My Family Connections
April, 2006
Found out my g grandmother Mary Ida Franks' last name is Coan. Will be adding some Coan information shortly!
Welcome to my family connections. I have been doing genealogy for about 6 years. Some lines I have been successful and others are brickwalls.If you see someone you know,please e-mail me.Thanks for stopping by.
Be patient. Photo pages may be slow to load
Gean Family Gean Family Photos
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Type in Subscribe in the subject line of email.List Administrator Karen Martin
migrated from North Carolina to Tennessee. To leave a message at Gean mailing list at
Gilman Family
Gilman Family Photos
migrated from Virginia to Tennessee.
Recently added pictures of Bessie Franks and son Howard. Also some marriage records. Newly added picture of James Robert Franks
Franks Family
Franks Family Photos
migated from Alabama to all over the U.S.
Heath Family
Heath Family Photos
Tennessee, Georgia and then to Alabama
Mahon Family
Mahon Family Photos
Originated in North Carolina and migrated to Tennessee
Houston Family
I have a lot of information on the Houston family. Will be adding soon.
Aunt Lizzie's Letter
A letter from Lizzie Hicks Carter to Sophia Letitia Houston Gilman
The Wise/Wyse family are also related to the Jefferson, Crowder and Thomas, Emerson, Weddle and Reynolds famlies. From Haywood, Lauderdale counties in Tennessee.
Wyse/Wise Family
Wise/Wyse Family Photos
From Tennessee
Coan Family*** Coming Soon***
2006 Karen Martin