
We are People of G-d Ministries. We accept All Believers in Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus The Christ). In the New Covenant, both Jews and Gentiles are "Fully Accepted in the Beloved" By Faith Alone In our L-RD and Saviour, Yeshua. We are a Grace-Oriented Ministry, having been Given the Understanding that Salvation (Ephesians 2:8,9), Sanctification and all the other Spiritual Gifts are By His Grace Alone, the Gifts of G-d; Ephesians 2:8,9. No one can "earn" their Salvation, or their Sanctification on their own (Philippians 2:13). We Believe "You must be Born Again". John 3:3, I Peter 1:23. We also Believe that His Kingdom is a Spiritual Kingdom within us that we have Obtained through Faith in Him, and not of the carnal world.

Click HERE for New Archaeological Find in Israel that could Validate the New Testament and Josephus.

Here is THE GOSPEL! Click here!

Go HERE for an Explanation of the Tri-Une G-d!

For Ease in Navigation, Here is our SITEMAP!

Are you a New Believer? Do you need Promises or Answers from the Word of G-d? Click on G-DS' YELLOW PAGES ! Applications of the Word to your Experience!

In Yeshua, the Gentiles are minimally to Obey the Laws in Acts 21:25 as The Schoolmaster to bring them to Yeshua. (Galatians 3:24). Gentiles are not under the Levitical\Aaronic Laws for either animal sacrifices or "ritual slaughter" to this end. They are also not to submit to Circumcision in the flesh AFTER Salvation (undergoing a Brit Milah) under any circumstances, whether it be for "religious or marital reasons", to "get closer to Yeshua" or to be "identified with the Jewish people". Gentiles are not under the whole Torah with regard to Ceremonies and Ritual Circumcision. They stand "By Faith Alone". The Torah (Law of Moses) still is in effect as a Moral Law. (I John 3:4) Also see the LAWS OF NOAH .

In The New Covenant, Yeshua Is our High Priest, and Superior to the Aaronic Priesthood. We Believe the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) is the NEW COVENANT and Superior to every other Covenant G-d has ever Made. We Believe that the New Testament (Covenant), the Brit Chadashah, Has Authority Over All Scripture. We have Men only as Pastors and in our Assemblies, Pastors and Men of G-d have the Authority.

Scroll down to sign-up for our Email Lists and to View all the Sites and Links. We are Continually Adding New Features and Links to this Website. Go to Believers' News Central for all the latest News of interest to Believers. Bookmark this Site, and Return Often!

Page on the Marcionite Heresy. This Page was used in an Academic Paper at Oral Roberts University.



The Divine vs. the "human! NEW! See how G-d Works in the lives of Believers which cannot be duplicated by "the world"!

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What about Evolution? Click HERE! to Find Out! Ask the Expert!

There is a debate going on right now. It is in the cultures of the world; it is PAUL VS. SOCRATES NEW! Was Paul "Hellenized"? Also go HERE! This is vitally important! Find out now!

What about after Salvation? Is there a Certain Way we are to Think? Click here on APOLOGETIC! and See! Faith is a Valid System of Thought!

Go Here to HUMANISM EXPOSED! Updated! How long has it been around? Where is it today? Find out the origin of "the secular state".

Here are verses on ELECTION from the Dead Sea Scrolls!

Study the ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHAH! Learn More About Messianic Chassidim! This a ground-breaking Translation of the New Testament using terminology any Orthodox or Chassidic Jew can understand, and we encourage all to learn more about these things! With Special Thanks to Dr. Philip E. Gobel of Artists for Israel, for Granting us his Permission to Use this Link!

Here is Everyman A Medieval Morality Play; compare it with Pilgrim's Progress of the Reformation. Many denominations promote John Bunyans' Pilgrim's Progress as a "great Christian work", but reject the Reformation teachings that brought about its writing. You will find they do reject them either in part or in whole!

Here is THE ESSENE CALENDAR! Was this the Calendar that was Observed by Yeshua and the Disciples and not the rabbinic? Many Experts say, "Yes!"

Here is all the latest information about QUMRAN! More information being added as it is discovered!

What is Grace? What about "human works" substituted for Grace? Read about GRACE VS. WORKS! Important Information for Gentile Believers in Yeshua!

Who were the "Ebionites" and who were the "Nazorenes"? Click HERE to see what history records!

