You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look as if to say "My God, you're right!  I never would have thought of that."

Anyone who lives with a dog would, I'm sure, agree with the above statement.  They are priceless creatures who deserve as much love as they give to their human families.

I love animals, All kinds, but I'm really partial to dogs.  We currently share our home with a 5 year old, 10 pound bundle of energy named Misha.

Misha the Dog

Misha is a Papillon.  The breed takes its name from the butterfly-wing shape of the ears.  I can't remember what we did for entertainment before we got her.  She keeps us in stitches with her antics.  I've included some additional pictures of Misha.  If you would like to see them, just click on the picture of her above.  You won't be disappointed.

I would love to be able to have more dogs, but our lifestyle just doesn't permit it at this time.  So I did the next best thing ~~ I have adopted a virtual Greyhound named Zoe.  Eliminates the need for house training another animal.  And no vet bills!

Zoe the virual Greyhound

Zoe is 2 years old and currently weighs in at a healthy 63 pounds.  she lives with her real-life owners in Canada having retired from the racing circuit.  Zoe only raced 8 times, winning once.  Apparently, she lost interest in the sport.  Her favorite holiday stunt is posing as a reindeer.

If you would like more information about  Zoe or would like to adopt your own virtual Greyhound, simply click on Zoe's picture.  As an added incentive to visit the Greyhound site, Zoe recently got married to Tippy.  The wedding album is contained at the same site.  So click on her picture to see all the festivities.  Or click on the link below.

I've found several interesting links for some great information on dogs.  Please visit them if you have the time.  I've also come across a very interesting "piece" about things we can learn from our dogs.  I've included it on a separate page to cut down on the length of this page.

Picture of Tiffany

Please click on the picture of Tiffany above to go to a special web page detailing the tragic story of how she was lost on the way to a dog show.  She's been missing since November, 1997 and was last seen in the Petersburg, VA area.

 ~~  Some Cool Dog Links ~~

American Kennel Club
Papillon Information
The Rainbow Bridge
Dog Owner's Guide

 I found a remarkable site that deals with the problem of "puppy mills".  Whether you are or are not aware of what a puppy mill is, you need to visit this site.  We must do everything we can to end this terrible practice.  I urge you to get involved.  My thanks go to Teresa for compiling this information.

Puppy Mills

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