The Book of Hebrews; Chapters Nine and Ten

The Koine Greek word for Conscience in the New Testament is "suneidesis". It means "knowing with oneself". An "inner knowing" or "inner check" usually based somewhat on norms and standards. The Conscience is part of the Human Soul. The Conscience in the Life of the Believer is very important.

The Apostle Paul addressed the Sanhedrin:

And Paul, having earnestly looked on the Sanhedrin, said, "Men, brethren, I have conducted myself in all good conscience towards G-d until this day". Acts 23:1

The Apostle Paul had a good Conscience toward G-d in everything that he had done after he was Saved. G-d had Cleansed his Conscience.

People Can Have Troubled Consciences

"Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, by a believing application of the Blood of Christ to our souls. They may be cleansed from filth, from sinful fear and torment, from all aversion to G-d and duty, from ignorance, and error, and superstition, and whatever evils the consciences of men are subject to by reason of sin." "Matthew Henry's Commentary", MacDonald, (Rep), p. 934 (commentary on Hebrews 10:19 ff.)

Keeping a clean and good Conscience at all times is a very important part of the Walk of the Believer in Yeshua. Water Baptism Gives us a Clean Conscience Toward G-d.

The enemy will try to attack your Conscience. This is because G-d has promised us a Pure Conscience in Baptism and satan wants to try and defile it to try and make G-ds' Promise fail.

Those that attempt to attack your Conscience have a defiled conscience themselves, or they would not engage in this activity. They attempt to bring sin, condemnation, guilt, fear, worry, doubt or confusion upon the Conscience that G-d has Made Pure.

A Defiled Conscience Leads Self and Others to Error and Apostasy

"From the description he gives of the sin of apostasy. It is 'sinning wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth', sinning wilfully against that truth of which we have had convincing evidence. This text has been the occasion of great distress to some gracious souls; that have been ready to conclude that every wilfull sin, after conviction and against knowledge, is the unpardonable sin: but this has been their infirmity and error. The sin here mentioned is a total and final apostasy, when men with a full and fixed will and resolution despise and reject Christ, the only Saviour, - and despise and resist the Spirit, the only Sanctifier, - and despise and renounce the Gospel, the only Way of Salvation, and the Words of Eternal Life; and all this after they have known, owned, and professed the Christian religion, and continue to do so obstinately and maliciously. This is the great transgression: the apostle seems to refer to the Law concerning presumptuous sinners, Numbers 15:30,31. They were to be cut off." (ibid, p. 933)



When the individual comes under attack in his\her Conscience, they seek to make it right somehow. The ONLY way is to get right with G-d who Cleanses the Conscience by His Forgiveness and Grace. Many false teachers and cults say instead that beyond this, there is some "human effort" that will make things right.

In this, some immediately become trapped trying to humanly please these false teachers who have set up Humanistic standards that they use to replace G-ds' Grace Promise to the Believer in Election and Predestination. If the person does not follow what these false teacherrs say, they tell them they cam "lose their Salvation". If the individual expresses Assurance of their Salvation and that they have Strong Faith in the Doctrines of Election and Predestination, false teachers have been known to tell them they "have a demon".

"While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption [1]: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage[2]." II Peter 2:19


The Law (Torah) convicts of sin and points the Way to Faith. The Law cannot Perfect the Conscience. Obedience to the Laws' demands is Required over and over and yet the Conscience still cannot be Made Perfectly Pure by the Law.

"For the Law (Torah) made nothing Perfect..." Hebrews 7:19a

"How much more shall the Blood of Christ, Who Through The Eternal Spirit Offered Himself without spot to G-D, Purge your Conscience from dead works to Serve the Living G-D?" Hebrews 9:14

The "dead works" in this passage are the works of the Torah or other "religious works" by means of which false teachers claim your conscience will be cleansed.

Even these false teachers many times begin to realize that their conscience is neither Clean nor Free by all of these "works of the Torah" and "human works" rolled together. The people that follow them begin to realize also that they are not being Led to Liberty, or a Clean Conscience.

There are some persons (perhaps some of these teachers also) who have "defiled consciences". For whatever reason, because their consciences are defiled, they cannot enter the Realm of True Liberty in His Spirit. Others are also said to have had their consciences "seared with a hot iron". These persons; unless G-d Grants Grace, are condemned in their own conscience. Their own conscience witnesses against them, and they know it, and others know it also. Also many times they are not Born Again. If they should try to become teachers or leaders, they will lead many astray. Many times they eagerly begin or join a movement that "promotes works". Having openly refused G-Ds' Grace and still refusing It, they can see no other way than to "work" their way out of trouble. They only "work" themselves deeper into trouble and their consciences are still in bondage.

Do these false teachers who have led so many astray "sear" their own consciences rather than come to the True Light? Or does their rebellion against His Spirit bring them to this place, and in refusing to Repent and acting contrary to Grace on a continual basis automatically result in their consciences being "seared"?

Judaizers also trouble the Consciences of the Gentile Believers in Yeshua [3]

Sometimes, these false teachers are only a by-product of BOASTING .


The Gospel , when Preached to those who reject it, or who have not heard it, brings persecution. It is an Honor, however, to suffer for His Name, and your actions are Recorded by G-d. He will Send Strength to you when you Preach the Gospel because it is His Plan and of His Grace.

The Provision for Belivers is HIS KINGDOM

An individuals' True Liberty in the L-RD is directly linked to his Liberty of Conscience. When the Conscience is Cleansed by G-d and Purified and Sanctified, there is True Liberty. Then the Believer must walk in that Liberty and that Freedom of Conscience.

"For whom the Son Sets Free, he is Free indeed." John 8:36

"And you shall Know the Truth and the Truth shall Set you Free." John 8:32

We are Forgiven and Free. Consciences are Cleansed and we are to remain Free in Yeshua. Learn to look for Pure and Clean Consciences in others, and Strengthen your own Conscience, for "The Kingdom of G-D is within you", and that is your Spiritual Joy, Happiness and Liberty in the L-RD.

The Believer who has been Truly Set Free and is Exersizing his Spiritual Liberty daily, can Discern between those whose Consciences are also Set At Liberty, and likewise those whose consciences are still in bondage.


[1] Because they promote works of the flesh instead of Grace.

"You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" Matthew 7:16

[2] Such are in bondage to false teachings and serving false teachers instead of the L-RD. Their Consciences are in bondage.

[3] We see from Scripture that the Gentiles were troubled because Judaizers had said that circumcision might be a way to "perfect" them in some way. Acts 15:24-31. They are also troubled today if they hear such unauthorized teaching.

The Gospel is clear, that Perfection takes place -INWARDLY- Spiritually, in the Conscience, and is Completely a Work of G-ds' Grace and not "the work of mens' hands". There is "no difference" put between Jews and Gentiles. Acts 15:9

Believing Jews' and Gentiles' Consciences are Totally Cleansed by Grace through Faith in Yeshua HaMoshiach: something that the Law of Moses (Torah) cannot do. The Observance of the Law (Torah) assuages the Conscience, but NEVER Fully Perfects it no matter how many Mitzvoth are done, including circumcision of the flesh. Hebrews 10:1-14


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