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Click HereLucy checking out the living room rug

Click HereLucy waiting to get out for the day

Click HereLucy exploring the couch with Jon

There are probally as many breeds of rabbits as there of dogs. Did you know rabbits have been known to mankind as pets since the early 1600's? Did you know that rabbits have an affinity for children and senior citizens and are being used as therapy in hospitals and nursing homes thru out the country? Rabbits relate to strangers better than any other domesticated animal. Rabbits are as emotionally sensitive as cats and dogs. They are suprisingly affectionate when properly raised and nurtured. I did not know any of this when I first got Lucy. I just saw her and thought she was so cute I just had to have her! There are 3 sizes of rabbits; standard, mini and dwarf, going from largest to smallest. Lucy is a Holland mini lop. She has ears that go down instead of up. That is where she gets the name lop. Lucy is 2 years old. I got her when she was 6 weeks old. She is my second bunny I've had. My first was a male mini lop. Having had both a male and a female rabbit, I prefer a female. But that is only my opinion. Males make good pets also. But like all males of any animal group, it might be best to have it neutered. Females also. Keeps them more healthy and they live longer. Rabbits are vegetarians. 85% of their diet should be commercially bought rabbit pellets. The remaining can be a mixture of fruit, vegetables, alfalfa, even leaves, twigs and lawn clippings make good rabbit food. But rabbits are prone to digestive disturbunces so don't over do. And provide plenty of water. A 4 pound rabbit will drink about a pint of water daily. The home your bunny lives in should keep it safe from other household pets when you aren't around . Lucy is free in the the house while I'm home. But when I'm gone or when we go to bed, she stays in her hutch. The cage or wooden hutch should be big enough to move around in. It should be big enough for the rabbit and it's food tray or bowl and some toys. Rabbits get bored just like other animals. They love to play and run around. Lucy has a cardboard box with holes cut in all sides. She runs thru the holes or hops up on the top to see better. I keep an empty toilet paper spool with a few stone in it (ends closed up) in her cage. She likes to roll it around. I don't know if it's the noise she likes or just having something to do :) Rabbits are very curious. They will study anything new in their surroundings. Some rabbits are chewers. So make sure electrical wires are hidden and anything else a rabbit might get ahold of is put away or hidden. Lucy has never chewed on anything of mine. Electrical wires and phone wires don't interest her. I am lucky. I have heard most rabbits make a bee line for these. If your rabbit is going to have free rein of the house also make sure you have a litter box for the bunny. It will go to it when the need rises. But most of all provide plenty of love and you will get triple in return! Below are some rabbit care links that I think you will enjoy. Some are informative. Others just plain cute. But all will teach you something you didn't know about rabbits and what good pets they make. I will add to them often so come back soon.

GO TO House Rabbit Society. A non profit organization that educates the public on rabbit careGO TO General Info on Rabbits GO TO The Bunny Museum GO TO Rabbit Rescue SocietyGO TO Rabbit LinksGO TO More Rabbit LinksGO TO Great Rabbit Page

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