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You could win our award
We find so many sites that we love, that we decided to make our own award. You can e-mail us to nominate a page that you think is a purr-fect place for cats, or if we stumble on to a site that we love we will give you the award. We only have a few requirements. It is absolutely necessary that your page be about cats. It is also absolutely necessary that you love cats. We also ask that there be no profanity or any thing that shows or talks of cats in an abusive way. And although isn't a requirement, signing our guestbook will give mondo brownie points. Thats it! So e-mail us if you'd like one. Just give us your name, email, which award you Daisy or grown up Daisy, and the address of the site, and we'll go check it out!
Visit those that already won Daisys Award!!
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