I have been a police officer since March 15, 1981.
I have seen the rise in the crime rate.
I've seen the brutality that is sweeping our nation.
I see a nation that is lost.

It seems, we as a nation,have forgotten where we came from
and the struggle it took to become a world power.
We have lost our morals and values
We have lost faith in God and ourselves.

If we don't come back to the place we were,
we will become a pagan nation and all of our Science
and Technology, can not and will not save us.

Our schools have turned into blackboard jungles.
Drugs and alcohol abuse are running rampant.
There seems to be no way of stopping it.
Telling our children to "just say no" isn't enough.

We have got to teach them to believe in themselves.
We need to give them hope for the future and something
meaningful to hold on to.
Our future lies in what we give to them now.

The family unit needs to be supported from the White House
on down.
The laws that allow the government to take from those
who will work and give to those who will not, needs to
be changed.
A person needs to work in order to have sense of
self-worth and self-respect.

Poverty is growing in this nation.Yet look at the
millions and millions of dollars that are spent on drugs
and other illegal activities each year.
We are each, in our own way, responsible.
We go home and close our door to the problems that lie
in our front yards.
Only to turn on our tv sets and drift into another world
of fantasy and make believe.
We are then bombarded by the very problems we are trying
to shut out.
Then we sit back and wonder what is wrong with our children!

We have become a nation under seige.
In WW1, WW2 and the Cold War, the world looked to us for
hope and security.
Today [04/19/95] in Oklahoma City, terrorism has struck
in the bombing of a government building.
I am afraid we are not as safe and secure as we want to believe>

The problems that the rest of the world have faced, have
come back to haunt us.
Are we as safe as we would like to believe?!!

We need to get back to the values that made us great,
the values our forefathers built this nation on.
If we don't then what kind of legacy will we leave behind
for our children.

We may very well lose our standing as a world power and
We may very well become a third world power, and find we
are dependent on someone else.

The solution does not lie inthe hands od the government,
but in ourselves.
The Lord may very well judge us as a nation, if he is not
doing it already.
And we as a nation will pass into the pages of history
like so many before us.

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