So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air. I Corinthians 14:9

This verse is directed to persons who do not understand the wordss which are spoken. Suppose for instance an individual "spoke in tongues" for 15 minutes three months ago. Can that person remember what the sounds were and in the precise order they were spoken?

Suppose we take a word that we can rememeber. Take for instance the sound "SHUN-dahlah!". This word was heard repeated several times by Jimmy Swaggart as he "spoke in tongues". What language can be built upon that? Has anyone ever tried? Is it a noun or is it a verb? Who knows?

Then consider that the Hebrew Alef-Bet can be taught in about 15 minutes. The person can then recite the Hebrew Alef-Bet in the same 15 minutes and have a recollection of what he has spoken. He is edified. He has truly learned something. If he learned it six months ago, he can recall what he has learned and build on that knowledge by assembling it into words, sentences, etc., thus learning a real language!

On the other hand, we have not found one person who "spoke in tongues" who can clearly recall what he spoke? Not only not recall from months ago, but sometimes 30 minutes ago or less? We mean the exact sounds in order to repeat them? Paul is saying here that there is no real learning taking place at all. One cannot "build" upon anything one cannot exactly remember, but upon knowledge, what one can exactly remember.

Make a joyful noise unto the L-RD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. Psalm 98:4

It is Permitted to "make a Joyful noise". Celebrating and Praising before the G-d of Israel by means of a "Joyful noise" is fully authorized in whatever way one is Led to do so. WE should not automatically exclude anyone who "speals in tongues" as some others have done.

This is our position.


This issue of "speaking in tongues"[1] occasionally comes up for discussion. Many people have said they are confused about it. We have produced this page to hopefully clear-up some misunderstandings about this subject.


We have to face facts. On the one hand, denominations[2] and some well-meaning persons are promoting "speaking in tongues" telling people it affords "great peace, tranquility, fellowship and Spirituality"; on the other hand, this very issue has bitterly split whole congregations, not to mention ended marriages and friendships! What is going on here?

The idea os "making a Joyful noise" should not split any Congregation. Therefore, those Congregations that are split it is not from the Prayer and Praising, but the mental attitudes of individuals withing that group who are "pushing" the idea that they have become "spiritually superior" to others by so doing. This must not be. Persons are Free to Pray or Praise in whatever way they wish, but should not try to force or "coax" anyone else to do as they privately do which may (and let's face it, has) caused division. Some have gone so far as to make "speaking in tongues" a requirement for Salvation or Spirituality for instance, which is totally false. Some have removed themselves from such "pushy" Congregations for this reason.


So also the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. Behold! how little a fire kindles so large [a] forest! And the tongue [is] a fire, the world of iniquity. So the tongue is set among our members, spotting all the body and inflaming the course of nature and having been inflaned by Hell. For every species of beast, both of birds, and of creeping things, and of sea animals, is tamed, and has been tamed by the human (species), but no one of men is able to tame the tongue; (it is) an evil that cannot be restrained, full of death-dealing poison. James 3:5-8


What saith the Scripture?

If any man speak in an [unknown] tongue, [let it be] by two, or at the most [by] three, and [that] in turn, and let one interpret. But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the Church; and let him speak to himself, and to G-d. I Corinthians 14:27,28.

The Scripture is clear: there should only be "two or three" involved. There must also be an interpreter present who can tell everyone exactly what is being said.

Occasionally, some Ministries just "give in" rather than question any of these teachings.[3]

How does this compare with what is going on in some Assemblies?[4]



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[1]"Tongues" in the Greek of the New Testament is glossalia which means "foreign languages", and not what is commonly meant by Charismatics. For purposes of this study, we will use the term with reference to what Charismatics mean when they say "speaking in tongues".

We do not forbid "speaking in tongues" in a general sense (we take this from Psalm 66:1 and other such passages); and the believer is free; he can have a "private prayer language" as he sees fit. On the other hand, we in no way require it. Scripture is clear, not all speak in tongues so it should be a private matter. Scripture is also clear in I Corinthians 14:34. When it moves out of the private into public areas, there are certain Scriptures that must be obeyed.

Some have pointed-out that the "gift of tongues" and the "prayer language" are "different". We know that the Gift of tongues described in Acts Chapter 2 was for the benefit of others, not self. This should be kept in mind.

It is called "the least of all gifts". For something to be "the least of all gifts" and yet be exalted as the "be-all and end-all" of the whole believers' Spirital life seems odd to many! Others may resort to "spiritual bullying" and threaten disfellowshipping. This has also aroused the suspicions of not a few that much of what many be seeing is clearly unscriptural.

Further, the believer is to move beyond the "various Baptisms" in Hebrews 6 in order to become Fully Mature; yet "the Baptism" (of Acts 2:38) forms the main focus of certain ministries?

[2]One such denomination is the United Pentecostal Church (U.P.C.) aka "Jesus Only", "Oneness", "Apostolic Holiness", which is a well-known cult. It goes by any combination of these names. It was formally ejected from the Pentecostal Churches about 1915 for holding heretical and cultic doctrines. One of the their doctrines is that one must "speak in tongues" to be Saved in their "church". They routinely use different definitions for Christian terms in order to mask their unorthodox beliefs.

They have accepted an old heresy called "Modalism" or Modalist Monarchianism or Sabellianism which denies the Trinty (hence "Jesus Only"). Early in the History of the Church, the ATHANASIAN CREED was written to deal with this heresy.

[3]People of G-d Ministries, being on the cutting-edge of determining True Doctrines from false, will not be coerced into accepting anything without a Scriptural basis. There are several "ministries" headed-up by so-called "female pastors" or those that permit such "female pastors" to preach openly to men in their churches and the "pastors" "give in" rather than "make waves" and have their churches split and people depart. I Timothy 2:12.

Many of said "female pastors" and their ilk may actively teach and use subtle forms of "spiritual bullying" attempting to pressure young believers into "speaking in tongues". Such ones are exposed once and for all because they have deliberately disobeyed PAULS' GOSPEL.

Mary the mother of our Savior, who was much more Qualified to teach than any of these women today, never taught Men of G-d in a Formal Assembly.

[4]A false gift of "speaking in tongues" is also readily admitted by these same persons.

Of those who say they are "prophesying in tongues" for example, how many of these "prophecies direct from God" are actually recorded? Instead, people just show up the next week for their "newest prophecy" and don't bother to record those either? It would seem with all of this "prophesying" taking place, there should be volumes of years and years "prophesies" to study! Instead we have not yet found "Volume One"!

We do not "despise prophesying", we just would like to know where they are recorded? Why isn't something "direct from God" important enough to even write down?


Green, J.P. Sr. Editor and translator. Interlinear Greek-English New Testament. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Baker Books. Third Edition. 1996.