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When I began putting this page together, it was about the challenge of learning how to do it. After I figured out that I could do it, I had to spend some time thinking about what I could say. What did I have to tell people? Well, the answer is written, in the words of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "Go forth to all the world and preach the gospel to every living creature".(Mark 16:15)

So that is how I came up with the theme for this site. I put my testimony on the site, hoping it might help someone. I believe very strongly in worshipping God, and I believe the three S's are a great start. Song, Scripture, and Suplication. That is the reasoning behind a big part of what you will find here. I also believe a small part of any of the S's, will open doors to all kinds of things. Some people will listen to music, but don't want to give in any more than that; others will read the word but don't want to seem too excited with song and dance. I would like to serve as many people as I can, so I included lots of different things.

There are links to all the content of this site on the left hand side of each page. Please take a moment to sign the guest book or send an e-mail.

If you are reading this page, and you do not yet know Jesus, I challenge you to take some time and read. Visit my "Get Jesus" page, read it, and ask Him to be Lord of your life. There is only one way to get to God, the way He provided us, that is by His Son, Jesus Christ. Doing good things, being a good person, going to church; are all great things. However, those things will not get you to heaven. Do you know where you are going when you leave this world? If you don't, you need to do something different, trust God, believe in His promise; give your life over to Jesus.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
John 1:12,13

This site is still under construction, and will continue to grow. Please tell your friends about it, and come back soon.
God Bless You!

11/1/99 update

To all my visitors who have been here and come back to check on my progress I would like to say,"Thank You". I was unable to continue work on this site for some time because I did not have access to it. Through continued blessings from God I now have a new computer, and I will continue to work on this site. It is my hope that this site is a small blessing to all those who visit, and I will continue to work toward that end. Thanks again!

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