? The EvettsFamily Genealogy Pages that include the Fiala name.

  Welcome to the Evetts Family Genealogy Page.
I hope you find info here that you can use on your own search.
I got interested in our family history when my father
passed away.  Dad had always wanted to have an Evetts Family Reunion.  There are plans to have one this summer.   With dad's  passing we found out you need to ask questions before your family passes away. There was so much family history that went with his passing. My grandmother passed away in 1995.  Verba Fiala was 95 years old when she died. She was born March 21, 1900.  She saw, almost, a complete  Century.   It is hard to realise what all she saw in her life time.  Now the year 2000 is here.  I wonder what the people of the year 3000 will see.  I hope that this site is a small peice of our family that will  be left for our future generations.  So that they will know where their  roots have come from.
       This is my first genealogy site.  So please be patient with my mistakes.  If you would like to meet us please go see our home page.   It has pictures of me and Carl and our kids and grandkids.  Be sure to sign the guest book at both sites.

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