT that guides through dark moments.
the EGO BUILDER, picking you up when you're down.
the DRUGGIST who knows the cure for your pain.
the PRAYING HANDS that guide spiritually.
the GUARDIAN ANGEL who keeps you safe.
the FRIEND who puts real meaning into "I Love You"!


My husband of 28 years,
is the most special angel in my life.
He has stood by my side during the good
times and the bad.We are friends
joined at the heart.

"Sometimes in life you find a special friend. Someone who
changes you life by being a part of it"


On September 13, 1966..
God gave me a very special angel,
my daughter.

"It's a girl!" they said, A daughter was born
The bond between mothers and daughters
A look, a touch, Times happy and sad,
Thoughts and feelings shared-
The bond between mothers and daughters.
Stop by and visit her very special
Angel Experience:
An Angel To Guide Me


"Anyone who helps you grow is an angel".
After 12 years of waiting, our son was
brought into our lifes...he has definitely
been an angel in disguise.

Making the decision to have a child
- it's momentous. It is to decided forever
to have your heart go walking
around outside your body.
( Elizabeth Stone)

"We've never had to look far to find
our angels. Angels have never really
been out of reach. We can always discover
angels from the inside-out, because it is
the angel inside us who can point the way
to all our other angels"



Everyone gets an Angel, you can't see them,
because sometimes, they are invisible.
Sometimes they are your pet when she
kisses you, sometimes they are a
small treasure you find,
an Angel might even be your Friend
Those angels are quiet but what they are
really saying is "Pink clouds!
So if you begin to worry too much, just remember
somewhere, an angel is looking out for you too.


No one but a sister, Could know me quite
so well, my strengths and weaknesses
and to continue to love me still.
While we were growing up -
learning right from wrong,
Somehow through it all together
we were strong. Though circumstance
or distance,
would try to keep us apart,
They'll never overcome The Love within our hearts.


This Candle is lit in loving memory of my grandmother...
I love you Busia...
and thanks for being my guiding light.



Jodi's Place


A Mother's Day gift from my friend Char :-)

Daremore Quotes


Receiving this in my mail the
morning of April 24, 1999,
helped me realize what a wonderful world
this is! Thank you to whom ever nominated me for this
very special gift! (But I really think I know who You Are


For All you Do for your Family in Real life and on the web.....
this is my RAOK to you ;-)
Joy sent and made me this beautiful gift
March 23, 1999....Thank you so much my
very special friend.


Quote of the Week's Love Quote of the Day

©1998/1999/2000All Rights Reserved Rights for images, sound files,
poetry and quotes belong to their owners/creators
and I make no claims. Update May 11, 2000
