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Mothers Day:

It was a lovely face all filled with grace,
just about to cross the tide.
The Doctor said she cant last to long,
and I knew that he was right.
So with trembling lips we saw her slip
from this old earths domain,
Thats when we saw that Holy peace that takes
the place of pain!...

It was Mothers day oh what a way,
to celebrate her life.
She had looked to Jesus every day
now she looks into His eyes.
It was a resurrection, sweet demension, glorious way
to celebrate the end of pain
This.. was.. Mother's Day....

Its been so long since shes been gone,
I miss that precious smile.
I wouldn't bring her back again
from Jordan's other side.
From Mt.Zions hill oh I can hear her still
shouting Jesus is the way, since shes been gone
and from now on every day is Mothers day!!

It was Mothers day oh what a way,
to celebrate her life.
She had looked to Jesus every day
now she looks into His eyes.
It was a resurrection, sweet demension, glorious way
to celebrate the end of pain
This.. was Mother's... Day...
It was a ressurection sweet demension glorious way
to celebrate the end of pain,
This.... was.. Mother's... Day!.....

Song Preformed By:
The Perry's

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