What is GNOSTICISM ? Click here for more information!

Here is information about the DIVINE NAME

What about the SEPTUAGINT NEW! Some people are calling it a "fraud" or "hoax" played on the Assemblies? Take a look at this site and decide for yourselves!

Online Concordance of CLASSICAL GREEK! Good Resource!

How early was the Term TRINITY used in the Assemblies? Click here to see a much earlier dating!

There are some "Manuscripts" or "Lost Books of the Bible" being announced today as "authentic" or "ancient". How can we determine? Click HERE! and see!


Here are SELECTIONS FROM CALVIN Many things he wrote about still affect the Assemblies today!

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Here is our FORUM! Read a Post! Post a Message!

Click Here for Our NEWS BUREAU! Up-To-The-Minute News! Multiple Search Engines!

Here is THE BOOK OF PROVERBS FROM THE LXX! Note the differences from the Masoretic Text!

Here is the JEWISH ROMAN WORLD OF JESUS With Special Thanks to Dr. James D. Tabor for Granting us his Permission to Link to this Site!

Here is the Complete BOOK OF I ENOCH! This Book was found at Qumran in several different languages, including Greek, and a passage from it is quoted word-for-word in Jude 14! This translation is from the Ethiopic.

Look here for the PSEUDEPIGRAPHA! Many of these Manuscripts were found at Qumran; take a look at the Book of Jubilees! In addition, the Letter of Aristeas is also here!

Many Titles Here! ONLINE BOOKS AND ARTICLES! Renowned Christian scholars such as Alfred Edersheim and John Lightfoot do research into the Talmud and compare it to rabbinic thought in the New Testament! many other scholars also!

Was the Koine Greek commonly written, spoken and generally understood by the Jewish people even many years before Yeshua (Jesus)? Look at this TALMUDIC RULING ON KOINE GREEK! The Koine Greek was Ruled Completely Lawful for the Jewish people!

See what the Talmud says about the SAMARITAN SCRIPTURES Then ask yourselves why were they then also found in the caves at Qumran?

What about the SHEM TOB and "Hebrew Matthew"? Go here to find out more!

Here is our LINKS PAGE! Many more Links Here!

Check out INTERNET ARCHIVES! of Historical Documents!

Ancient Historical RECORDS! from the Second Century A.D. to the Present!

Learn about Current Movements within the Assemblies! WATCH! There is much information here, but one of the parts that we are not in agreement with, is the Usage of the Law, which the Apostle Paul confirms as "Good" in Romans 7:7-25. The Law judges sin, and also the hidden sin nature (I John 3:4), and remains as a Moral Law. Also their apparent belief in the "Darby Rapture" and interpretation of the Magen David we do not agree with. There are also organizations featured here with which we have no Affiliation.

Believers Beware of a DIFFERENT GOSPEL! Click here to find out more!

Some ADDITIONAL TITLES! To Aid in Your Research! Some in French, Italian, Dutch, etc. Good Site!

Learn more about DISPENSATIONALISM! What is it, and how does it differ from the Classic Interpretation of the Scriptures?

Try this APOLOGETICS WEBSITE! The Philosophy of Cornelius Van Til! With "Special Thanks" to eden.org for their Permission to use this Link!

Go to this Site for CLASSICS OF THE ASSEMBLIES! False Doctrine thrives on ignorance! Find out what those that have gone before have said in the Name of Yeshua (Jesus)! From the records and writings of the Early Assemblies on! As the Introduction says, there is enough information on this Website to "Last a Lifetime" if properly Studied! Research, and you will come away the Wiser! You may be very surprised what you find!

For Research, the MEDIEVAL INTERNET SOURCEBOOK! A Wealth of Information!


What about the "Lost 10 Tribes"? Where is Ephraim?

Here is a Link for HEBREW HELP! On the 'Net!

Learn More About Judaism! JEWISH COMMUNITY NETWORKS! Great Links and Information Here!

View the Site of the W.J.C.! The World Jewish Congress, in existence since 1936.

Go to DAVKA! Judaica Specials! Books amd More!

Does your Site Need an Evangelism Link? Go to our HTML TUTORIAL FOR EVANGELISM! Our HTML Tutorial shows you how to place a Messianic Gospel Link for your Visitors on your Website! Fast and Easy!

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Since December 15, 1997

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