Panic Attacks

A panic attack, or anxiety attack, is the sudden onset of overwhelming fear which comes without warning, and, without any obvious reason. Panic disorder does not effect one particular grouping of people (i.e. women, men, children, etc.) It does, however, tend to show its first occurrences during the teen or young adult years.

It's estimated that one out of every seventy-five people experience panic attacks. The exact causes are unclear. However, there does seem to be a sort of connection to the onset of panic attacks: major life transitions, extraordinarily stressful situations, etc. There is also a pattern which suggests genetics could be involved. If someone in your immediate family suffers from panic disorder, then you might be predispositioned to such attacks yourself.

Symptoms of a panic attack include:

  • racing heartbeat
  • difficulty breathing, feeling as though you 'can't get enough air'
  • terror that is almost paralyzing
  • dizziness, lightheadedness or nausea
  • trembling, sweating, shaking
  • choking, chest pains
  • hot flashes, or sudden chills
  • tingling in fingers or toes ('pins and needles')
  • fear that you're going to go crazy or are about to die

Panic disorder can be treated. Most doctors agree that with a combination of both cognitive and behavorial therapies, sometimes combined with medication, a person who suffers from panic disorder can be treated successfully.

Some information provided by the American Psychological Association. For more information from the APA, visit their website

Personally scared
And suddenly confused
Not to mention
I think any minute I will start to die!
Continious beating of the heart,

Anxiety that I can no longer bear
Thoughts racing through my head
This is not fair-why is this happening
And I was just wondering
Could you help me?
Kindness and understanding needed please

If you would like to link back to this page,
please take this graphic with you. You may link it back to

Thank you!

Panic/Anxiety Disorder Resources

Anxiety/Panic Resource Center

Century City Panic Attack Center

Panic Attack International Homepage

Info on Panic Attacks by Dr. Mark Giesecke, M.D.

Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia

Basic Inforamtion on Panic Attacks and Disorders

Anxiety/Panic Attacks

Panic Attack

Living With Panic/Anxiety Disorder

A Personal Story

What One Person Does to Curtail Her Panic Attacks

Dody's Anxiety and Panic Disorder Page

Gill's Panic and Agoraphobia Disorder Pages

Sanddollar's Link to Finding Peace

Eileen's Panic Page

A Personal Story

Do any of the symptoms we've talked about here sound familiar?
Is anxiety terrorizing you?
These sites offer free online screening for panic disorders.*


Anxiety Disorder Self Test

RAOK Homepage

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This TLC Committee project was made possible
with the help of the Random Acts Of Kindness
TLC Committee Members and their leader, Kind Soul.

Thank you
Webpage Design: zack
Graphics by: Phebelove, Kodesmom, Kind Soul, SueCat, Janet and zack
Url/Link Research: Joan, Phebelove, Nennie, Mellocup9, Chilady
Poetry by: Phebelove
Ideas & Contributions by: Maggie and Lady Archer

Another TLC Committee Project approved by RAOK

The lovely buttons, background, and bar were found at

Thank you Cottonwood Designs!

*These screenings are in no way to be used in place of diagnosis by a medical professional. They are only placed here as a self help guide to help you talk with your doctor about the symptoms you may be having. Please contact your healthcare professional if you feel you might have an anxiety/panic disorder.