Your daddy was a good person, an outstanding citizen.
He knew there was a God;God made this earth.
He taught you as a lad, God's nature.
Names of fish in a pond, birds of the air
Trees, plants, what was good to eat.
What wasn't good for man, to touch, nor smell.
From his teaching, you knew what grew in gardens.
He took you fishing, taught you how to hunt.
He was never too busy, nor tired, to rock you at night.
Material possession, wasn't his goal in life.
He gave of himself, to your mother, his children, and mankind.
He had patience and understanding for everyone.
You were raised, not in a house, but a loving home.
Where everyone shared, learned to care.
You are one of the richly blessed persons,
for having a man like your daddy.
Loved ones and friends, behold today,
Memories of T.J. as a husband, daddy, and loving person.
Yes son, he left you, lots of traces of life.
A lot of children has never known, or will ever know.
A person, to have been raised like you.
He was a good man, he was my friend.
He was your daddy.
We each loved him too.
He left you a wealth that'd neither bought nor sold,
but a legacy for the rest of your life.

written by
Peggy J. King

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