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Sweetie My Monkey-Bird-Frog-Dog |
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OK, I heard you, "So, is he a dog or what?". Well, he is just a little Toy Pomeranian, but he could make so many different kinds of sounds that for a while we really wondered if he was indeed a dog! So, Charlie came up with this crazy name to describe everything he sounds like! Sweetie was born on May 20, 1996, and only weighs 6 pounds. He is such a little maniac that he can never sit or stay still for longer than 30 seconds! Naming him Sweetie (I know I know, it's a fruity name for a boy doggie, but so what, I had the name picked out and name tag made a full year before I even found this little guy!) might not be a proper thing to do, but he sure is a sweet little cutie! Despite his tiny size, Sweetie really believes he can protect us and tries to show "who's the boss" to all the Canadian geese, Rottweilers and giant Chow Chows, even though we keep telling him that these big guys can eat him alive! But this little boy just doesn't know any better...
Sweetie loves attention. He cries and whines whenever he sees us pet his kitty buddy Mr. Fuzzy , as if it's Ok that we pet him without petting Mr. Fuzzy, but it's not Ok if it's the other way around... What a little jealous guy! The good thing is that Mr. Fuzzy forgives him and they are still good buddies, even though sometimes he drives Mr. Fuzzy crazy...
(click on the thumbnails below to get a larger version)
Sweetie the Groomsman
November 6, 1999 -- an important date in my life!! My mom got married, and I was in the wedding party! Which role did I play?? I was an offical groomsman, and I even had a matching tux on!!! ^..^ Mom and Dad said that I was the CUTEST one in the whole wedding party, and I think so too!!! ;-)
Sweetie's Special Talents
A Macho Fire Chief
A Successful Banker
(click on the thumbnails to get a larger version)
Sweetie's Tales
"I'll do ANYTHING for food!"
Sweetie absolutely loves treats (well, which doggie doesn't?!), but he loves them so much that he would do anything for them! When we first started taking him to puppy kindergarden, we'd give him a command, and he would perform every command he knew hoping that he would get the right one, to get the treat! What a silly pup! Whenever we walk by him, he thinks we have a treat for him in our hands -- he will stand on his back feet and beg with his front paws (I know it's not good for his (and other toy breeds') back legs, especially the knees, but it's just so cute!!!). So, we would let him check our hands -- he would poke his head into one fist, find nothing, poke his head into the other fist, find nothing, poke his head back into the first hand again, find nothing, then the other hand again... He would do this back and forth five or six times even though it's obvious that there is nothing there... but he just couldn't believe the fact that there is no treat or anything there for him! I guess he just deeply believes "there gotta be treats here somewhere..." Well, at least there is hope... In fact, Sweetie is always so busy with his treat search, we can hardly even hold him still to pet him! Oh well, finding a treat is a lot more rewarding than being petted as long as Mr. Fuzzy doesn't get any petting either..., at least that's what Sweetie thinks.
Anyway, he's fully recovered now, but still takes every chance he gets to "protect" us from every moving-living object, as well as some non-living objects too! Especially trash bags and basketballs! Oh well, what can I say about this ambitious little guy...Quest for World Domination!
As I mentioned earlier, Sweetie really believes he can conquer the whole world and loves to show all the big guys like Rottweilers and Chow Chows "Who's the boss?!". When he was 7 months old, he underwent a hip-joint surgery. When I picked him up at the vet, he was in such pain, crying and just being miserable (poor doggie :-( ). Right before we left the vet office, a full-size black Chow Chow came in... All of sudden, Sweetie forgot ALL about his pain and the fact he could only move three legs, and started growling at that Chow Chow very angrily (I was holding him at the time). I mean, He was mad! He was like "Back off! Get out! Leave us alone OR ELSE!" Boy, he was ready for a fight, as if he had never had that surgery! It was so funny... I told him, "Sweetie, don't you remember you only have three legs to use and he can eat you alive?!" But all he cared about was to protect us from the "giant Chow Chow invasion"...
