You have seen them...the "young men", "love of my life"...LOW LIFE'S your daughters bring home? Well, now it's time to cover yourselves and protect your daughters' well being. Although it's meant in pure fun...many of you MAY want to take it serious. Have fun with it.

Note: This application will be incomplete and rejected unless accompanied by a complete financial statement, job history, lineage and medical report from your doctor.

Date Of Birth:____/____/____

Soc. Sec.#______-___-_______
Driver's License#____________________
Boy Scout Rank:_____________Good Standing: Yes_____No_____
Home Address:__________________________________
Home Phone#: (___)___________

Car Phone#:_______________

Do you own
a. Van?____
b. Truck with oversized tires?____
c. Car with a trunk full of speakers?_____

Do you have any of the following:
a. An earring_____
b. nose ring______
c. belly button ring_____
or piercings on any other body parts_____



(If you answered YES to any of the above questions, discontinue and leave the premises immediately.)

In 30 words or less, what does "LATE" mean to you?

In 30 words or less, what does "DON'T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER" mean to you?

Church you attend_____________________
How often______________________
Best time to interview your pastor?_______________________

Fill In The Blank. Please answer freely, all answers will be confidential.

a. If I were beaten, the last bone I want to be broken is:

b. The one thing I hope this application does not ask me is

c. Now answer the question you filled in on B

NOTE: If you have answered any of the previous questions dishonestly (and I will find out), discontinue application. It is advised that you leave the premises quickly keeping your head low and running in serpentine fashion.

I swear that all information provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge under penalty of death, dismemberment, electrocution, and/or hot pokers.

Signature (This means sign your name)

Thank you for your interest. Please allow 4 - 6 YEARS for processing. If your application is approved, you will be contacted in writing. Please do not call or write, this could cause you unexpected injury.

If your application is rejected, you will be notified by two men wearing white ties and answering to the names GUIDO and LOUIE.

Just a note here...I gave this to a guy three years ago (as an icebreaker) as he wanted to date my daughter. She's now his wife! (11 July 2000) Maybe it pays off afterall. Congratulations Scott and Sara! My wishes to you: a life filled with love and happiness, Love Always, Mom

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Welcome to PJs (Home Page) PJs Patio of Links Moonlight Ride
Reflections The Ring
The Most Beautiful Heart
Remember When
Dear Friend Prayer for the Children Laugh With Me
The Rules Application to Date My Daughter Spring
Death of an Innocent From Me to You (Christmas) Between You and Me
Believe It!
I Drink From My Saucer
The New School Prayer
Something To Think About
The Bible vs. TV Guide
The Price of a Child
The Road to Success
Value of Time The Best Is Yet To Come Touch Me

Lake Applets

(Lake Applet:
How to)
Beyond the Palms (Sunset) Big Sky
Catch a Butterfly Falls Flowers and Lake
Forest Lake Mountain Falls
Mountain Lake Monet's Bridge Paula's Retreat
Rock Lake Rocks on the River Stream and Flowers
Sunrise Swan Waterfalls
Wild Flowers Windmill Mom and Babies

Snow Applets

Autumn Snow End of the Day Foot Prints in the Snow
Holiday Home In Silence Homeward Bound
Over the River Sleigh Ride Sleigh Ride II
Snow in the Pines Snow on the Farm Snowy Path
Tranquility View from the Rooftop On My Way Home

Rain Applets

After the Carnival Autumn Forest Azalea's
Bayou Country Country Lane
Field of Flowers Field of Wheat Foot Bridge
Forest Rain Lake Rain Lonely Palm Tree
Puddles Rain in October Sunset

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