If thoughts could paint pictures
that words dare not speak,
And daydreams built castles
of that which we seek.
Then artists and architects
all would we be,
Our hearts would be open,
our minds would be free.
I'd build you a castle
as daydreams unfold,
Revealing the feelings
I secretly hold.
I'd paint you a picture
of words left unsaid,
And feelings of closeness
to which they have led.
But pictures are thoughts
that can never be told,
For fear of appearing
too forward and bold.
And castles are built
in the daydreamers heart,
A lifetime of wishes
still lifetimes apart.
And yet we are richer
for all that we feel,
No matter how abstract,
no matter how real.
For joy is the picture
we paint in our minds,
And love is the castle
our hearts hope to find.
author unknown
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