Sweetie usually gets two or three small slices of watermelon each time. I usually give him one piece first, and he will make sure to let me know when he's ready for the next one! Once, I ignored him on purpose after he finished his first piece, to see what he was going to do to get his second piece. (He doesn't cry for his second or third piece.) So, Sweetie finished his first piece, ran to me and stopped by my feet to try to get my attention as usual... I pretended I didn't see him... He circled around my feet a couple of times to try to get my attention. I still pretended not to look at him. He ran back to his first piece (almost totally gone) and looked at me to try to get me look at him there. I still pretended not to look at him. He ran back to me again to get my attention, but I still pretended I didn't see him. Finally, he ran back to his first piece, picked it up, brought it right next to my feet, put it down and pushed it over to my feet with his nose as if saying "Look, look mom, there is nothing left on this piece, GIVE ME ANOTHER ONE!!!" What a smart little boy! He got some extra pieces of watermelon that day, of course... :-)Passion for Watermelons!
Sweetie loves watermelons! In fact, he loves them so much that he goes totally nuts as soon as he sees them! As soon as the watermelon is taken out of the refrigerator, Sweetie starts his temporary "nervous breakdown" -- he can't stand, he can't sit, he can't lay down -- he gets so frustrated that he can't do anything unless he's gotten a piece of that watermelon! It's just so weird -- I could've never guessed that any dogs would like any kind of fruit before Sweetie! Not long after Sweetie decided he liked watermelon, whenever Sweetie starts his "Oh watermelon, PLEAAAASE GIVE ME SOME WATERMELON" song in the kitchen, Charlie would ask me "Are you eating watermelon again?!" even though he is in another room, and he knows exactly when Sweetie gets his share!
Wanna to know what kinds of goodies that I got for my Birthday?? Well, I got THREE bags of doggie cookies: Chocolate Chip, Vanilla, and Cheese (Mmmmm, yummy!!!)! Unfortunately, I was too stuffed to try any of them last night... Can you believe it though?! It's like walking into a all-you-can-eat buffet with a full stomach! I also got a bag of Hickory Smoked Chicken Breast! Mmmmmm, Chicken breast!!! I'm going to try all of them tonight!! Maybe I'll just have a light dinner... I got some really cool toys too, which I'm sure I'll have a great time wrestling with and tearing them apart!!! Boy, do I love Birthdays!!!! Won't it be nice if everyday is your Birthday??? Now I have to wait another 365 days for the next one... Anyway, I just wish all my cyber friends can join me for my Birthday party. On the other hand, maybe I will growl at them for eating my Birthday treats... ;-) Well, I think I'm going to munch on some treats now. Too many goodies to taste, too little time... Sweetie's Birthday Party Report! (Written by Sweetie on 21-May-98)
May 20 is my birthday, and boy, what a grrrreeeeaaaat Birthday Party I had yesterday!!!! My big birthday dinner started with Sliced Beef with Gravy as the main entree, and completed with a Big Red Sweetheart cookie as the desert! Mmmmmm YUMMY!!!! ;-) I tried to convince my mom to give me some Margarita too as part of the celebration, but she said I wasn't old enough to drink!! Bummer!! Maybe next year... ;-) The beef was so yummy that I had so much of it and didn't even leave myself much room for that giant cookie!! So, I had the rest of it (about 2/3 of the cookie) for my after-breakfast desert this morning... Lucky me -- I bet not very many doggies (even people) get deserts for breakfast! Mom was so surprised to see that I was NOT able to finish that cookie, 'cause I always lick clean every single crumb that I find on the floor! Trust me, I would've eaten the whole giant cookie if I can just find any room left in my tummy!!! Actually, let me tell you a little secret (just DON'T tell my mom!!!): I did that on purpose!! See, I know the rest of the cookie is mine anyway -- since I chewed on it already, mom surely wouldn't want it, and Mr. Fuzzy The Persian kitty is a picky eater and doesn't care for cookies anyway. Since I don't have much room left in my tummy, I might as well save it for other yummy treats. This strategy worked out great, 'cause silly mom fell for it! Every time she turned around, I was there right by her feet and looking cute... She just had to tell me "Oh, Happy Birthday, my little Sweetie" and gave me ANOTHER TREAT!! Yippee!!!! **A BIG POM SMILE**
Sweetie's Awards
Win Sweetie's Picture Perfect Award
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What would you like to sniff next?
Sweetie's Playmate -- Mr. Fuzzy
(Persian =^..^= )
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Sweetie's Cool Ride
(His mom's '94 Yellow Corvette)
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Sweetie has sniffed cool doggies since November 24, 1997!
Last updated on April 18, 2000.