Cheri's Haven

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Welcome to Cheri's Haven Bookstore. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you like the changes I have made. I felt it was about time I gave my bookstore a complete facelift so I sincerely hope you like what I have done with it so far. I am trying, from time to time to offer different selections of books I have read myself and can recommend as good reading. Along with the books listed you will find a small review of each book so you can make a selection you think you would be happy with. I will try and change or add books from time to time to offer more of a selection to everyone. I have added another department and have a few more in the works as we speak so watch for those in the near future. I enjoy books that allow me to escape from my day sometimes but I do also enjoy many other different kinds so you'll find a wide selection offered here. I try to be diverse in my reading material. For the time being I have two pages of books and hopefully will be adding more so as not to cram to many onto one page for ease of browsing. Once again, thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy your visit and are able to find something you like.

Cheri's Haven Book Store

Works By Danielle Steele:

Accident A powerful and ultimately triumphant tale of families shattered and lives changed forever by a single, devastating moment. This inspiring novel explores how many people are affected by one tragic accident-- and how they survive tragedy in a world where everything can change in an instant.

Crossings Despite rumors of impending war, the ship Normandie makes its transatlantic voyage from Washington D.C., to France. Aboard is beautiful, American-born Liane De Villiers, devoted to her much-older husband, the French ambassador to the United States, and her two daughters. She meets Nick Burnham, an American steel magnate, a kind man trapped in a loveless marriage. Their passion remains unacknowledged. But when the outbreak of World War II forces Liane to flee Paris, she and Nick meet again -- and pledge a love that can no longer be denied.

Jewels A young couple survives World War II and rebuilds their lives by benevolently purchasing family jewels from war survivors and beginning their own gem business.

Message From Nam Journalist Paxton Andrews wants to discover the real truth about Vietnam, and by getting to know the soldiers fighting there and by experiencing their patrols in the jungle, she reveals the full tragedy of war. 

A Perfect Stranger A young San Francisco lawyer's life changes when he meets the perfect stranger in the beautiful Raphaella, the sheltered daughter of a European banker and restless wife of a much older man.

Star Young, innocent and strikingly beautiful Crystal Wyatt was an outcast, envied and resented by all but her devoted father, with whom she shared a deep love for their remote California ranch. When her father dies, Crystal is alone and unprotected. Devastating events shake the once peaceful valley. With nothing but her dreams, her beauty, and her awe-inspiring voice, Crystal escapes to embark on the career that will ultimately make her a star. But stardom itself is shadowed by danger and violence and haunted by a memory that must be resolved before Crystal can find happiness and peace.

In the late 1930s, in the shadow of the Lindbergh kidnapping, Marielle shares her life with her husband and son in New York's Upper East Side. All seems wonderful until Marielle runs into her first love . . . and then her son disappears. Suspicions and accusations mingle with terror and heartbreak as the police and FBI turn the country upside down looking for the boy.

Works by Diana Gabaldon:
Voyager The third of Gabaldon's novels featuring the time-traveling heroine Claire Randall covers her reunion with her twentieth-century husband, the birth of her daughter by eighteenth-century Scots clansman Jamie Fraser, and her training as a doctor. In due course, she feels driven to essay time traveling again, but reunion with Jamie takes place on the eve of Culloden. The pair's subsequent flight for life takes them to the West Indies and, finally, to a hair-raising shipwreck in the American colonies that hints there may be a fourth volume of Claire's adventures. Gabaldon handles the time-travel elements competently but subordinates them to classic historical romance--a big one, luxuriantly detailed and featuring highly appealing characters and an authentic feel to the background that speaks well of her research and writing.

Drums of Autumn Set in pre-Revolutionary War America, readers finally have the much awaited fourth book in what will probably become a six book series (The Outlander series). The talented Diana Gabaldon continues Claire and Jamie's romantic love affair, and introduces Brianna and Roger's story. Eight hundred pages, and several wonderful new characters later, we wonder why we were waiting for a conclusion. It'll be a long wait for book five, so I recommend you go back and reread

Outlander First in a three-book series that combines time travel, humor, and passionate romance. While Claire and her husband visit an ancient stone monument in 1945 England, Claire is suddenly thrust back to the year 1743--and becomes torn between two vastly different men in two irreconcilable lives. "Evokes the land and lore of Scotland.

Dragonfly in Amber In eighteenth-century Scotland, Claire Randall and her raven-haired daughter, Brianna, return to the majestic hills where Claire recalls the love of her life--gallant warrior James Fraser.


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