Personal Information

You are listening to Gentle Lady
Original Music composed by Tom Williams, III
Copyright 1996-98 by Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.

Well, if you must know, I'm in my mid 40's.  On January 3, 1998, my husband and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary.

We have 2 children, one of each.  Alright, technically, they are my step-children, but they have been such a large part of my life, I feel like they are mine.  Both are married.  Our daughter and her hubby have a precocious 2 1/2 year old named Jacob, who is quite the adorable little man.  And not the least bit spoiled (yeah, right!).  Our son's wife has a 14 year old son from a previous marriage.  Michael is a freshman in high school and is into football and computers.

Hubby retired 8 years ago from the Insurance industry.  His days are now full of computers, taking care of the house, yard work, and caring for his mother.

There's been a radical change in my lifestyle which will impact our family life in a big way!  Let me explain...

three years ago I accepted a "package" from my employer of 19 years.  (So much for lifetime careers!)  I began working as the Customer Service manager for a large label printer.  In a small restructuring of the Sales organization, I moved into a Corporate Sales and Marketing position with expanded duties.  So far, so good.  Right???

WRONG!  Effective March 28, 1998 I became the victim of a major restructuring and am currently counted among the unemployed.  However, with my husband's blessing, I have decided to become a "Lady of Leisure" for a while.  (Hey, Honey - time to rethink those household duties!)  Hopefully, it won't be necessary for me to return to full-time employment in the future.  I really enjoy being at home.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, please?

My husband and I were both born and raised in the Greater Cincinnati area.  We are currently living in  Northern KentuckyFor those unfamiliar with the mid-west area of the United States, Kentucky is just south of the state of Ohio.  the states are separated by the Ohio River.  We are just south of Cincinnati, Ohio.  Business travel over the years has taught me to appreciate this area of the country.  I'm not sure I would ever want to leave.

I don't have many hobbies, but I'm pretty passionate about the ones I do have.  I love to read.  Just about anything, even Romance novels sometimes.  A couple of my favorite authors are John Grisham and Tom Clancy.

I enjoy photography.  I've been told I'm quite good.  I seem to go in spurts - months will go by and I won't touch the gear.  Then, all of a sudden, I'm a real shutter bug!  I've been purchasing film and developing services from  a mail order company,  Seattle Filmworks I take advantage of their Internet download feature.  It's so much easier this way.  A simple change to a different format and I can upload favorite shots and share them with friends and relatives.  Saves all the hassles of scanning.

I'm pretty much of a conservative, both politically and personally.  I always enjoy a political debate.  I believe in the sanctity of life and will do whatever is necessary to protect it.

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