Welcome to Random Acts Of Kindness
Child Abuse Awareness Page

This page came to be, due to a prayer request for a 3 year old little girl who had been brutally raped. This tragedy should never have happened...unfortunately, it happens to many children everyday. According to U.S. statistics, one out of every four girls and one out of every ten boys have been sexually abused by the age of eighteen. This must stop!

This bear has been adopted in the thoughts of a very special little girl named Elizabeth

There are four main forms of child abuse...sexual (already mentioned), physical, emotional and by neglect. All are equally devastating... to the child, and to society. Child abuse is not going to magically disappear because of this page...but if we can make people more aware, maybe we can make a difference.

Sexual Abuse
Sexual exploitation of a child, including rape, incest, fondling, exhibitionism, or pornography

Physical Abuse
Non-accidental injury to a child that may include severe beatings, burns, strangulation or human bites

Emotional Abuse
A pattern of behavior that attacks a child's emotional development and sense of self worth. i.e. name-calling, put-downs, terrorization, isolation, humiliation, rejection, corruption, ignoring

Physical Neglect
Failure to provide a child with basic necessities

Informative Links

Safeguarding Our Children - United Mothers (SOC-UM)
Save Our Children - The Paul McLaughlin Story
International Child Abuse Network
National Foundation To Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
Teardrop Support Group
Stop It Now!
Stop Child Abuse
Yello Dyno
Fight Pedophilia
Parents for internet safety
PANdora's Box The Secrecy of Child Sexual Abuse
The Survivors Voice
Missing Sex offenders
Children First

The following beautiful graphics were made by RAOK members, who wanted to express their love and concern for 'our' children around the world!

If you would like to link back to this page...feel free to take this beautiful graphic made especially for this project!!

You may link it back to http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Creek/9369/project1/child.html

This RAOK T.L.C project was made possible with the help of the wonderful members of the T.L.C committee and all their suggestions and ideas. The following Members should be mentioned for their contributions:
Webdesign by: Kodesmom
Graphic help from:Lisa(Josie), Cranky Angel, Snugs, SueCat, Janie, Lake
Research by:Zack, Gramma Nancy, Candi (RAOK Foundress)

And a special 'Thank You' to Kind Soul (TLC Committee Leader), for ALL of her help!! :)

This background set was made exclusively for this page...Please DO NOT take! :)