Count Your Blessings

Thanksgiving is a time for laughter
laughing at life's rhyme
the answers to prayer out of strife
and all the things you dare to laugh at
Thanksgiving is a time of tears
ones of joy, ones of sadness
all the ones your fears stopped you from crying before
Thanksgiving is a time for memories
ones of laughter and ones of tears
from those years before

-By MP

History of Thanksgiving

During the winter of 1621, half of the 102 Mayflower passengers who settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, died. The following spring a Pawtuxet Indian named Squanto helped those who survived plant corn and barley. Their fall harvest was a success, and the colony held a thanksgiving celebration inviting Massasoit, the chief of the Wampanoag tribe, to join their feast of turkey, venison, duck, goose, lobsters, clam, corn, vegetables, and dried berries. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving an annual national holiday.

Giving Thanks

"I am thankful for my wonderful family and grandchildren! I thank God everyday for my wonderful RAOK family!"- Gramma Meme

"Being able to see each new enjoy the wonderful surprises that God has waiting every morning for us.....the love of family and friends.......there are so many blessings." - The Lady

"So many images/memories flood my mind and yet they all stem from the same source. I am most thankful for the gift of a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. It has brought us joy unspeakable and it has carried us through times when grief rendered us speechless. It has guided us when the way was not clear and it has blessed us when we didn't deserve it. It has enabled us to love each other more deeply. It has given us a future and a hope. All of the things we are thankful for go directly back to that one thing--a free gift from God. I will never be able to thank Him enough. I love all of you!" - curious

"I'm thankful for the special people in my life -- the love of family and friends; for each glorious day I have with them is so very precious and brings me such joy (even when there is pain and sorrow). - Snugs

"My faith, for without it nothing would matter." - Darlene

"I'm thankful for my small, but wonderful, family. I'm thankful for my husband's friendship. And, I'm thankful that I have been blessed by so many online friendships!" - Dinogirl

"I am thankful for my family; my daughters, my mother and father, and my brother; they have always been a blanket of strength for me when I have needed it. I am also thankful that my Mother is in remission this holiday season." - Beehonee

"I am so thankful for my husbands health I almost lost him to a heart attack in January. He is doing well now. I also am thankful to be able to see a new day even with trial and tribulations. Life is so precious. my children are health and I am thankful for that. I am thankful for new found better stop or I will be writing a book. " - kimmiann

"I am thankful for all the kindness a support that my family has received from this fine group. And all the blessings that we have received being a part of it." - Judy

Quilt Square

This quilt square has been submitted to the Quilt For the Cause.

"My wonderful son..The Zakman!!! Also I am thankful that God has granted me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change... the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference!!" - Sha

"I'm thankful for my family and my friends. Without them, I would be nothing." - Paula

"I am thankful for the ability to walk, hold a job, and most of all, my family, and the friends in my life!" - Mommacat

"I am thankful for the same thing and breathing. Whichever it may bring that or pain...I welcome it." - ~AngelSpirit~

"I am thankful for the air I breathe, my children, my husband, my RAOK friends, my other online friends, food to eat,a roof over my head,my animals,and life in general" - Lorrie

"I am thankful for the life I have, it could many times have been lost, I am thankful for the children I have, they are a blessing to me each day, I am thankful for the friends I have, each has a special feeling in my heart, I am thankful for the emotions I am still capable of feeling, I am thankful that Chrissy is showing improvement, I am thankful for having the mind to be able to believe." - Paul

"I am thankful for each new day that comes...I am thankful to have wonderful husband and two wonderful children... a great son-in-law and daughter-in-law who make my children happy. I am very thankful for two beautiful grandsons. I am thankful that I am able to get up and go to work each morning, that my health allows this. Also for all my great friends on and off the net.." - Barbara

"I am thankful for my loving husband, my great family and all of the blessings we've had this year."- Shell

"I'm thankful for my wonderful wife, and those I consider my family."- Vu

"I personally am very Thankful for all of the Love & Kindness shown by Chrissy in her endeavors as Flutterby."- Teresa

"I am thankful for my life, my husband who loves me just the way I am. My kids and friends ~ both on line and off who hold a special place in my heart."- Penny

"I am thankful for my family and friends, for being healthy and happy and all the wonderful special gifts I have received.."- Candi

"I am so very thankful for the time I was given to be with Tamar. I am thankful for my loving friends."- Chilady

"I am thankful for my family and the blessing that we have been given. I am also thankful for the friends I have been given, as with my family they show me each day that I'm so bless to be given the gifts I have."- Dee

"I am thankful that God has blessed my with 3 beautiful children and a loving husband, a wonderful family and friends, as well as the many friends I have made through the internet."- Ginger

"I am thankful for my faith which keeps me going when times get rough. I thank God everyday for my life, my son, my daughter, my son-in-law and for the biggest gift he has given granddaughter, Gabrielle"- KittyKapers

"I'm thankful for all that I have, and don't have. For what I don't have is not nearly as important as what I do have. Love and Friendships.. Also for the excellent news about Chrissy.- Chris (AKA teaniefae)

"I am thankful for my 2 beautiful healthy children, for my husband who is a wonderful father, for my wonderful mom and dad, sunshine, laughter, good health, and friends."- Diane

"I am thankful that I have all my online friends as well as my offline friends and family. I am also thankful that Chrissy will be just fine."- Mildred

"I am thankful for God giving me boo and littleone my two little girls and for giving both Koral and faith good health and good minds." - phebelove

"I'm thankful for the Lord as my Savior, my loving family, my two dogs, and for being able to touch someone's life in some way with a 'kindness'" - Diana ("fav")

"I'm thankful for the love of family and friends. God has blessed me with so many loving caring, wonderful people in my life. I don't know what I would do without each and every one of them. I am thankful for the life that I have and the ability to live it to the fullest!" -Flutterby/Chrissy

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This TLC Committee Project was made possible by the ideas and contributions of the RAOK TLC Committee. The following people should be mentioned for their contributions:

Background set by Chilady
Url/Link Research by Beehonee, zack, and Candi.
Graphics by Candi, zack, GrammaNancy, Mick, and Chilady.
Poem by Phebelove
Webpage by MrsOwl and Nick
Special "Thank Yous" to Kind Soul, TLC Committee Leader and Nick, Assistant TLC Committee Leader.

Happy Thanksgiving from the TLC Committee!

RAOK Seal of Approval

This background set was made especially for this TLC Committee project. Please do not copy. Thank you!