~~ Misha ~~

Thanks for stopping by to meet our fur-baby, Misha.  She is 5 years old and has been with us since January, 1994.  Unfortunately, she was born with luxating patella syndrome (loose kneecaps).  This condition is quite prevalent with Toy Breeds.  I knew she had the condition when I bought her, but had no idea how serious the problem would become.  The purchase agreement with the breeder stipulated she must be spayed, which I had intended to do anyway.  Also, she could only be registered with the American Kennel Club on a conditional basis.

She had surgery on both knees shortly before she was 6 months old.  We had her spayed at the same time to minimize her exposure to anesthetics.  Less than a year later, her right knee had to be "tightened".  Today, that leg still gives her problems.  However, she runs like the wind.  If you were unaware of her problem, you would never know, except she is kind of stiff legged.  Those poor little knees don't want to bend easily.  The Vet says there's not much more to do at this point.  She will develop arthritis - it's just a matter of time.

Misha is quite the character!  We certainly laugh a lot more these days.

And such a watchdog!  She is definitely a big dog in a tiny body - just ask anyone or anything that has the nerve to venture down the street, or worse - onto our property!  Of course, once the barking is over, she's likely to lick you to death!

Breeder Picture This is Misha when she was 6 weeks old.  The picture was taken by the breeder.  Misha was the surviving puppy in the litter and weighed only 3 ounces at birth.

Misha's First Week At Home Here's our new family member during her first week with us.  She weighed a whopping 2.75 pounds at the time.  You'll notice in some of her more recent photos that she lost the white blaze on her forehead as she aged.

Misha Chewing a Bone  Fortunately, Misha didn't develop the habit of chewing everything in sight during her teething stage.  She did take a liking ot rawhide chews which are still among her favorite munchies.

Bath time for MishaCan't a girl get any privacy when she bathes???

Misha's Coat  Somebody loves to be outside.

Misha Today  Here's Misha today.  She's about 11 inches at the shoulder and weighs a little over 10 pounds, which is a little too much given her knee problems.  Not to worry, though, the whole family is dieting.  She's sitting on the computer table with me in this picture - one of her favorite places.  Hence, she's earned the nickname ~ Puter Dog.

~~ Some Cool Dog Links ~~

Dog Owner's Guide
American Kennel Club
The Rainbow Bridge
Papillon Information

Check out the Web Ring  page.  We belong to the Papillon Web!


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