to my Prayer Room

"Pray without ceasing."
1 Thessalonians 5:17


Dear Friends,

Please feel free to submit your prayer reguests here. They will not be posted anywhere on the net. I have a group of people who get together via the net, telephone, or at their homes and have a Prayer Group Daily.

Blessings In Christ, Helene



Your E-mail Address:

Prayer Request:
(Please include first name of person to be prayed for and Let me know if this request is confidential.)

A Message of Encouragement
Would you like a message of encouragement sent to you so that you know that I and my friends are praying for you? Then fill in the areas below. Your Sister In Christ... Helene

First Name(if screen name was used above)

E-Mail (if different from above)

Credits: Music from Jack's Shack.Awesome Graphics...

Please Visit... My Study Devotional

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